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Everything posted by Thingamabob

  1. Typical statement on behalf of the Thai establishment. Unless and until the power of the senate ia greatly reduced elections will remain a waste of time and money.
  2. It is not clear what the future of cannabis use will be in Thailand following today's election. The fact is that weed is easily available in several ASEAN countries, whether decriminalised or not.
  3. While it is sad that these dogs were killed so brutally it should always be remembered that millions of animals are being cruelly slaughtered every day, all over the world, so that their flesh and body parts can be eaten by humans.
  4. While it is sad that these dogs were killed so brutally it should always be remembered that millions of animals are being cruelly slaughtered every day, all over the world, so that their flesh and body parts can be eaten by humans.
  5. While it is sad that these dogs were killed so brutally it should always be remembered that millions of animals are being cruelly slaughtered every day, all over the world, so that their flesh and body parts can be eaten by humans.
  6. While it is sad that these dogs were killed so brutally it should always be remembered that millions of animals are being cruelly slaughtered every day, all over the world, so that their flesh and body parts can be eaten by humans.
  7. China's grip on Thailand is getting firmer every day. It can only be hoped that the Thais middle-of-the-road approach to international relations, which has mostly served it well over the years, will be maintained.
  8. Sadly millions of talented Thais over many generations have been denied the chance to realise their potential. I fear this will not change any time soon.
  9. Really ? I don't think so. We've seen predictions of change many times before but it never happens.
  10. The reason so many products in Thailand are over-priced is the high level of tea money that businesses pay to officials.
  11. Very unlikely the government will accept losing the election. Disturbances will occur, and the military will stage yet another coup 'to restore law and order'.
  12. Hopefully whoever comes out on top in the forthcoming election will keep a middle road between Western and Chinese influence, unlike the current Thai government which appears to be run by Peking.
  13. Over 70 million Americans voted for Trump in the last US election. You'd never think so reading these postings....
  14. Still on Win7 on an old Samsung laptop with no problems !
  15. I had an interest in a bar on Patpong 2 for many years along with friends from Taiwan, and a Thai 'partner'. We never got near to making a profit after all expenses, including those which were unrecorded, were paid. However we were only in it for fun so it was not a problem for us. The experience has lead me to believe making money in this kind of business in Thailand is not easy, to put it mildly.
  16. Been mugged twice in my life, once in metro Manila and once in Blackheath, south London.
  17. Well said. With stray dogs simply stay calm, don't shout and scream, and don't run away. They'll quickly move on.
  18. Nothing unusual about this break-in. Best not to keep valuables or a large amount of money in the house, and always remember a safe acts as a magnet to thieves.
  19. The law in Singapore is clear, however this man's guilt was not proven beyond doubt. I am saddened and amazed that the Singapore authorities went ahead with an execution in this case. RIP.
  20. The problem with the death penalty is, of course, that sometimes those who are not guilty are executed. Over 30 such cases in the USA in the last century.
  21. Friendly people, warm weather, good food, good healthcare, good infrastructure, beautiful beaches, beautiful mountains, good hotels, good restaurants, reasonable living costs.
  22. This is not surprising. Elephants suffer a lot of cruelty in Buddhist Thailand.
  23. The behaviour of Brits arriving in Thailand is markedly worse than it was in the 1970/80s.
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