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Everything posted by chilly07

  1. Ditto! BPH said we will receive sms appointments from Jan to March. Now March and Moderna have arrived I will email BPH again to speed up my appointment
  2. I maintain a UK address but I would never use it to circumvent the state pension rules despite successive governments immoral and illegal pension freezes. Just a little investigation by DWP would result in me being liable to a cancellation of my state pension which I cannot afford. There is a standing parliamentary committee on frozen pensions but to date they haven't made a breakthrough despite Brexit negotiations with many worldwide countries on new trade deals which include pension rights especially Australia and Canada and the remaining 27 EU countries without any progress being made
  3. Putin says ' without russia there is no need for the rest of the world' A very dangerous man with a gigantic persecution complex!
  4. How did you get 4 jabs. I've only had 2 and can't get any more unless I queue all day with hundreds of others?
  5. Maybe an agent would have been a little less complicated
  6. Not a good idea to make suggestions to Immigration. They do read these comments. I keep my BB account purely for Immigration. I collect Credit Advices each month and only transfer the funds I need to my other account for day to day expenditure. I take both up to date bank books when I apply for my extension as well as the usual certificates from BB. This shows that I am not recycling the same 40k each month. The 400k is a big deal as that is tied up for 12 mths and is not available for medical expenses and supporting my Thai family. Retirees who rent do not have the same financial commitment to Thailand that Married expats do.
  7. Reported next to an item recording a record nos of infections. Expect full lockdowns soon!
  8. Horay! A Festival too far! Pattaya has been hosting festivals since Nov and Omicron is everywhere. Now learn and lockdown for Songran!
  9. Anybody that deliberately starts a war that kills people is a murderer and should be treated as such.
  10. Could be not following a queueing system that has been put in place for everyones convenience??? Reference to criminal activity seems a bit harsh. Parking in front of someone's premises will often bring a strong response and I suspect this has happened many times before.
  11. Would be helpful if we could have a little more info. How did you know they were giving Pfizer booster jabs and how did you qualify? I can't see anything on Morprom?
  12. Might be a few ruskies near Ukraine who fancy Krabi at the moment but I think this service will be dead in the water.
  13. Makes you think that the medical profession and big pharmas approach of 'try this and see if it works' is not as effective as the bodies own brilliant powers of recuperation?
  14. Quite happy for Antivaxers to kill themselves as it increases vaccine availability for others! Only problem is that they develop mutations for others! Omicron is the result of a mutation developed in unvaccinated individuals. By the way can anybody direct me to a booster which doesn't involve extensive queueing in Pattaya? Have purchased Moderna via BPH but still waiting for appointments?
  15. Pattaya Klang Driving school-they have a test track next to DLT and will queue for you. Did this May last year and they got me to nos 5 in the queue apparently only 40 farang per day catered for and checked all my paperwork. They arranged the medical but I did have to get the address confirmation from Immigration myself. They charge 3000bht-well worth it. You should only have to do the reaction, depth perception and colour tests. At the time because of Covid the 1hr video wasn't being used. At the driving school they only showed the video in Thai as it was for new license applications. Don't think you have to worry about your license lapsing especially if you can show your Foreign license.
  16. Thailand PO to the UK is 880bht EMS track and Trace. Takes about 7days. Hong Kong should be quicker. I don't trust couriers especially DHL as they always try to add additional charges at the point of delivery often in cahoots with local Customs. Most Thai lawyers will notarize for 1000bht per doc
  17. Correct-I always check data entry against last report to make sure it matches exactly
  18. Extraordinarily bad idea during this Omicron wave which is spiralling out of control. New infections now occuring at a rate not before seen in Thailand! Shut up shop and make people stay home until this wave is done! Only leave your home for vaccinations!
  19. chilly07

    Booster shots ?

    PATTAYA SPECIFIC-Having paid for Moderna via BPH am still waiting for them to contact me re appointment for me and wife. Queueing all day at Royal Garden, Banglamung or Central Festival is not an option as this would need to be in a wch and this increases rather than reduces Covid risk. BCCT refer me to BPH facebook page for vaccines but this is permanently booked as only 300 available. Checking web sites daily! Now pressing as daily increase in Omicron infections in local schools and in our mooban! Less talk about opening up Thailand and back to vaccine procurement is needed by this shortsighted government! And less talk about superspreading Festivals at City Hall! This Omicron wave is spiralling out of control!
  20. My UK pension provider has always accepted notarized copies of my passport for proof of life which I get from a lawyer in Pattaya.(Living Law) All they are doing is notarizing that the person before then is the same person as on the ID card or Passport. Key Visa have also notarized for me and my pension provider can check the certifying parties credentials on the Thai professional bodies web sites
  21. If you want to invest in property do so in the UK where prices continue to boom due to Foreign investors (Russian and Chinese Oligarchs) especially in London. A 3m bht house in Thailand would be worth 20m in London . 6m bht would only get you a 2up 2 down in the Welsh valleys. The answer to Thailands property black hole is to allow full foreign ownership. Until then there will continue to be empty high rises and constant slump of sale and rental values!
  22. Although my wife's Thai passport has always been in her married name as we married in Thailand this is all based on her Thai marriage certificate. Would have thought an agent in Thailand could do this for her including certified translations and the Embassy in London could issue her with a new passport. I do know that image conscious Thai ladies have got the London Embassy to issue a new replacement passport for this purpose or have replaced lost or damaged passports. Outrageous that HMPO says she should go to Thailand to change her passport. By the way there is a very long passport queue at the London Embassy to quote them 'there are 1m Thais in the UK including students who are all booking passport appointments' but until now they have closed previous outreach services and my 2 sons in the UK have been waiting over 6mths for appointments to renew their passports as the Embassy insists they must attend the Embassy for biometric data to be taken. Letter to your MP quoting HMPO nonsense wouldn't be a bad thing. If she went through the naturalization process she should already have a UK passport. Incidentally I am renewing my UK passport 1 yr early via an agent in Thailand to allow for HMPO delays- still should only take 11 w max!
  23. I always enter the new date in my Google calendar when I receive their confirmation plus the 15 day before and 7 day after. Thus I did my latest 90 day 15 days before and they included that in my next date giving me a 105 day date for my next report.
  24. Festivals every weekend and Covid festivals every week for the Covidiots who attended! Pattaya is Festivalled Out!
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