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Everything posted by chilly07

  1. Unfortunately Thai woman tend to copy Thai men by having many minor husband's especially if their real husband is out of the country or away most times as they expect their husbands to behave like Thai men hence the reference to major and minor spouses. I certainly wouldn't marry a Thai and leave her alone for long periods
  2. Yes such as freezing your card and setting your payment limits to zero. Can be done on line but you have to remember to reset when you want to make a payment
  3. That's why Immigration take photos of you and your wife when you apply for a marriage extension as well as those you supply yourself plus copies of her ID and up to date kor for 2. In addition they do random visits. Best to start again obtain a new non 0 outside the country. Better safe than sorry.
  4. I use credit advices and Wise FTT transfers into my BB account. Take the credit advices back to BB for my annual letter avoids the wait for BB H Q and gets me the letter when I want over the counter
  5. Whilst Putin controls the media and internet and uses the riot police on disent their is zero chance of a popular uprising. Russian Tourists will at least be getting real news but their aren't enough of them to get Putin out. UK can't even get rid of Bozo with full media exposure so we are stuck with Mad Vlad for the foreseeable. Hope I am wrong!
  6. Songran for me consists of one day with the family washing and anointing Bhudas and if I am unlucky becoming the designated elder to also be annointed. Then for the remainder of the 2w (Pattaya) avoiding crowds especially those from Bangkok who come in their droves as Songran is restricted in Bangkok. I wish they would get stuck in Bang Saen where full width 3 lane parking on beach road stymies them.
  7. Problem with this is that you are expected to queue with hundreds of others including Thais and Foreigners for a v long time and as I have mobility problems and can't stand in the sun I can't do this. Hence paying for Moderna.
  8. They release Pfizer in batches of 500 on facebook normally announced on Pattaya News but by the time you can react they are fully booked. For example this week they released 500 on Monday announced by Pattaya News on Tuesday and already fully booked. I suspect hospital staff get prior warning and their 'friends and family' book all available slots probably before even announced and may be doing a roaring trade selling on the slots as has alledgidly happened before. I and my wife have booked Moderna slots for this Monday as I have dispaired of beating these keyboard jockeys
  9. The first marriage extension is a bit intimidating when you haven't done one before. Best to use an agent for the first then you will know what to do subsequently.
  10. At Jomtien I always get the 12 mths income letter from my branch of BB using credit advices obtained throughout the year, the day before and then update with 100 bht deposit on the day to get the further certificate immigration require. Always works for me and avoids the uncertainty of getting the income letter on the day especially as we can now make an appointment in advance
  11. I used Pattaya Klang Driving school for the entire process only having to attend DLT on the day for the physical tests and licence. Cost me 3000bht but was well worth it as avoided queueing and the training video
  12. Am in the same position and am renewing my passport 15 mths before it runs out. HMPO are processing my application so that I have a clear 12mths when my extension runs out in Aug/Sept. It's now 7 weeks since I submitted my application via an agent and HMPO processed my payment 3 weeks ago so am expecting my new passport in about 4 weeks.
  13. Problem is they have raised the beach above beach road so you can imagine what will happen with the first serious floods!
  14. Do it via an agent and then Trendy can't deface your current passport when the agent collects your new passport. I have renewed mine with 15 mths left just to get 12 mths on my next extension. So I will have done 2 90 day reports on my old current passport before applying for my extension.
  15. Was told by Krungsri yesterday that they will let expats on retirement visas open a savings account but not those on marriage visas. I presume this is because they believe retirees will hold more money in their account than family extensions which is not entirely accurate but more likely on balance of probabilities. I do recall that BB didn't want to give me an account on a marriage extension but changed their minds when I told them how much my pensions ammounted to
  16. Never found them anything else than helpful and accommodating whilst doing a difficult job during the pandemic
  17. Don't think there is any sucking involved. The water flow is just taking sand or fine soil with it creating a pond effect in your yard. Unfortunately that silt will eventually block the road drain. Best to dig the pipe out and concrete your yard so that excess water flows through your boundary kerb into the road thus speeding up drainage and flushing out the road drain
  18. First booster in Pattaya would be great let alone the second!
  19. Understanding war mongers is not possible. A desire to kill others is madness pure and simple
  20. Your 90 day approval and confirmation of the next date should be stapled inside the back of your passport thus avoiding such issues
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