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Everything posted by johng

  1. If I remember correctly she was deported back to Russia without releasing said tapes..maybe the TDS fanatics have some more info on this case ?
  2. This has really only become a problem at the south end since they completed the artificially wide beach "nourishment" project. Before that hardly anyone sat on the beach there and at high tide it was impossible,water right up to the road. Sattahip officials have already had at least one successful go at removing the beach encroachers in 2022. This the last day before they removed all the encroachment on the Sattahip side, they strung up a line dividing the 2 areas encroachment continued on the Pattaya side..I'm not sure where my photos of the dividing line went to......searching for them.
  3. What "problem" do you have with the TBS card ? I'm not using one myself but instead a PiTVhat which uses Sony CXD2880 TV tuner with no problems ( after initial steep learning curve) receiving Thai terrestrial DVB TV.
  4. Yes that was suggested in the past episode of slowdowns.
  5. Every time I've tried to go to these military beaches they have refused entry. One time I almost "sneaked" in when a Thai was driving and had to leave their ID card at the carpark checkpoint I stayed in the truck but as we went through the barrier a sharp eyed soldier noticed my ( not so) big "furang" nose and light skin and said no foreigners and indeed there was a sign on the road side stating no foreigners I've got a photo somewhere will try to post it as soon as found. I also think there are some days they will allow the foreigners in but they won't tell you what days they are...just have to turn up and see what they say on the day...well no thanks I'll go somewhere else. Same kinda thing happens if you try to board the "aircraft carrier" at dock in Sattahip....no foreigners however anyone looking "Asian" is let on board with not much problem.
  6. Aligned with the Nazis against Russia during WWII the same Russia who where instrumental in defeating the Nazis in WWII ?
  7. Yes happening a bit for me too, suggest only having one Asean now tab open in your browser at a time. This happened before quite a while ago.
  8. johng

    Jomtien 90 day

    You might want look at this thread.
  9. Yeah I dropped it whilst looking for my tin foil hat.
  10. They trade with a large part of the world not in alignment with US/Euro thinking.. https://www.reuters.com/world/what-is-brics-who-are-its-members-2023-08-21/ Over 40 countries, including Iran, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Argentina, Algeria, Bolivia, Indonesia, Egypt, Ethiopia, Cuba, Democratic Republic of Congo, Comoros, Gabon, and Kazakhstan have expressed interest in joining the forum, according to 2023 summit chair South Africa. They view BRICS as an alternative to global bodies viewed as dominated by the traditional Western powers and hope membership will unlock benefits including development finance, and increased trade and investment.
  11. Ahh those dastardly Russians did it again. ๐Ÿ˜‹
  12. Amazing you would even say that, let alone believe it ! Edward Snowden and Julian Assange ring any bells ?
  13. Ozimoron said "Otherwise he'll release the tapes." I asked but got no answer Who will release tapes ? Will Trump release tapes ? will Putin release tapes ? I asked the question because I didn't know "who will release tapes" I suppose on further reading he meant Putin will release "embarrassing" tapes of Donald Trump if Trump does not stop funding NATO and the war in Ukraine ?
  14. I asked someone else on another thread about this but maybe you have a list of "approved" news sources ?
  15. Think of a country with 800 odd military bases spread all over the globe...who could it be ? So they have been attacking since 2014 as I stated ?
  16. A colour revolution then ? egged on by the usual suspect ? So they have been attacking the region since 2014 as I stated ?
  17. I have to disagree a bit on that...I see working class Thai's taking loving care of their car or truck as it is a very large "investment" to them they seem very proud to own a nice vehicle (gives them face) Admitedly there are also some who never do any maintenance but same can be said for a farung owner. Things like that are very cheap to get done in Thailand for most cars/trucks not your Rolls Royce or Bentley.
  18. I went to the local farmers fair this year and it was almost all food,clothes,kids toys a few fairground rides for kids an annoyingly loud concert, very limited plants and flowers and no Ganja what so ever ๐Ÿคจ They did a a couple of pigs and rabbits to pet..not to eat ๐Ÿ˜‹
  19. I'm surprised, would have thought a company like that would do very well considering the abundance of sunlight in Thailand and the perpetual hype about "green energy" I wonder if they import the actual solar cells from China and just assemble them into panels here but the Chinese could do it even cheaper including shipping ? or are they actually producing the silicon wafers at their factory ?
  20. Remember when Biden said he had seen video of beheaded baby's ?
  21. According to "the leader of the free world" lead to WWIII !!!! https://www.itv.com/news/2022-03-11/us-accuses-russia-of-using-un-council-for-spreading-disinformation https://nypost.com/2022/03/11/thats-called-world-war-iii-biden-defends-decision-not-to-send-jets-to-ukraine/
  22. He has largely achieved the stated aim of securing the Donbass region which had been under attack from Kyiv since the 2014 Maiden coup. Who will release tapes ?
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