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Everything posted by Liquorice

  1. Thailand simply doesn't cater for single men under 50, for long term stay, unless you are classed as wealthy, an expert, or married to a Thai national. To 'legally' work in Thailand, you require a work permit. For 'remote workers' such as yourself, unless you're classed as a professional and meet a certain criterion, then a WP isn't a possibility. These are your visa options for Thailand; https://washingtondc.thaiembassy.org/en/page/visa-fees-validity (Check out the LTR visas for remote workers) Alternatively, the Thailand Elite visa; https://thailand-elite.com/ Once you've examined these options and given you're under 50, but intending to marry, you'll understand why the advice is to try and secure a METV to enter Thailand. Get married before this visa expires, deposit 400K THB in a Thai bank account in your sole name and then apply for a 1-year extension of stay based on marriage. Keep quiet about your remote work.
  2. The main two requisitions I find banks want these days are a personal reference and to confirm your address, either a Yellow Tabien Baan or a residence certificate issued by Immigration. The days of accepting a landlords TB and ID card now seem defunct.
  3. Under section 38 of the Immigration Act, it is a requirement that all foreigners entering the Country must have their place of residence registered with their local Immigration office. Immigration Act B.E. 2522 (1979) ENG.pdf The form for such is known as a TM30. TM30-Notification of alien residence.pdf Previously, Immigration required a new TM30 to be filed if the foreigner; 1. Permanently moved to a new place of residence. 2. Temporarily lived elsewhere, either a temporary holiday elsewhere in Thailand, or a temporary visit overseas. On June 5th, 2020, Immigration issued a new regulation (effective 30th June 2020) amending section 38 of the Immigration Act. TM30 reporting regulation (Eng).pdf In essence, what this means is that having once filed a TM30, if the foreigner temporarily stays elsewhere, but returns to his registered place of residence within the validity of his current permission of stay, or a valid multiple entry visa, and returns to his already registered place of permanent residency, then there is no requirement to file a further TM30. Quote from the regulations. 2. Notification of a householder, owner or possessor of dwelling place or hotel manager, who takes in, as a resident, an alien permitted to temporary stay in the Kingdom must proceed as follows; 2.1 Notify a competent official at an Immigration office located in a locality in which the house, dwelling place or hotel is located within twenty-four hours from the time an alien has taken residence. In case that house, dwelling place or hotel, where an alien has stayed, is located in Bangkok Metropolis locality, such notification shall be made to a competent official at Immigration Division 1 of Immigration Bureau. 2.2 After a householder, owner or possessor of dwelling place or hotel manager already made a notification according to 2.1, then the alien goes to occasionally stay somewhere else and return to stay at the original place within the notified period of stay that has not yet ended, such householder, owner or possessor of dwelling place or hotel manager is not required to make a notification again. A new TM30 should now only be required if you move to a new permanent place of residence.
  4. You can apply for the Non Imm O single entry and the same for your wife from London. https://london.thaiembassy.org/en/page/retirement-visa
  5. Immigration state within 15 days of the due date, which is not the same as the often quoted before date. The easy way to remember is if your 90-day report was due on a Wednesday, then the first day you can submit online is the Wednesday two weeks beforehand.
  6. It's 14 days before the due report date, until the due report date. If your 90 day was due on a Wednesday, then the first day you can submit online is the Wednesday two weeks beforehand. It's up to 6 days after the due date in person only.
  7. It's not your bank that needs to verify income, it's the pension providers.
  8. Well, firstly, you'd have to circumvent the US Privacy Act by giving written authorisation. https://www.justice.gov/opcl/overview-privacy-act-1974-2020-edition/disclosures-third-parties#:~:text=The general rule under the,written consent to the disclosure. The UK Embassy required documentary evidence of income before providing an Income letter for Immigration, same as the Norwegian Embassy is now requesting. However, they were not able to 'verify' those incomes with the relevant authorities due to Data Protection Laws, which is what Immigration requested. After the US, UK and Australian Embassies ceased the income letter service, Immigration issued a new order permitting proof of income via overseas transfers to a Thai bank account. However, within that order, they confirmed 'certified' Embassy Income letters would be accepted (not 'verified'). Had they stuck to their request for Embassies to 'verify' incomes, I daresay all Embassies would have ceased the service. Verifying incomes, although possible, would be time-consuming for all involved and was deemed unworkable. You can't just give any Tom, Dick or Harry from an Embassy authorisation and access to personal information, that isn't how it works.
  9. You're including the funded portion of US pensions, I'm talking the basic government state pensions, which in the US is $1,000 - $1,200. https://www.forumdaily.com/en/kak-rabotaet-pensionnaya-sistema-v-ssha/#:~:text=“The state pension is on,utilities (electricity and heating). Finland has one of the best pensions in the world. The basic retirees state pension amount is 732 Euro per month. Even their higher earnings related pension of 1,512 Euro doesn't meet the 65K financial requirement for retirement extensions. https://www.etk.fi/en/finnish-pension-system/pension-security/national-pension/
  10. Which is why Immigration requested Embassies 'verify' incomes. Whilst certain Embassies may be able to verify income from government state pensions, which alone would not meet the financial requirement for extensions based on retirement, the difference in additional income comes from private or company pension providers, which the Embassies cannot verify due to Data Protection policies.
  11. No, you were just fortunate previously. Other IO's may have refused an extension based on Thai child earlier. You have no parental rights nor are you the legalised Father, but just keep moaning instead of doing something positive.
  12. Well UJ (RIP) used to post a comprehensive document checklist that never received a complaint, and I've PM'd multiple members in the past with a 'comprehensive' list, and they were successful. Nobody is refused for submitting a document they may not request, and there is a limit to what can be requested. What's the point of a forum if you request members to PM you all the time for information.
  13. Only for 12 month statements. (retirement) The requirement for extension based on marriage is 2 months, as you pointed out. Any Bangkok Bank branch can print, stamp and sign a statement up to 6 months on request.
  14. Not very 'comprehensive' if the list doesn't cover every office. Comprehensive - complete; including all or nearly all elements or aspects of something.
  15. Correct, the 60-day requirement in order 327/2557 (2014), was amended to 2 months in the updated order 548-2562 (2019). My apologies.
  16. First extension application based on retirement is actually 60 days.
  17. Wrong! Read my above post quoting the financial requirement from Immigration Order 327-2557. PS. You can't extend a visa, there is no 'Marriage' visa, and you extend your temporary permission of stay, which is a permit, not a visa.
  18. Is it a secret document? Why not post your comprehensive guideline for the benefit of all members.
  19. Section 2.18. Clause 6. (6) In the case of marriage to a Thai woman, the alien husband must earn an average annual income of no less than Baht 40,000 per month or must have no less than Baht 400,000 in a bank account in Thailand for the past two months to cover expenses for one year. 327-2557 (2014) - Criteria for extension ENG.pdf
  20. Not from Thai Immigration. I gave you links to the law and the 3 options available to legitimise yourself as the child's Father. The rest is up to you.
  21. You'd need evidence of 12 x monthly overseas transfers of 65K THB to change to the income method for a 1-year extension, the same being required changing from Tourist to Non Imm (Non O) status using the monthly income method.
  22. You'll have to extend your stay based on retirement, you cannot extend based on Thai child for reasons already explained, unless the Amphoe will allow you to register as the legal Father, or you obtain a Court order legalising you as the legal Father of the child. Simply being named on the birth certificate does not give you any parental rights and does not mean you are the legal Father of the child.
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