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Everything posted by johng

  1. Yes that was sugested in the recent talk hosted by that "crazy conspiracy theorist" (often correct) Alex Jones with guest David Icke...some one sounding suspiciously like Musk phoned in...it was very amusing,whilst kind of alarming too.
  2. Fewer people seems to be the goal of the "elitists" agenda 2030, 15 minute cities,carbon tax,no meat or dairy eat the bugs,central bank digital currencies..you will own nothing and be happy ! Ultimately Elon Musk's neural implant total compliance to the hive mind all linked tp the network and served by robots / cyborgs. Japan already using robots to counter the labour shortage and aging population. eventually no need for an actual human body or brain just upload the "conscience" to a robotic being and "live forever"
  3. Why are you comparing Trump to Hitler (no comparison IMHO) isn't Putin the new(est) Hitler ? 😝
  4. What happens after I drink all the beer I brought with me ? why can't I buy some from a local vendor...maybe I feel hungry after my beer can the vendor sell me some "som tum gai yarng" if so why not beer ?
  5. "freedom beach" but without freedom (to drink alcohol or sit in a chair)
  6. The advert/poster/bill board says the works are for installing (yet again) drainage pipes. hopefully back to 2 way after that (till the next time)
  7. Do you have a list of "credible sources"
  8. Third time trying to reply to this so I'll be brief. https://github.com/frontierclimate/carbon-removal-source-materials/blob/main/Project Applications/2022 Fall/[Kodama Systems] Frontier Carbon Removal Purchase Application.pdf How is it false it happened before in the past and I believe its happening again now,but the policies to rectify it will be more adverse than a slight rise in temperature and Co2 https://www.monash.edu/medicine/news/latest/2021-articles/worlds-largest-study-of-global-climate-related-mortality-links-5-million-deaths-a-year-to-abnormal-temperatures ANNUAL DEATHS DUE TO COLD TEMPS BY REGION: Africa – 1.18 million Asia – 2.4 million Europe – 657,000 South America – 116,000 UK – 44,600 US – 154,800 China – 967,000 India – 655,400 Australia – 14,200 ANNUAL DEATHS DUE TO HIGH TEMPS BY REGION Africa – 25,550 Asia – 224,000 Europe – 178,700 South America – 25,250 UK – 8000 US – 18,750 China – 71,300 India – 83,700 Australia – 2300
  9. "Ukrainians" in the Donbas region where being slaughtered by Kiev since 2014. You do understand that neither the USA or Russia recognise the ICC I didn't say they where..what I did say is that its hypocritical to tar Putin as a convicted war criminal when there hasn't even been a trail and that its very unlikely ever to be a trail for the Iraq war and the Ukraine war because both USA and Russia do not recognise the legitimacy of the ICC.
  10. You are displaying a lack of knowledge about human ingenuity I'm certain that we (humans) can adapt to the changing climate It just means that we (humans) need to work together to improve the lives of everyone instead of fighting senseless and endless wars. Use the energy systems we have at the moment to improve standards of living for everyone not just those who can pay a "carbon tax" when/if a clean energy source becomes reality make it available to everyone universally no patents no sanctions. Yes exactly they where not caused by "man" are they caused by man now ?
  11. Yes its a big deal exactly what Putin has been saying from the start.
  12. It had immense consequence in the demonisation of "unvaccinated" the push toward mandated vaticination and all the consequences that resulted.
  13. Declared a war criminal without a trial ? how did that happen ? Who was it that killed over a million Iraqi's who is it that does not not subscribe to the ICC in the Hague and says that if any of their citizen is taken to the Hague for prosecution they can militarily intervene ?
  14. What are you referring to then ?
  15. One thing he mentioned the Nazi who was recently given a standing ovation in the Canadian parliament with Zelensky in attendance 😆
  16. Are you referring to this ? https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russia-says-it-killed-foreign-mercenaries-strike-ukraines-kharkiv-2024-01-17/
  17. Bear in mind when they talk about removing carbon from the world...Human beings are carbon. If carbon dioxide is so bad why do they use raised levels in greenhouses and produce much higher crop yields ? How is it that C02 levels where at least 5 times higher in the age of Dinosaurs than today's levels temperatures were roughly 5°C–10°C higher than today, and sea levels were 50–100 meters higher ? man made ? nope.
  18. Have a look at the files in this should be most of what you need in there Vehicle_Transfer_2.zip
  19. Be very careful with that should at least have a person outside paying attention ( not on their phone) that he is ok at all times while in the tank and also have some forced ventilation. There have been quite recent stories in the Thai news about employees dying in similar situations due to toxic gases and or electrocution.
  20. They both qualify as "private citizens" most of your posts are irrelevant waffle IMHO.
  21. There is no doubt a lot of Americans need to loose some weight (maybe eat some bugs ! )
  22. A knee jerk reaction so as not to appear "Antisemitic" ?
  23. Nothing "untoward" such as spying on "private citizens" ? not only foreign "private citizens" but American "private citizens" something that the accused vehemently denied doing until the truth was revealed. 'not engaging in anything untoward' kinda like saying if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear......... Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime. 🤔
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