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Everything posted by carlyai

  1. Yes and only 3 days left to finish my antibiotics. Stupidity Must Be Punished.
  2. Daughter: "I hate unkles guts". Father: 'Then push it aside and eat your vegetables'.
  3. I don't know what 'run flat' tyres are, but your best deals (probably) would be from a tyre place, not a combined shop. Decide what brand you want and go to a tyre place. A reference would be to pick your brand and then visit Lazada. See what their price is and then negotiate with your tyre place.
  4. FAIL: nuts detected.
  5. I just recall the Belts.
  6. The Pirate Bay .org may be a site to download torrent files. Google it. You download torrent files at your own risk.
  7. Australians can't spell. :)
  8. Pics of my pressure guage and pump. If you find the pressure is down, you can always buy a new impellar....not too expensive, as you've already bought a new tank.
  9. OK buying a new pump is probably the answer, but you need to make sure it is the pump first. I'd do what Will B Good suggests (I still can't see why you'de have bad pressure downstairs but not upstairs). Sounds to me like a blockage, but I don't know your setup. I'd make sure I had good flow into the pump and out of the pump before thinking of buying a new pump. You can buy a pressure guage and screw on one of your take on the pump outlet to see what the pressure varies between. I'll go outside and take a pic of mine.
  10. Stop the water flow upstairs and check again. (Turn the valve off feeding upstairs.)
  11. Chips and Dead Horse.
  12. I think you need something with better specifications than this one. P=EI, therefore I=P/E, I = 500/220 which is a bit over 2 Amps.
  13. That's horrible ballpoint. :)
  14. APC seem to be a good brand. This is a picture of mine, but it's only for the Router. You need to know what power your computer consumes. (Probably in your computer book specifications). Then what the UPS battery can supply for (say) 3 hours. Then probably go 1 model UPS what you calculate.
  15. You could install a solonoid (normally closed) valve between the tank and pump. When power to the pump and solonoid are present, the valve opens. I have a valve in my Mitsubishi pump that stops water flow below a certain pressure. I think my house pump is set to 18-24. On at 18psi and off at 24 psi. I feed the house pump from a 3000L tank. My water does not flow when the pump is off.
  16. I disagree. Constant pain is a reason to have an operation (if all else has failed). If you are in constant pain, it's very difficult to function. You lose motivation and under continuous stress, which is not good for your blood pressure or mental state.
  17. Yes they are scary, like most drugs, but if it keeps you exercising and reduces the pain, It's a matter of what is best now.
  18. Sounds like you need the operation. From a work accident I had L4/5 disc excision, then a year later L4/5 fusion. This was in my 50s. In those days they went thru the back and now I have no muscles in my lumbar spine as a result of the 3 operations. Muscles slowely died. I had another L2/3 fusion (mimimal invasive through the front) 3 years ago. Also have major arthritis in the lumbar region. I had a Spinal Chord Stimulator for 8 years that cut down the pain level and probably getting another one in February. So in saying all that, I think that these days they try not to take the laminar bone out during operations, to minimise adjacant spinal levels failing. For me it's been about 30 years of reasonable good health, that I would not have had had it not been for the operations, so I think if you are older you may die before the other spinal levels cause a big problem. Sometimes it's better to have the operation rather to be in constant pain and stress. I think you can take Celebtex (anti inflamatory) for a long time, but just need to make sure your stomach doesn't get too many ulcers. My only advice is to find the best surgeon you can (if you decide to have the op). @Sheryl seems to have a list of the best surgeons in Bangkok.
  19. I remember he flew high in a big balloon to survey the traffic for his monumental statement to fix it.
  20. If the tripping RCB only feeds the pump, how does the float switch get its power? If the float switch is one that the sealed contacts actually float in the tank, these can leak. If the float switch is on that tripping RCB, maybe disconnect the feed to it and see what happens.
  21. I think you could have leakage current causing the breaker to trip. Other people may have a better idea, but I would start by pushing the test button and make sure (maybe) that it's working properly. Then start turning off switches or power feeds (one at a time) of items fed from the RCB. You could have leakage current from pumps etc but not up to 30mA, then, with moisture, the total leakage current increases above 30mA and breaker trips. If you have any power board multiples, try and get rid of these. I had a similar problem in my aquaponics greenhouse, a power multiple was the problem. Also my UPS on the WiFi Router caused a RCB trip once.
  22. Who's Crass?
  23. Bathed feet, not like yours. :)
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