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Everything posted by Maestro

  1. Thank you, Mutt Daeng, for satisfying my curiosity. I have taking note that for the online procedure, immigration funnily calls it an "application for the notification of staying in The Kingdom (over 90 days) TM 47" Put it down to errors in translation from Thai, I guess.
  2. Removed some off-topic posts and replies where there were any. Let's stop the off-topic, bickering and baiting posts and instead be happy with the facts that 1. there have no reports about invalidation of re-entry permits following exit through the automatic gates; 2. There have so far been two reports about no problems with re-entry permits following exit through the automatic gates.
  3. Yes, this topic will remain open. The OP was genuinely concerned, and so were others. The more positive reports we get, the more foreigners with a re-entry permit will be encouraged to take advantage of this useful service.
  4. Do you already know when you will return, so that we can look out for your report of how it went? I figure that many readers are interested and a hopefully second report of a positive outcome will help allay their hesitance to use the automated departure procedure.
  5. Personally, I am not in a situation where I must make a notification of my intention to stay in Thailand longer than 90 days and therefore I cannot see what the screens for the online notification look like. I am curious to know if any screen during the process says days that you are making an application for "STAYING LONGER THAN 90 DAYS"
  6. Removed another off-topic post and the replies to them. This topic is not about the French revolution.
  7. I am not sure what you mean with "emergency contacts page". Is there a note printed on that page saying that it is reserved for information about emergency contacts?
  8. I don't have a one-Baht coin from the 1960s but I doubt that they had a ring attached to it an that they had that inscription. Hence, not from the same mold.
  9. Seeing how unhelpful the Thai embassy in Saudi Arabia was, don't call them again. Instead, on their website, click on the link to the eVisa site and take it from there. It runs you through about a dozen data entry pages and if you have any question along the way, ask for advice in this topic.
  10. Giving this explanation to an immigration official will probably make him suspect that you are working illegally in Thailand and he might take action accordingly.
  11. Removed an off-topic post and the replies to it.
  12. I doubt that the OCS site concerns itself with immigration regulations. Best post in an ongoing topic about the TM.30 requirement or start a new topic.
  13. A general observation now, about a good source for Thai laws. A decade or so ago the dean of the law faculty at Thammasath University pointed me to krisdika.go.th, the website of the Council of State, aka the Cabinet. This site had a database of Thai laws and Royal decrees that was easy to search, even for me who do not read Thai, and was always updated with the latest amendments. Moreover, it had also a repository of excellent English translations of the most important laws. With the advent of the incumbent Thai government, krisdika.go.th now redirects to ocs.go.th/council-of-state/#/intro-page, which I find more complicated to navigate, but the texts of Thai laws are all there. The good English translations are sadly gone and are replaced with what I think are second rate machine translations.
  14. It is a handicap of people who learnt English as a foreign language. When I read something, I understand it the way it is written, usually giving no thought to what else the writer might really have meant. I'm afraid it will happen again, and again. It is an incurable handicap.
  15. Another thing I learnt today: when a link starts with the domain name asean.org, like for example the link https://asean.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Thailand185.pdf that was posted here, it is a link to an ASEAN NOW page.
  16. Thank you. I learnt something new. A link that ends with .pdf, like the link https://asean.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Thailand185.pdf that was posted here, it is not a PDF download. It is only when a reader clicks on it that it becomes a PDF download, ie a PDF file is downloaded.
  17. Put it down to my poor understanding and unreasonable expectations. When you wrote "overridden" I stupidly assumed that you referred to the text that was in force before the text you quoted.
  18. The above English translation of section 14 of the Nationality Act was cancelled and replaced with a new text enacted with Nationality Act (No.4) B.E.2551. For the official text, which is obviously in Thai language, please refer to the publication in the Royal Gazette, to which you will hopefully have access as an apparent employee of a law firm.
  19. In this earlier post of yours in this topic you wrote "From our own website", you quoted an English translation of Section 14 of the Nationality Act, and you posted the link ttps://asean.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Thailand185.pdf which leads to a PDF document in English entitled Do I deduce correctly that you are an employee or co-owner of ThaiLaws.com but have not seen an updated version of Section 14 of the Nationality Act?
  20. A constitution neve makes references to law. The constitution is the document based on which laws are enacted, not the other way around.
  21. Closed. Duplicated here: https://aseannow.com/topic/1326271-star-wars-quiz-nite-2-may-yay/?do=findComment&comment=18880934
  22. Incomprehensible post without any see in English.
  23. Removed a post (with a spelling error) commenting on a spelling error in another post.
  24. I believe it makes a difference whether or not you call from a landline phone or from a mobile phone.
  25. You won't find many schools teaching Spanish in Thailand. The suggestion made by DrJack54 seems ideal for your situation.
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