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Everything posted by Thingamabob

  1. All Starmer has said he will do is to increase UK defence spending from 2.3% to 2.5% of national expenditure. Hardly a cause for great excitement.
  2. The way many animals are treated in Thailand is cruel. Surprising in what is supposed to be a Buddhist country.
  3. You were behind the car in front of you, your fault (assuming that this story is not a fantasy).
  4. What facilities ? We already pay tolls to use main roads, we pay for medical treatment, and for electricity and auto fuel, and for food. Street maintenance and lighting perhaps ? Your thoughts would be appreciated.
  5. A number of British judges are regularly betraying the British people. They have an agenda to undermine British culture and traditions, and to demean British history. And they are succeeding.
  6. Too many people taking over too much wildlife territory.
  7. Although the witness said he was shocked by this incident he somehow managed to video it.
  8. I doubt much will change in the next five years. In fact I doubt that war, hunger and disease will ever disappear. We humans are made up of both good and evil, and mostly experience both pain and pleasure in varying degrees during our lives.
  9. Personally I'm not much bothered by people smoking in public. Having said that I far prefer the smell of cannabis smoke to the smell of cigarette smoke.
  10. Oh dear. A difficult issue for the simple-minded. Just settle for 'several billions', then calm down, and then enjoy the rest of your day.
  11. We shall see in due course. Meantime, have a nice day.
  12. I did not imply that you should be. Have a nice day
  13. Delusional and naive. Zelensky (note the correct spelling, although to be even more correct it would read Zelenskyy, 'said he never saw most of the money'. Yes, he is quoted as having said that. It was a statement which hardly gave reassurance to those seeking it. Bear in mind that Ukrainian politics has been deeply mired in corruption for many years.
  14. Diluted, and deluded and daft.
  15. You've clearly not been around very long. Prem Tinsulanonda was prime minister from 1980 to 1988, and a highly respected figure. The people united under his premiership. It was a good time to be in Thailand. He died in 2019, another event you appear to have missed.
  16. So, kindly tell us where the money has gone (assuming you care).
  17. Did you respond in Thai ?
  18. A lot of pre-negotiation posturing going on. Meantime, it would be helpful if Zelensky would explain where the money has gone. So far the USA has contributed USD 150 billion approx to the war effort, much of it un-accounted for.
  19. Their appalling behaviour does none of us foreigners any good.
  20. A wasted life ? That's a bit strong. There may be many posters who simlpy enjoy the activity, and also some with limited mobility who appreciate the information the forum brings them.
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