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Everything posted by ThailandRyan

  1. Can you please show us a link for a ambulance company/rescue unit and its written policy where they are mandated to take the person to an expensive hospital. From the way I have observed it to be done, the crews take the injured to the nearest hospital, and only then if they can not be treated there are they transported elsewhere.
  2. So no Sushi should be bought late evening from the local Talad stalls is what I am hearing....Best tell the step daughter....
  3. As an independent I agree as I support the Indictment for Trump and anyone else who pulls the same crimes.
  4. Like Trump, when Biden is no longer a sitting president then they can prosecute him. This is Trumps moment of truth to be arraigned and then tried for his crimes. Quit deflecting to Biden the Topic is about Trump.
  5. Thank you for the additional comment regarding the two accounts needing to be linked. I was sent an e-mail late last night from the BOI LTR Unit requesting I submit PDF's of my PP Bio Page, the last entry stamp into Thailand, and the pages showing the issued 10 year LTR Visa, and the 5 year permission to stay stamp as well. It seems that when they issued my Visa back last October they never truly entered it into the system and therefore without the supporting documents, which I know they did make copies of, it is why I was put back into Step 7 and the account for me still requesting I make an appointment for Visa insertion. Just more of the bumps in the road we have been feeling as the process gets smoothed out for others. For those that have received the Visa and it being stamped in their PP, please go to the BOI Visa website, log in and double check to ensure yours shows completed. If not please contact the BOI LTR unit and talk to them.
  6. Still 3 Kmarts in the US in operation plus 1 in Guam and 4 in the US Virgin Islands. Only eight Kmart locations remain, with three in the mainland United States, one in Guam and four in the Virgin Islands. The only remaining store in New Jersey is in Westwood at the Westwood Plaza. The store opened in 1982 and recently celebrated its 40th anniversary.Dec 7, 2022 Wally world's cousin is Sam's Club... Blue lights bulbs i could find on the ring road in Udon Thani at Thai Watsadu.......the family used them at bight to catch bugs they would sell in the morning.....
  7. Dems?, really? Do you not understand that many posters could also be republicans or Independents (Like myself) and they could care less for a lying, Cheating, philandering, whiny, spoiled child like Trump. Yes even Republicans do not want Trump elected again https://www.forbes.com/sites/madelinehalpert/2022/07/12/nearly-half-of-republicans-dont-want-trump-as-president-in-2024-poll-suggests/. Nearly two-thirds of Republican voters under 35 as well as adults with at least a college degree said they would not vote for Trump in a presidential primary, according to the poll, which was conducted from July 5 to 7. Roughly 16% of GOP voters said they would support Democratic President Joe Biden, a third party candidate or would abstain from voting altogether if Trump were the Republican nominee, in what would be a jump from 2020, when 9% of Republicans voted for a candidate besides Trump, according to AP VoteCast. https://vozwire.com/most-republicans-actually-despise-donald-trump-the-reasons-why-will-make-him-furious/ How many people hate Donald Trump? The latest polls indicate that at least 46% of Americans have an unfavorable view of the man. This number rises to 55% among people who are registered as Republican or lean towards the Republican party. Many Republicans therefore dislike Donald Trump and have even come out to say it in public or on social media. In fact, there are so many reasons why Republicans hate Donald Trump that we had to make a whole list just for him!
  8. It is a 19 hour flight plus add the 14 hour time difference and it takes you two days to arrive, yet the return trip with adding the hours back in really only takes you 5 to 6 hours depending on the fast layover in Seoul. Daughters leave on a Saturday to fly here, land on Monday spend 14 days, fly out on the evening of the 14th and land in time to get to work at 9am. Most of the friends I have who travel here come to dive and are in there 30's and 40's a few in there early 50's and getting ready to retire. That's the other difference, with many of the professions like mine was in the US, you can retire in your mid 50's and start collecting your pension immediately. Many of the UK and EU retirees I know here are living on savings still in their 60's and waiting to collect there pensions. By the time I retired I had 34 years on the books and could take 6 weeks a year off, not all in a row however. Luckily I was already coming here on government contracts for a few months at a time to train the Thai government folks.
  9. Yet more tourists from the US visit Thailand then from the UK.
  10. Your telling me you get 6 weeks of paid vacation? So if I was 24, just graduated from the university, and landed a job drawing plans for a building company in the UK or Europe, I would get 5 to 6 paid weeks off my first year of employment...paid time off is what we are talking about, not just being able to take a 5 or 6 week holiday. My kids could take 3 months off if they could swing it, but they would be doing it on there own dime and not as a paid vacation, except for the 2 weeks, and then there seniority would be affected as well as loosing their medical insurance which is paid for by he company....
  11. In which world and on which planet, surely your talking about an alternative universe.
  12. Good Gravy, do you really think there is no rule of law and no laws were broken, oh wait you believe the charges are just....wait for it, and pun intended.....Trumped up.
  13. A stereo system on wheels. Remi ds me of installing woofers, tweeters, amps, bass speakers in my truck when I was in HS. You could play the music loud if you wanted or low and full of surround sound options. When my truck was wrecked we cut the doors off and hung them in the barn where we connected them to an 8 track player....
  14. Really, many come for months? As a tourist who needs to work for a living and only gets between 2 and 6 weeks off a year I find your statement a little off center from the truth. Most folks I know get 2 weeks at a time and that's it.
  15. Well it seems the ChatGPT is at least leaving the door open for your view to become reality.....yet.................
  16. Just called the BOI to see if the system issue with my LTR Account can be fixed, as it still shows as my post above. The individual I talked to said she would notify the IT unit. I explained that we have been going round and round for 3 months with this issue as I have already been issued the Visa, but the system still wants me to make an appointment, upload the WP paperwork for the application as well as The employers paperwork. I explained that several weeks ago the system showed I was completed in step 8 and now it had bounced back to step 7. I also explained that I am retired and do not plan on working, so it is a moot point. She said she understood this and again said she would notify IT by days end. I also explained that I had started to upload the paperwork for the dependent but was waiting for a translated document to arrive and had not finished the uploads to submit for my dependent. Now that the system had bounced back to where it shows it is now as Pre Approved for my Visa I am locked out of that dependent screen. She explained that now if you want to add a dependent you can no longer use your current account which you applied on, and instead must create a completely new account for the dependent. This is what I think @Mistyindicated needed to be done a few months ago, but was different then what I had been told when discussing it with BOI, and now it appears that Misty was correct. Hope this helps anyone else who may be having problems with the system. Completed but not completed, makes me scratch my head.....
  17. Took the neighbor to the HH Bluport mall location, in and out in 10 minutes this morning....now to eat lunch...lol
  18. Where did she put the paper? I did the same with my now ex-wife, I had emergency neck surgery and reminded her of all the instructions she needed should something happen to me were in the letter I had given her. She told me she threw it away as I was not dead and she didn't need instructions on what was needed....
  19. This is how the majority of my friends and family feel. We want to find middle ground, no bat s..t crazy folks who want to push hidden agendas while outright lying like many in congress, the Senate and within the past few cabinets have done. Taking care of the people is what's needed, but at the same there needs to be a balance with funding outside the US. Other countries stepped away from helping others and the US was seen and is seen as the savior or big bad wolf. China has created more issues as well as Russia. Of course this is my view.
  20. You really believe this. Take a look at those wars and tell me how the world would be better and some of those countries open and free. A world without the current South Korea just one Korea under Little rocket man, or Vietnam under a 100% Chinese backed Military, or the Taliban running rampant killing women and children who don't do as a man says or want to learn, or Sadam Hussein still alive murdering his people and those of Turkey because he could. In your view the US and its allies have created a world that you do not see as viable. So you wanted to live in a world where traveling to certain areas of the would have been unavailable and trade would not have ever been free. You must want a world like there was prior to 1900 without the USA's involvement. A world where other countries, like the UK, France and Spain were the top feeders and the US was like posted below. No thank you. BYW Who do you think created most of what we see today by the Industrial revolution and their involvement? What was the US world like in 1900? In 1900, the average family had an annual income of $3,000 (in today's dollars). The family had no indoor plumbing, no phone, and no car. About half of all American children lived in poverty. Most teens did not attend school; instead, they labored in factories or fields. This must be the world you want https://www-brookings-edu.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.brookings.edu/books/the-ghost-at-the-feast-america-and-the-collapse-of-world-order-1900-1941/amp/?amp_gsa=1&amp_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQIUAKwASCAAgM%3D#amp_tf=From %1%24s&aoh=16804814012136&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&ampshare=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.brookings.edu%2Fbooks%2Fthe-ghost-at-the-feast-america-and-the-collapse-of-world-order-1900-1941%2F The collapse of British naval power, combined with the rise of Germany and Japan, suddenly placed the United States in a pivotal position. American military power helped defeat Germany in the First World War, and the peace that followed was significantly shaped by a U.S. president. But Americans recoiled from their deep involvement in world affairs, and for the next two decades, they sat by as fascism and tyranny spread unchecked, ultimately causing the liberal world order to fall apart.
  21. Did my neighbors on line last Thursday to help him like 3 months ago. This morning he tells me it was rejected, with the note: See immigration in your Area Immediately.... His 90 day report is not due until April 11th....... What has happened to their new system. BTW his last 90 days was a breeze. Just double checked his screen on his computer and everything submitted is identical to the previously accepted 90 day report. Off to HH immigration at Bluport mall he will go.
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