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Everything posted by Brock

  1. Just use a copy of the TM30 registration from the hotel you are in at the time of the request..
  2. Depends on the office. Ratchaburi says any time up to 14 days..
  3. I have been paying my local barber 200baht for haircut and beard cut trim for over 20 years. It seams to fit the list of charges that are posted on the wall. No body in the village charges me extra for being a Falung..
  4. Terribly written/translated story. How did she fall to her death/non death off a cliff. How was the motorbike involved.. If she used the bike, to get to a scenic view, where she walked to close to the edge, the bike was non contributory so should not be a factor in the claim. If she rode the bike off the cliff, then ok..
  5. Actually, its a good decision. Melbourne is several hundred Ks south of Sydney , so were going past it on the way. Canberra Airport is in a hole in the mountains, and if weather is marginal wouldnt be a good choice. Also the airport may not be suitable or the aircraft..
  6. The Orange light was a service reminder light, and just needed to be reset. You should have taken the bike to the original workshop for them to reset.
  7. My Wifes sister didnt know her birthday, she was born on the side of a rice paddy field, and her birth recorded quite some time later. Her ID had no date of birth as it was unknown. This was from a time when the birth was recorded on a house register, no Tabien Bahn then. It didnt help that the sister isnt able to read or write due to no schooling. It was a few years ago that I found a copy of the household registration with the documents needed to get my wife to Australia. On that document was a barely legible DOB for the Sister, so we took a copy of that with us on the next trip. That was taken to the local Ampur, where he ID was updated. She was very happy, as for the first time in 50ish years she was able to have a birthday party..
  8. Ratchaburi Immigration is pretty casual, I dont need to resubmit a TM30 when returning from Oz or anywhere else. If I need an extension, I just need to show the TM30 receipt (or attach a copy with the paperwork.. New TM30 with a new passport I suppose, I will find out next year.
  9. Here are some that I put together, you can fill in, save and print. TM 7 guide.pdf TM30-Fill in and Guide.pdf
  10. I just did one, all paper work was in PDF.. The system wont accept formats it doesnt like. PDF is better in that it can include several pages.
  11. How is it that the music has been downloaded to your phone, but you need to be connected to the internet to use it. Its either on your phone, or its not..??
  12. Here is a TM30you can fill in, save and print. also includes a how to guide. I created this, anTM30-Fill in and Guide.pdfd used it with success at Ratchaburi Immigration.
  13. Most smart watches will monitor heart rate, but None will measure pressure. Certainly not a watch. BP is measured using an inflatable cuff around your arm, even that wont measure it constantly. Get a BP machine if you mast, and measure several times during the day. Results can be entered into your phone health app.
  14. It seems that when the funds are allocated for new road construction, there is no budget set aside for maintenace. That is a different money bucket that is always empty
  15. Dont take medical advice from the internet. Go see your Doctor he/she should be able to advise you.
  16. I am diabetic, have been for about 20 years. The goal my Doc set was to be below 7.0, so 6.9 is OK.. Watch your diet, and do what exercises you can. You may not be able to walk far but you should be able to use a rowing machine, or even a skiing machine while seated. They will help improve cardio health.. If your sugar levels were up around 10 all the time then you could be in trouble.
  17. My last 2 trips (Nov 22 & Apr23) All I has to show was the passport and boarding card. The boarding pass is entered into the computer by the IO.. They may ask where you are staying, in my case it was our house. This also was entered into the computer. That was it. In 40 or so years, I have never been asked to show funds for the stay. If you turn up dressed reasonably, and not like a penniless hippie its unlikely you will be asked.
  18. If you need a TM30, the form is here. It can be filled in on a PC, saved and printed. Also here is an extension request form . with explanaion on how to fill in. print single sided.. TM30-Fill in and Guide.pdf TM 7 fill in with guide.pdf
  19. TM30 is easy.. Here is a fill in PDF, that can be saved and printed. It also has a guide to filling in attached. Print single sided.. TM30-Fill in and Guide.pdf
  20. Here is the TM30 in PDF fill in format. attached is a guide to filling in the form. The form can be filled in on a computer, saved and printed. Only the first 2 pages need to be printed and handed in to Immigration. TM30-Fill in and Guide.pdf
  21. Its probably a document that states that you are aware of the repercussions for overstaying your extension/visa.. That way to tourist cant say "Oh I didnt know about that""
  22. Ahh, The romance scammers... its easier to delete the requests, if you picture the little darling as being a fat sweaty nigerian sitting in his darkened basement with only a dusty 286 computer for company ... Apart from the bitcoin mining operation running in the corner..
  23. My Wife just said, that the Temple is free, but the funeral costs depend on the flowers/decorations and coffin used. as well as the expenses for the food each night. Usually people in the village help sponsor/pay for the expenses each night. After the cremation, the family make a donation to the temple to help cover the cost of the water/gas /electricity used for the nightly food. Every one in the village contributes in some way usually, as they know that when their turn comes, some of the costs will be covered. My Brother inlaw used to have a reasonable business supplying coffins, and decorating the funeral area. Part of the duties was collecting the deceased from the home/hospital and seeing that the arrangements were handled with dignity..
  24. When I last did the TM7 (April) I took the pic with my phone, and added it onto the PDF form, so once the info was complete I just printed the whole thing. Ratchaburi Immigration was happy with that.. Make sure you only print single sided..
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