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Everything posted by CLW

  1. In case of air travel, problem with most battery powered dry herb vaporizers is the built in battery. It doesn't show the capacity in mAh so if you have a strict control they might ask you to remove it. Therefore I use my Dynavap for air travel.
  2. My Thai friend enquried at the volcano manufacturer directly in Germany and they replied due to laws and problems with customs they are not sending any vaporizer devices to Thailand
  3. I have a Boundless CFV and very happy with it. But due to shipping restrictions I had to buy it in Germany last time and bring it here in checked luggage. Don't ask me about availability in Thailand at the moment...
  4. My Thai friend told me only dry herb vaporiser are legal. But only them. Because other models not comply with the 0.2% extract rule and also liquid vaping law
  5. Laughable. How many brown envelopes have been passed from big pharma to give this statement. While it's proven that THC is an ailment for headache and migraine. Several times stronger than synthetic substances and without all the side effects
  6. Looks interesting, but will it be available in Thailand and when is the question
  7. Probably the CBD strains are grown outdoors, hence lower production cost and final price. Could also have to do with the market demand. THC might be more asked than CBD. The higher the better. Which not always makes sense. Well, people's choice. Some (Thais and foreigners alike) changed their beer brand because the alcohol content was reduced 0,1%vol. Guess these people better drink pure ethanol mixed with water then. For me flavour is much more important than THC. Especially since now it is legalised and you always can buy new stock.
  8. Greenlab seems to be the most trusted source online or in general IMO. If all the weed is really from their farm, it could be pretty free from any contaminants such as pesticide, fertilzier, mold and fungi. Greenlab has been selling their hemp products for a while in Big C and their operations are FDA approved. Might try ordering there once my stock is empty.
  9. Are there any electric pickups (trucks / UTEs) coming to the Thai market soon? Alternatively, are there similar car like the Suzuki Carry with electric drivetrain? Least choice, an electric trike? I think I've seen them on sale here already. Background is a planned mobile sales truck purchase, of which a full size car as a pickup would be the most comfortable and safest version. Suzuki Carry is too much tin on wheels. No ABS, airbag, crash zone etc. Same goes for a trike obviously.
  10. Please educate me, what's an indian style night club? Or are they referring just to the interior, of which you almost can't see anything because it is too dark...
  11. Watched a few YouTube videos about Neta that are not in Chinese. The speed limit depends on the driving mode and car settings. If I remember correctly it can be raised up to 130 by the driver or a short reprogramming at Neta dealer. As I have replied to you, driving a lot of motorway, expressway or dual highways, I would be concerned. For interprovincial travel not so much. Anyway, this car is not designed for long-range. The battery too small IMO.
  12. Love the design of the E6. Station wagon similar to MG EP but with fresher look imo.
  13. 90 is speed limit for interprovincial highways. So what's the issue?
  14. I think a fair and realistic price is 200 baht per g for premium weed. And that still leaves a lot of profit for everyone involved. Of course nothing to get rich fast. Growers must move from indoor to greenhouse systems. A lot of things to educate here. Thailand has suitable climate and excellent sunshine. Indoor just remains from the need to do it underground / under the radar in the past. Greenhouse growing is profitable when selling the flowers for about 15 baht per g. So make up your own calculation who gets the biggest cut now: The middlemen and dispensary. Like every drug (legal or illegal), the producer gets the lowest portion of the final sales price
  15. You're advertising your weed is organic but not certified or proven with lab results, right? Could you please explain, thank you.
  16. There is indeed Thai weed available for 100 baht per gramm. But then you can also smoke shoelaces...
  17. Dynavape is great for travelling since it has no battery and not subject to running out of power or security checks at airports due to lithium batteries in conventional vaporizsers. At home I mostly use a Boundless CFV, which a friend brought over here in his checked in luggage. No airmail shipping possible due to interal lithium battery.....
  18. They won't sell it because vaping is illegal in Thailand. Don't kill the messenger, I know it sounds stupid but this is the current law in Thailand. I've luckily found a seller for Dynavap in Thailand on FB.
  19. Once again ridiculous, laughing stock, flip flop, stupid decision. What is wrong with these people in charge? Wasn't it two weeks ago when Aseannow reported this beach food market being touted as a new tourist attraction. With possibilities for local people to make some income. Wonder why people here keep so calm. In other countries they would have chased the officials and burned down the town hall...
  20. Not really new but I'm addicted to "Air Crash Investigation" series. Currently watching on Disney+ Hotstar via AIS. But downloaded all previous seasons as well. About twenty or so with each 10 episodes. Will keep me entertained for a while.
  21. Only hybrid or PHEV. no pure EV because Mazda simply doesn't have one in their model range. Not even started developing one.
  22. only tip of the iceberg. my guess
  23. To me it seems like irrelevant cannabis reporting is the new "covid" for the news outlets. Since it has been relatively quiet about covid, they need a new scapegoat to produce headlines. As others already commented, most food with "cannabis" (most likely it's the leaves which have zero effect) won't make you high or any noticeable effect. Therefore those cases are either food poisoning, placebo effect or attention seeking hypochonder.
  24. The issue I see here is with max 50 kph you're an obstacle in Thai traffic. Accident just waiting to happen
  25. Yep, so he hasn't escaped to Dubai (yet). Maybe he was expecting mummy and daddy to pick him up at arrival and let them sort out everything ????
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