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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. How about this one, maybe a little too far out for some ............... so a friend tells me! https://www.the-castle-pattaya.com/map-the-castle-pattaya
  2. Not sure anyone needs heating, sleeping bags work well even outside in the snow.
  3. Use a free VPN and claim online. Don't mention living or ever being outside the UK.
  4. Not a problem for me as nobody, male or female, is my intellectual equal.
  5. That would be in the hopes of grabbing some of her money, I have no desire to grab her. Shakira at 48 (and with $200M US net worth) might still have a chance with me though.
  6. Would point out, recreational drugs and alcohol are all that make poverty bearable.
  7. My personal poverty (and the poverty of my former wife and 4 kids) was inflicted entirely by the UK family court and divorce. Would point out UK benefits is usually only available to women with kids and immigrants (of any flavour).
  8. Downloaded the season, watched 1/2 of ep 1 ......... woke beyond all reason, they've crammed in every race except Aboriginals, as 'top scientists', and they all live happily together in London. Chinese, African S. American Indian to name just a few. No requirement for any acting ability at all.
  9. I remember 60 years back reading a sign on an Italian train window, roughly translated, "it is extremely dangerous to put any part of your body outside the train while it is moving". They were right!
  10. Transgender= man with penis removed. If he still has it then not transgender.
  11. If they really are trying to get me, am I still paranoid?
  12. I'e had it and just about recovered, and my 12yo son, and most of the kids in his class. Really persistent cough, lasted 4-6 weeks.
  13. My answer is always "I arrived 2 days ago“.
  14. Don't think there's many 70 year olds getting free ones!
  15. One of the most hansum men ever ..................
  16. Not really, One guy I used to drink with (Swiss or German) was formerly merchant marine, he said he'd visited hookers in nearly every port, but retired to Thailand for the most easily available and cheapest women in the world.
  17. You and me baby aren't nothing but mammals, so let's do it like they do on Discovery channels. Bloodhound gang - Bad Touch
  18. I agree, most people across he globe are despicable, so by narrowing my meeting to only other Brits I bypass all the communication and cultural differences that could arise.
  19. Suspect it's more to do with Bob being out and about more than us. Mixing with Thais usually ends in tears.
  20. I find it almost impossible to cope with more than 2 friends. (A friend is someone you meet up with at least once a week, one on one)
  21. I learnt to avoid almost everyone that isn't British!
  22. As far as I can tell Pattaya is a realistic view of Thailand as a whole. Just a little more obvious and out in the open. Those who live elsewhere try to pretend where they live is different and how their woman is different, but in reality it's all the same.
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