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Everything posted by johng

  1. In this case it's the wokeist's changing history to fit their woke agenda but in other cases "they" are The Hierarchy Enslaving You.
  2. If you are up for a bit of a challenge you can D.I.Y ...steep learning curve though.
  3. Well I didn't see that in the video (can you give a timestamp) but the cop messed up then.
  4. Normally they will take the keys and you have to show a receipt to get keys back..maybe this joker had a spare set of keys ?
  5. That does sometimes work bit risky though as sometimes they have other cops waiting a bit further along and in rare cases they will give chase. They also have spotters before the checkpoint looking for those without helmet or wearing seatbelts. Still its a hell of a lot better than the Orwellian total surveillance 24/7 spy cameras that "western" countries use to subjugate their populations.
  6. No shirt on whilst driving a motorbike and no IDP to show the cops, was he wearing his helmet when they pulled him over ? doesn't pay and then says he can work and they don't say anything Jesus then goes onto to say he has been drinking smoking weed and taking pills whist driving !!!!! FFS !!!
  7. It was very busy ( but no where near the worst I've seen it) when I went yesterday the 10th.
  8. Some where asking about the Immigration holidays over Songkran holidays so here straight from the horse's mouth as it were.
  9. ^^^^^ Where are the lady friends ??
  10. Ok I'll be first to say it...don't even think about getting involved with this "beach water sport family business" unless you have a very trusted and street smart Thai who already has the needed connections at the Police,beach mafia and town hall..if you had that Thai person then you wouldn't need to ask here so...just don't ๐Ÿ˜‹ You can thank me later for the warning after the big kerfuffle,machete fight and hospital visit !!!
  11. Isn't it better to know who is "stalking" ? I would prefer to know the user who is "stalking" not that it really matters in an anonymous internet forum...long live the anonymous internet resist all calls for an "authenticated user " and "fact checked" internet.
  12. It was much better before when we all knew who had sent an emoji to our posts now its anonymous maybe due to "wokeness"
  13. They forgot to blur out her upper cleavage !! The other day I laughed when they showcased a successful mango seller on tv they obscured her cleavage with a cartoon mango !!! I wonder if the above uncensored picture shows some underwear or a big hairy bush ??
  14. yes I watched the video on Thairath TV bike driver was not at fault they dug up the road and left a bloody great "pothole" for road users to nose dive into !!!!!
  15. What on earth is the problem with this ??????? its an advert an opinion a joke, that some take everything so seriously is quite depressing.
  16. I laughed last night watching the news they announced the rice had been stored carefully and sprayed with insecticide regularly for the last 10 years to prevent infestation and was fit for sale then next shot was various "officials" eating samples of the rice !
  17. A taser like device works well too no need to zap the mutts just the sound of it scares them away I'm quite scare of them too after accidentally tasering myself its not much fun !! ๐Ÿ˜‹
  18. An everything 20 baht shop owner who was very friendly towards me before the covidiocy barked at me to remove my shoes before entering her shop whilst behind a plastic screen and wearing her mask I turned right round and exited the shop without a word this was long after the mask mandate was lifted...shortly after that the shop closed and is to this day up for sale..the local grapevine says she had some kind of breakdown due to family/husband problems.
  19. When I started to bicycle around the stray dogs would all come out barking and threatening me. after a while I realised that (mostly) if ignored them they ignored me ie don't look at then in fact look the other way when passing them appear totally disinterested...sometimes this doesn't work so if they start barking and chasing stop suddenly turn round and bark straight back at them that really confuses them and the "not owners" who are often watching the fun on the sidelines...if all else fails then throw the bicycle or anything else at them and retreat to the nearest 7-11
  20. No need for a VPN or to sign up just install a torrent client and download the magnet link for the torrent you want.
  21. Could I get an invite ? my Debian Transmission box is up 24/7
  22. They'll never be as clever as clever Trevor. Also, it takes much longer to get up north...... the slow way.
  23. He's got some new shoes perhaps that will stop him collapsing upstairs ?
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