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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. I moved with no warning and without telling her my new address. Worked perfectly. But I do wonder what financial help was required with the 'sick mom' as Thais are entitled to free treatment, and in my experience the free treatment is pretty good. As a retired person, you need to put yourself first.
  2. As another Brit in Thailand a nuclear war in Europe would really spoil my day, and let's face it the Dems were looking for trouble using NATO with Russia over the Ukraine.
  3. But you don't live in the US and don't visit the US, so how do you know prices are under control now? I only know what other posters tell me about the USA as I haven't been there for 30 years. Essentially, you're reposting stuff you read in MSM, with no personal knowledge of how the USA actually is, while those with personal experience appear to be posting the opposite. I bet you didn't even vote!
  4. But your fellow Dem @spidermike007 has been posting US prices and inflation are out of control for the past 4 years.
  5. Looking on the bright side, he can now get his degree in prison free of charge! Girlfriend uses pussy pass.
  6. I was under the impression fluoride in the stomach was poison, and it only did good while washing past the teeth. You're supposed to spit out fluoride toothpaste .... According to the instructions. https://www.cooldental.ca/blog/why-you-shouldnt-swallow-toothpaste#:~:text=If you swallow a small,to appear on their teeth. One of the problems is no source can be trusted! As for polio, it's gone, no need for everyone to be vaccinated against a disease that's gone. And COVID, I caught it right at the start before the vaccine, and it was just like a normal cold, so I don't believe I needed the vaccine. Obviously you only believe my body my choice when it involves killing babies.
  7. The fact is, I believe people should be able to choose to have dental cavities or not ..... it's up to them. And you believe you have the right to choose, as a liberal, what's best for everyone else. Meanwhile most of the western world buy bottled water to avoid the fluoride. Shouldn't you be attacking Perrier/Mountain Dew (et al) for selling water without fluoride? Totally off topic, does Hawaii not have shops selling toothpaste with fluoride? Maybe someone could bottle fluoridated water and sell it to them.
  8. Report seems unlikely, as there is no right of consent under Sharia Laws. You are either married and allowed, or unmarried and prohibited. Sex outside marriage is subject to jail or death.
  9. It's the rate WISE and the other money moving companies sell for. Best not to use banks for exchanging foreign currency.
  10. As a Marxist I must pick fault with your post. Dear old Karl thought women and non-whites were property to be bought, sold and abused. He married a Baroness, lived off her income, and impregnated both her an her maid. Karl was 100% in support of white male privilege! You might be talking about cultural Marxism, which is entirely different.
  11. I think COVID is just like a cold, it certainly felt like a cold the 2x I had it (both pre and post vaccine).
  12. It should be up to the people to choose to take fluoride or not. It doesn't need to be in the municipal water supply. Vaccines, if the vaccines work then there is no need for everyone to be forced to take them. Allow people free choice.
  13. Seagate 10TB One Touch Hub ......... 7,450bht.
  14. Victory Liner bus station at Pasay, runs every hour about 100 Peso (60bht). I usually walk from Manila airport to the bus station about 4Km through the barrio.
  15. Did the boy have his penis removed, or did he just put on a dress and some lippy? Call me a bigot if you like but IMHO, until you've had the chop, you're still a guy.
  16. But ni contributions are tax deductable so they only pay an extra 10M.
  17. Not me, never been to Angeles, always Manila and Barretto. Never encountered a jeepney driver, waitress or security guard that didn't speak English.
  18. Almost everyone I encountered in PI spoke English. And I've been there a lot.
  19. BritManToo


    Aro Vintage Block 1st It's not the same as Mainland Vintage. 2nd It's 189bht.
  20. There is no information on this subject to find or share. It's totally imaginary. Retired Expats in Thailand have not been asked to pay Thai tax. And if you haven't worked here, you are unlikely to ever be asked to pay tax.
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