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Everything posted by Scouse123

  1. Your post makes sense and is the right way for a tax office to go about things. I will be following your route in January. I am not concerned in the slightest about owing them anything, but at least I will have followed the rules, no matter how ambiguous they are. It stops any silly assessment of tax in the future, if your book work is in order at least, I imagine.
  2. Tax office have accepted my certificate of disability, so there's 190,000 baht additional allowance. Pink card accepted as tax ID.
  3. Tax office have accepted my certificate of disability, so there's 190,000 baht additional allowance. Pink card accepted as tax ID.
  4. Only in Thailand. Nutter! Absolute fruitcake.
  5. Yes, That seems to be the case in many situations and these firms feeding on worry to drum up business.
  6. Guys, I watched and listened to both videos, including the lengthy one from Siam Legal's tax expert. The tax expert is saying as foreigners we can contest the new interpretation of the tax rules, not law, because it isn't law, by the revenue department. This is freely admitted by Siam Legal. We can only contest and sue in the court after we have received a tax bill., or an assessable tax bill, based on what we declare or are assessed on. We cannot pre-empt a lawsuit based on something that hasn't happened. I definitely think it is a sit on the fence approach and see what happens and not go racing for tax IDs and TIN numbers based on wannabe Thai tax experts on ASEAN Now, who constantly ram only their opinions down our throats. A quickie for you all. I went to the office of disabilities and spent five hours arguing my case, I am not joking, five hours!, regarding my disabled tax allowance. I spoke to no less than six different disability officers, each one with a completely different opinion to the one previous. That did not include those officers passing by and stopping that felt obliged to stick their sixpence worth in even though it was nothing to do with them. So, you see, you will probably get a similar response from many tax offices as many don't seem to know what is going on yet.
  7. A Swiss businessman summed them up many years ago to me. He said:- ' They are Polite, but they have no manners! '
  8. You can open a non-resident account in Cambodia and get around 4%, you can get monthly interest payments. Tax on interest is around 15% on your interest payment or 7% if you are resident there, which is also easy. Your money would be in USD. Here are two of the strongest banks. ATM card withdraw your interest in Thailand. https://www.acledabank.com.kh/kh/eng/ps_defixeddeposit https://www.canadiabank.com.kh/personal/fixed-deposit-account
  9. I got it and I agree, They won't do it though, and these bastards deserve a lot more than two years as they've committed murder.
  10. Confused by your comment. Are you saying these kids were in the military, it says nothing about that.
  11. I went to the office for disabilities in Kalasin city today to request a disabled card. Anybody who is under 65 and can prove a disability can claim an additional 190,000 baht on their yearly tax allowances. They were very slow, I was there five frustrating hours, and he printed a plastic disability card off and then was overruled by a senior, and it was not handed over. After showing them letters from the tax office in my local area, and a letter from a doctor at my hospital confirming I have a disability, I was issued, as a compromise, a certificate of disability for tax purposes. The reason given for not giving a card was these cards are linked to prompt pay and monthly government access to disability funds, so they didn't want to give me one, even though I would have no access to such funds, anyway. It was what we call Red tape when they also said my doctor's form signed and stamped was the wrong form, even though this is what the tax office gave me to take to the hospital. So, that's what you do guys if under 65 and disabled to get a further allowance. FWIW, The offices were well aware of the new tax rules being enforced from January 1st 2024, and it is mentioned in the certificate.
  12. Are you really so sad you think Thais just eat platefuls of rice? Ask the 7-11's, KFC, MacDonald's, Five star, Dunkin' Donuts. It's actually what planet are you living on, they were eating sandwiches, if it was rice I would have said such. What an ill thought out, waste of time response on something irrelevant, instead of focussing on the issue.
  13. Scouse123


    Then it must be cheap, because the cost of living in Laos is more expensive than Thailand, and on poorer wages.
  14. Scouse123


    It's not only about the money, it's the associated heartbreak the users cause. Most are layabouts and get money for drugs from cheating, theft and burgling, doing anything to get funds to buy drugs. They are not 10 baht either, nearer 50 baht to 100 baht. They also attack and bully family members for money, hurt loved ones, neglect their own children and have no respect for others whilst out of control on these substances. Yaa Baa is a scourge on society in Thailand. 75% of those in jail are on drug related offences.
  15. "Do not regret getting old, it's a privilege denied to many " Credited to Mark Twain. A sobering thing to do, is to go visit the War cemetery in Kanchanaburi, I have been a few times and taken friends. Nearly 7,000 poor souls there, and when you look at the young ages of them, it's very upsetting. You come away being very grateful to be still here. I am 62 and had a few health issues, and survived cancer through radical surgery in 2005. I feel, what we have in the here and now, is better than the other option.
  16. Even main dealers pass your cars on to their mates who are second hand car dealers. They then get backhanders. Car dealerships don't, to my knowledge, particularly get involved with what is now, a second hand car.
  17. I second this as I have sold many cars through bahtsold and then gone and bought a new one without a trade in. A lot of Thai dealers follow that website because they know foreigners usually get their cars regularly serviced at main dealers and look after them, so they like to but from foreigners. Good luck, link enclosed. https://www.bahtsold.com/
  18. What we have seen is them totally back down to the Unions, which they always have done and always will do, at the expense of everyone else such as Farmers, NHS, Defence, and especially pensioners. They are now using the Police to stifle free speech instead of fighting crime, the list goes on and on. Not to mention a Reeves budget from hell.
  19. They can have Boris, because we don't want him.
  20. https://www.pattayamail.com/latestnews/news/thai-lawyer-argues-most-expats-wont-be-impacted-by-personal-income-tax-482534
  21. I hope so, I really do. They certainly have no idea how to govern and are totally at odds with the British public.
  22. This is interesting from a Thai lawyer and his take on all this panic about assessable income and tax implications. https://www.pattayamail.com/latestnews/news/thai-lawyer-argues-most-expats-wont-be-impacted-by-personal-income-tax-482534
  23. Is that an attempt at humour? Many people have disabilities that are not visible. I also have lung disease that is not visible and No, I don't carry chest X-rays around to prove it either.
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