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Everything posted by carlyai

  1. Revision TKR unfortunately. Hope they got it right this time. Seems there's a few mm difference between a good replacement and a bad replacement.
  2. I'm going to have to put my build off until next year I think.
  3. Thank you all for your advice. We am away for a few months now and hope the tree is still alive when we get back.
  4. Thanks. Yes I think our helper may have caused the problem with too much cow poo.
  5. Hi, thanks. It does look dry but that is the 'burn' grass and tree I think. We water a lot. Hasn't happened to the other trees/grass.
  6. I think so, but I didn't add the manure. We get a guy to come in and help and I think he did it, but around the Advacado tree is the only problem area, so don't know what happened.
  7. Advacado Tree Not sure what has happened to my advacado tree. Looks like it's slowely dying (boo hoo). Same as some of the grass around the base. May have been an oversupply of cow <deleted>. No idea. Special Tree I see our special tree has grown all sorts of things, sprinklers, strange hairy creatures and yes, some mangoes. Wifey is very creative. ????
  8. Was a Crossy project, a few million Leo's ago. Have a single phase genset supply a 3 phase house.
  9. Here's a pic of my ATS. Think it ticks all the boxes.
  10. Keeps you fit all that exercise. ???? I have an aquaponics set up. Need to keep the fish with air and clean water, so when we go away and we have a power failure they don't all die. Horrible cold windy weather at the moment.
  11. In the jokes section. Well done. Not old till 77 new research shows. I'm feeling old after reading that.
  12. Thanks. The controller is a AECM103FBSL, 12v. Circuit setup coming. Basically 3 phase from the meter to 1 CU outside the house. Then to a 3 phase SafetyCut and house CU via an ATS.
  13. Just initially thinking of where to install a time-delay for supply power changeover from mains to genset. I have my genset setup to start on loss of mains power. On loss of mains power the ATS sends an earth to my genset controller that starts the desiel and switches to standby power. I was having trouble that on desiel start, the main house SafetyCut breaker (supply nearly everything) was tripping. I have since earthed the neutral (earth rod) on the genset and now the SafteyCut doesn't trip when the mains fails. Problem is we have these very quick power flicks and the genset starts then stops and the SafetyCut trips. So I want to delay the the start earth command sent to the desiel for (say 15 secs), so it will only start on real power fails, not short transition blips. I talked to the Genset contoller mob, but they said unfortunately there is no delay facility in the controller. So do I think about making up a circuit that delays the earth being sent to the controller or what would you suggest? Just initial thoughts at the moment. Maybe someone knows of a commercially made time-delay for this purpose?
  14. Loved KC. Only a week, but it was so nice, we ended up drinking and eating there as well.
  15. See that little bank of connectors on top (think they're green). They do effect how the switch works. Maybe they have nothing to do with your problem, but with my ATS the way they are wired effects my ATS operation. I have my ATS wired like Crossy's diagram then I wired the connectors to send an earth to auto start my genset. Not the same ATS as yours.
  16. The are here...sulsaring down the street.
  17. Girl used to live next to us, taught Sulsa (Cubin style dancing if I've spelt it wrong.) Look up or search Sulsa or Latin Dancing.
  18. Good to have a moan or 2. If you buy a little pen like tester, it will beep, beep, beep when you are on a live wire. So if you have 2 wires going to a switch or socket, you can tell which cable is live and which is neutral. One will be beep, beep, beeping and the other will not. ????
  19. Ban ALL Aussies from Thailand I say. Wretched convicts.
  20. I have an Astral Pools CX500, 2HP pool pump (7 years old). Lately when it starts it sound like no water noise or bearing noise. The noise goes away after the motor runs up to speed. I replace the start capacitor, with no effect on the pump start noise. I have to go for a back operation on the 17th March, so I think I will just change the pool pump motor before I go away for the op. Anyone know where to purchase a new CX500 - 2HP pool pump in Thailand?
  21. Yes, but I'm leaving on the 17th March and extension due on 22 nd May.
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