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Everything posted by johng

  1. from the article above Update Bixby privacy settings If you use Samsung SmartThings and want to preserve your privacy, Samsung suggests contacting the company directly--in addition to updating or removing personal information on your SmartThings profile. If you just want to limit Bixby on your Samsung phone, press and hold the Bixby button. Pull up the bar at the bottom of the screen and select the Options symbol. Then select Settings > Privacy.
  2. I just came across this and now know what Samsung Bixby is I would not want or use one !!! https://www.reviews.org/home-security/smart-assistant-privacy-what-data-is-collected-and-how-to-protect-yourself/
  3. I think their "cunning plan" is to cut down all the trees and concrete over every square inch of the country...there simple ehh ????
  4. And as usual there will be no responsibility taken and no action to ensure it does not happen again just another "accident" (not) "mai bpen rai" T.I.T
  5. Ohh dear I'm kinda ( slightly) regretting agreeing with him? now though still stand by what I said.
  6. No they covered that with "eateries" Yes but in other formally very touristic places they jump on every offence they can find that's not to say that the drinking and dancing and partying doesn't go on but it's now rather risky like the "prohibition" times in America ..I wonder if there will be a Thai NASCAR (ish) or something else phenomenon emerge from this era.
  7. It also means that those planes full of "high spending" tourists are not coming.
  8. Well from the PBS linked article "According to the CCSA, Bangkok, Krabi, Phang-Nga and Phuket are the only provinces where alcoholic drinks may be served in eateries." and "No pubs and bars in Thailand can reopen at this time." Looks like prohibition to me.
  9. Parents I'm sure would want their kids educated.."governments" probably much less so.
  10. Just saw on Thairath TV news again that the other "big star" Andrea Bocelli has not yet confirmed if he will attend.
  11. Again just saw on Thairath news that the other big star has not confirmed if he is actually attending.
  12. Wow those clinical trials where really expedited ..operation warp speed 2 ? ????
  13. Read the daily news online or paper ,watch TV , listen to radio can't escape the constant 2 years of "messages"
  14. Ohh didn't know they made an 1100 let alone sell them here ????
  15. ???? The "promotion" will be to increase taxes on ( dirty foreign) EV to 1000% whilst trying to totally re-invent the wheel with "Thai technology" ????
  16. What are they proposing to do about the "emissions" (C02 ,Methane) from the almost 8 billion and continuously rising global human population ? I'm looking forward to the "democratic soldier" being slated at the conference ???? assuming it will be a virtual conference wouldn't want to be causing all those "emissions" by flying there and back.
  17. There was/is also a Thaivisa member who worked at the same place I wonder if they are one and the same ?
  18. Apparently there is a similar bike themed cafe near me in Sattahip have not been there myself but a friend ( non bike rider) said it was impressive. ( I'm not going till they can serve beer anyway ???? ) Is your bike the Honda Rebel 300/500 ?
  19. No beer firstly because of "don't drink and drive" and secondly because of covidiocy ?
  20. The laws in Europe,UK AU,USA are moving more and more towards the China model.. sad you cant see this...recent examples are the Google and Facebook big data "scandals" and governments (trying) using those as a way putting more power into government hands,they of course say that they ( the government) will not misuse the data they are totally trustworthy right ? I have much less faith in "governments" than it seems you do.
  21. The electronic money issuer may not directly have the information but the retailer will have all that information a bit like they already have with "loyalty" cards,if the "government" wanted that info it could easily be linked together they already do this in China if you don't have the correct "social score" you can't travel. https://proprivacy.com/privacy-news/china-ban-people-low-social-credit-scores-travel After this Covidiocy debacle I can see many countries trying to "encourage" citizens towards "new normal" behaviours less carbon footprint,less meat,less travel,less tobacco and alcohol, electric vehicles more exercise,bicycles,more vegetables,less obesity etc etc etc one way to make sure these "new normal" behaviours are followed is a fully digital currency and no I don't think it's such a great idea for "governments" to be micro managing peoples lives.
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