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Everything posted by johng

  1. Do you have a definitive list of "approved credible sources" ? Who maintains the list,which criteria determine credibility ?
  2. @HappyExpat57 The most important part is that everyone realise the implications of a CBDC...corruption is part of human nature.
  3. Work quite well for who ? They could monitor everything ! as if that would be a good thing ? I'd say it was a scary dystopian nightmare.
  4. Part of the WEF's panopticon plan ESG's,carbon tax,15 minute cities "you will own nothing and be happy" PS you will eat the bugs too !!
  5. Up till the Russian "special military operation" the "western" media carried many articles about Ukraine being the most corrupt country in Europe but now "we" (the west) must send them billions of Dollars,Euros and Pounds of aid and weapons with no end date... until Russia is "defeated" or until the last Ukrainian or until the last NATO soldier or until Mutually Assured Destruction ? Remember War is Peace.
  6. Maybe he listens to media outlets that are giving an alternative/opposing view of events rather than those espoused on "Western" world view bias mainstream media. You seem to be publicly biased and holding a "Western" stance
  7. There was only one killed on Jan 6th shot dead by police, the others died heart attacks and drug overdose.
  8. You sure can !! Could you use your abilities to pick the lottery numbers too ? Then I'd have some money for Sirineou's baby
  9. @sirineou I gave you a laughing emoji my banking details will follow shortly via private message.
  10. @SAFETY FIRST I went back and checked... and contrary to my previous post I did indeed give you a confused emoji, your psychic skills are top notch
  11. Putin has taken the territory that he set out to take in the first place IE the territory that did not want to be under kyiv control approximately 20% of eastern Ukraine under attack since 2014.
  12. No I dont think I did...in any case you wouldn't know as the emoji's are now anonymous...unless ??
  13. Absolutely total and utter rubbish !
  14. Bothered by what exactly ? That someone on an internet forum doesn't agree/understand with your view/comments or that the emojis are now anonymous ?
  15. Don't really understand why some are so bothered by the emoji their post receives. It's nice to be able to send just an emoji whether too busy or too lazy to write a reply. I would prefer that the identity of the emoji sender is revealed as it used to be but "the powers that be" have deemed it so. I'm in favour of full emoji use and transparency of who uses which ever emoji.
  16. so 104 on ventilators had been injected vs 45 who had not and 5 deaths for injected vs 6 not injected am I reading this correctly ?
  17. I couldn't agree more with the above statement..its alarming but also illuminating to see how those asking questions have been maligned,ridiculed,censored,de-platformed,de-monetised,de-banked had their character assassinated and careers ruined over the last couple of years. Starting right at the beginning with "the Great Barrington Declaration"
  18. Are you suggesting that I "do my own research" isn't that frowned upon these days ? won't I risk being called an anti vax, anti science,right wing misinformation peddler ? obviously I can't compete with the "fact checkers" and AI chatbots who's sole purpose is to defend the narrative and "debunk" anyone who goes against it. What about the disturbing ongoing worldwide excess mortality rate..is there an elephant in the room that no one wants to talk about ?
  19. Don't you think he would have a much more lucrative career as a cardiologist ? instead he has gone out on a limb to warn people about what he sees could be major problem. As for the "fact checkers" I take what they say with a huge bag of salt and ask who is it that checks the fact checkers and maybe more importantly who is funding these "fact checkers"
  20. when she was asked the question by Dutch MEP Rob Roos. “Was the Pfizer Covid vaccine tested on stopping the transmission of the virus before it entered the market?” “Regarding the question around, um, did we know about stopping the immunisation [sic] before it entered the market? No, heh,” she said. “Uh, these, um, you know, we had to really move at the speed of science to really understand what is taking place in the market, and from that point of view we had to do everything at risk.
  21. Those in control are different but they try to achieve the same goal.
  22. The pandemic is still ongoing have you notified the WHO ? you tell me how many excess deaths after 1918 ?? I don't know.
  23. Galileo for example According to Wikipedia tried by the Inquisition, found "vehemently suspect of heresy", and forced to recant. He spent the rest of his life under house arrest.
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