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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. These were not happy bunnies .........
  2. I retired from full time work age 45 when I noticed everyone at work was younger than me. Didn't decide to leave the UK until my wife divorced me when I was 52. Came to Thailand on holiday to escape the divorce. Met a lot of attractive and willing ladies. Didn't go back.
  3. Roads are all flooded, and the water level is creeping up the driveway. Just drove back from Makro Mae Rim to San Sai in my raised (but rusty pickup) and needed every inch of clearance. As I drove past 7-11 in MaeJo the transformer outside exploded in a large shower of sparks. Large bow wave for a Km or two, glad I didn't go shopping on my scooter. Lucky for me my house is raised off the ground, another 50cm before it gets to the door.
  4. It was a 1.8Mbht house ......... 300k down, 9k/month mortgage, all in her name. I considered the 300k a gift, and the 9k rent, if there are any problems I can just walk away. No sex or trouble in the home, and I miss a repayment.
  5. Assume nearly all foreign tourists book their holidays 9-12 months in advance. Further assume they will cancel their booking if you tighten the entry rules between their booking and their arrival. How hard can that be? This tourist season is already dead and buried, nobody is coming. Make your new plans and announcements for the season 2022/23. Furthermore, If you want COVID insurance, COE, tests, et al, I suggest you provide them free on arrival, rather than try to squeeze more money out of the long suffering tourists.
  6. Was always happy to talk to attractive young foreign women. Men, not so much.
  7. My local government hospital charges me the same as any other unregistered patient. 50bht hospital/doctor fees plus itemised treatments and pills if any. Same as the Burmese have to pay.
  8. Agree, If you can't afford something, don't pay for it. No private schools, expensive university, new cars, or expensive health insurance for me or mine.
  9. A lot of Thai villagers assume everything (in the village?) is held in common. Did you try helping yourself to their stuff? I'm betting they wouldn't have had a problem. Your mistake for moving in with 'the village people'.
  10. Took mine on holiday once ........ she went mad (with greed/avarice) so I never took her again. Better off left surrounded by those who have less than her IMHO. Hard to 'monkey branch' when there are no other branches in sight.
  11. You don't feel a woman's looks are important?
  12. PM it to me ..... I trust you and I'll give an honest opinion. My misses has a few too many miles on the clock now. But this is my step-daughter on my M/c from last year, and my misses looked better than this when we met .
  13. Difficult choice ...... girl with nice boobs on display Vs girl who can speak English ........ I'd choose 'boobs' every time!
  14. Yeah, but think what she probably looks like!
  15. Don't talk to them much ...... and most of the issues are gone. Quite early on I realised Thai guys don't really talk to their women.
  16. Yep, my misses has loads of land ......... poor as a church mouse. Not to mention farming is really hard work, and she's a bit lazy.
  17. I didn't talk to random people in the UK. I don't talk to random people in Thailand. It must be sad to be that lonely!
  18. Me too, AIS unlimited data (100GB) plus free calls to other AIS sims for 1,500bht/year. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/ais-10mbps-1-100gb-sim-net-melonthai-i1842906792-s5588870018.html
  19. You forgot the divorce that costs you 50%+ of everything you ever saved/owned.
  20. Agreed, I realise she's not different and only in it for the money and enhanced lifestyle, so no free house upfront. And I've upped my 'dread game'. Back in the UK I never understood that, and was far too nice, kind, generous.
  21. If I could go back in time I'd have avoided my Brit wife. But I'm perfectly happy with my Thai woman. I gave her the deposit on a house (300kbht), make the repayments (9kbht/month). She's very nice to me.
  22. Never bothered with beef or lamb much when I was back in the UK. Pork works just as well in a pie/pasty/chilli or covered in gravy. Always preferred wine coolers (28bht/Full Moon) and cocktails with my meals. I do like cheese, Mainland vintage (263bht/500gm) or Makro cheddar (360bht/Kg) is good enough though. The mortgage repayments on the misses 3 bedroom house is 9k/month. Water 300bht/month, electricity 800bht/month, Fibre 650bht/month. Hardly expensive.
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