Shameless. I felt embarrassed just watching it.
Ok we've all made dumb financial decisions over the years, but why advertise it just because they're in Thailand.
The formula for balancing a motor/ fan etc... is...
Max squared minus min squared over max squared plus min squared times trial weight.
You need a stopwatch, a felt tipped pen, and a trial weight.
And you won't find anything on Google or YouTube about it.
It's just another one of my well kept secrets.
P.S. And yes, it does work. I used it to balance a FD fan on a biogas boiler last week.
Edit. I'll even include a photo of the exact fan.
I'm quite happy with the way things are in Australia at present.
I get pulled over by a cop and the conversation is something like "G'day mate, you been drinking?"
"Nuh mate, I'll have a few when I get home"
"Bloody hot out here"
"Yeah, be good if we got some rain"
That's a lot more pleasant than
"Get your Effin' hands on the steering wheel where I can see them, Now"
But to acclimatise to Australian weather you would need an in-depth knowledge of geography, meteorology, biology, chemistry, anatomy, astronomy, and the psychometric properties of air.
But I'm not versed at all on the effect of heat on the body. Other than when I'm hot I cool down and vice versa.
That's probably another totally different subject, if only we had a doctor onboard.
If you're serious...
Google "the psychometric properties of air" and download "the principles of refrigeration by Roy J Dossat".
You'll find all your answers there, and it'll keep you busy for the next 3 years.
I caught onto that one also. You need a better bait.
Air conditioning is a form of refrigeration. In my industry you can't just throw away a $200 000 compressor and get a new one. They get fixed.
And there's no such thing as cold, I'll leave it at that.
I just caught on.
The difference for me is, in Australia there's always a breeze. In the village there isn't a breath of fresh air.
Being a fridgy by trade I could probably rattle on about entropy and enthalpy, but I can't be bothered.
Your can't practice for the heat in Australia.
I'm Australian, and every time I step off a plane in Thailand I melt, and wanna go back to Australia.
My wife is Thai, and every time she steps off a plane in Australia she melts, and wants to go back to Thailand.
Just go to Australia and acclimatise.