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Everything posted by chilly07

  1. Never ending cycle. Dredge sand- build up beach- install new drainage- Deluge- new drainage doesn't work- sand washed into bay- Dredge sand- etc etc. Keeps construction companies gainfully employed.
  2. Maybe somebody has a sizeable investment in Hospitels they want to protect???? Many Festivals = Super spreaders = Much money?
  3. Quicker to get passport renewed at Trendy-7w than the UK 11w. Also Trendy more reliable as they instruct the Indian passport makers directly so no problem with the millions of backlog at the UK PO.
  4. Mask wearing is probably the reason why Thailand has avoided the worst of the pandemic (as well as avoiding hand shaking). Big mistake to relax the requirement. Had 3 UK visitors this mth and had to ask them to put masks on especially as Omicron is on the increase in the UK where masks are the exception rather than the rule. Thais are more sensible than Brits and happy to wear masks!
  5. Clip on rear view mirror works well but short life. Stick on windscreen falls off all the time due to sun
  6. Would be helpful to have a few more replies on topic ie recent experience of Jomtien on line booking. My own is that it works well and your booking nos comes up on the electronic board having reconfirmed by email on the day.
  7. And what's the likely queuing time at RGP? I can't stand in a queue or risk exposure so this is important?
  8. No- with an agent because queueing at Immigration is not an option due to age and infermity
  9. Drove along newly extended Na Jomtien beach from southern end till Police Box and trees started and there were a v small nos of beach umbrellas. Presume this must all be crammed up at the Northern end or that we drove on a Wednesday.
  10. For on line tax returns from outside the UK you need to use an accounts package listed on the Gov Tax website. I use abcsa.co.uk accessed via my pc working of a True H router. It's great because you can upload all the data from your last return saving a lot of time
  11. Renewed mine in Jan this year. Took 7 w via an agent (to avoid traveling to Bangkok twice). Nothing goes to the UK. VFS instructs Indian passport makers direct which explains why renewing your passport in Thailand is faster and more reliable than in the UK
  12. Am on True Move with an Oppo phone. Only problem I have is that the in app link to NatWest hasn't worked for the last 2 mths. Wise blame NatWest and NatWest blame Wise. Annoying to have to come out of Wise app to access NatWest to make payment. Otherwise works fine.
  13. The Mirror and Guardian are a bastion of truth amongst the lies promulgated by the rest of the tory press owned by right wing fascist barons.
  14. And I can't get into my bank and can't get my account moved! Don't know how I'm going to get my new passport registered or certificates for Immigration! Bank doesn't know when works will finish and I get no response from HQ to my request to move my account!
  15. Which are which? Don't think you should be classifying western democracies as third world!
  16. Surprised he doesn't speak with a Russian accent!
  17. Road has been dug up for many mths outside my branch of BB in Theprasit Road Pattaya. I cannot access the bank as there are no crossing places. I want to enter my new passport nos and in July will need to get my immigration certificate. Bank has no idea when works will be finished but are adamant that I must change my passport nos and get my letter from them and cannot do it at any other branch? Do you think Immigration will accept my excuse?
  18. No corruption involved just chief officers discretion applied to agents application
  19. The business case for insurance relies on scamming billions and avoiding payouts. No wonder the profit share with those making the rules is so difficult to give up. If they get their actuarial projections wrong as they have with Covid then just amend the cover and extend the mandatory period!
  20. Had no problem doing 2 transfers this week on the BB app.
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