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Everything posted by johng

  1. Then what is causing the excess death ??
  2. I believe it goes back to an long ago government dictate.
  3. Here's a clue. Janine Small, Pfizer’s president of international developed markets, was testifying before the European Union Parliament. Apparently not if you move at the speed of science ! All well and good, those patients have given their (informed) consent acknowledging the drug may have no positive effect or in fact be harmful.
  4. Video https://parliamentlive.tv/Event/Index/664b688c-cf82-4280-8d3d-8a2169c78d11 Transcript https://www.parallelparliament.co.uk/debate/2024-01-16/commons/westminster-hall/excess-death-trends
  5. So who would you say is the best now ?
  6. Using 8 mice and at "the speed of science" ??
  7. I've seen the video evidence...accidentally of course
  8. Yes who blew up the Nord stream pipelines ? ..... silence why of course Russia blew up its own pipeline just as Germany was complaining about the high cost of natural gas and America saying it was a great opportunity.
  9. Isn't it illegal to go out in public without underwear in Thailand ? I'd say most Thai women employ "belts and braces" when it comes to their underwear..very few go "commando" yes of course some do
  10. Does this "vaccination passport" have any purpose now in 2024 ? did it ever really have any purpose ?
  11. In the very short tern there will still be some jobs but rapidly the bots will assemble,manufacture and develop themselves humans becoming completely obsolete.
  12. well why not ? as long as it's within designated zones that don't disturb residents of the area which is admittedly a problem at the moment due to lax enforcement of any king of zoning or noise requirements.
  13. Yes just see the "Hopewell" debacle and also the "Horizon IT scandal" (oops that one from the UK)
  14. FBI ? CIA ? Hong Kong Phooey ?
  15. I wonder if these bots have a built in photocopier for the reams of useless paper required ? Just reduce the "red tape" and/or employ more staff. Be gone with the bots or they will take everyone's job before you know it ! ..is that some kind of racism ? jobs for humans not bots ?
  16. Have you been asleep for the past 3 years ?
  17. Yes if we do not resist it with all means possible. We already see governments and unelected bodies trying to limit "wrong thought" on social media and the wider internet,mainstream media was long ago captured (operation mockingbird)
  18. One of my favourite WHO tracks "Wont get fooled again" "I'll move myself and my family aside If we happen to be left half-alive I'll get all my papers and smile at the sky For I know that the hypnotized never lie Do you? ?
  19. Yes on the adaptor I have/had but can't find at the moment to show you a photo.
  20. It will wok fine without the ground wire and you'll be ok if you always wear rubber boots and gloves when opening the fridge ( AKA the Narnia wardrobe) in other words you'll be ok until there is a fault and the metal parts on the outside become live which will happen suddenly and unexpectedly that one time while you are not wearing rubber boots and gloves !
  21. Yes indeed earth and ground tomato tomatoe potato potahto
  22. I got the same bit of green (earth) wire and instruction's booklet stating the appliance must be earthed when I bought my Mitsubishi freezer..I immediately thought "WTF" !!! if it needs to be earthed why did you not put an earth cable with 3 pin plug on it from the factory ? There are adaptor plugs that have a little tab sticking out for and earth cable I think I got mine from AMORN electrical shop or you could cut the 2 pin plug off and run the earth to a 3 pin plug and grounded socket.
  23. Yow vill eat the buds
  24. Not unusual here's one near to a major Jomtien hotel used frequently by foreigners.
  25. Yes it's the remains of the floating dock that the boat owners never used and quickly fell into dis-repair 2017 photo
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