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Everything posted by Scouse123

  1. Tell that to the dead in the London bombings, the Manchester bombings, 9-11, and all the rest about cultural bloody enrichment, what a load of crap. The Muslim religion brings nothing but trouble as soon as they have sufficient numbers in any country.
  2. Which begs the question of how did he finance it? He's obviously not the sharpest tool in the box, smuggling through major airports, with Cannabis having an unmistakable odor.
  3. I think that is a safe bet, with cannabis not being illegal here, they probably tipped off their British counterparts.
  4. Trump is getting all his ducks in a row to start the blame game. The only person responsible for his poor ratings is.....TRUMP.....but he can't and won't accept it.
  5. That's handy. Otherwise, he would be blaming 10 million Israelis for his upcoming failure this year.
  6. But isn't that true and applies to every single voter in the USA?
  7. Say what you mean. In clear English, that we can all understand.
  8. How could anybody possibly be a Bigot for not following and disliking the most bigoted religion in the world?
  9. It doesn't annoy me at all, you are tipping. If you want to be a fool under the pretense you are a generous soul, up to you, as they say. You then mention 300 baht a day, I don't employ them or set the salaries, what I do know is their beers are overpriced in most places. A lot of them aren't worth much more anyway, glued to their phones, surly, making it look like a massive effort just to serve you etc. As a successful Thai lady from Khorat once told me, ' The problem with a lot of Thais, they don't understand the work ethic '
  10. Whose fault is that? I'll tell you whose fault it isn't, the customers.
  11. And so it should be, people are just naturally pointing out what goes on in their own countries, we don't have to ensure every single thing we type is about bloody Thailand. Besides, it's good to get background knowledge on what happens in other countries.
  12. Thailand now has got so bad, old women expect tips for giving you an expensive beer in a condom holder at a counter bar. It's nonsense. Far better value for money in South East Asian countries away from Thailand, which is now a rip-off and just price gouges foreigners at every opportunity. They have an overinflated idea of the country compared to other destinations. People are now deciding with their feet and air tickets as to where to spend their money. The outflow starts as a trickle, then a river and then a tidal wave, as people race to the exits.
  13. I hate both the practice of adding GST etc. on bills and the so called 15% - 20% tips that are more or less compulsory in the USA and Canada. I am also not interested in the excuse how poorly US waiters etc. get paid, or that they rely on tips to make a wage, take it up with your employer. That is between them and the establishment in which they work, it should not be on the customers toes. Prices marked on goods, should be the price you pay, anything else is misrepresentation.
  14. I think you are more or less right. Thailand never used to have a tipping culture at all, now it is everywhere, even tip tins on the counters at hotel receptions and in the space between front and back of taxis.
  15. True to a degree, but then you also get them, not only in Thailand, expecting tips on top of the service charge or dropping ' not so subtle ' hints that they don't get the service charge
  16. It is all they know.
  17. The lawyer has asked her to bypass making a POLICE report, because of the other woman's friends in the police station and fear of corruption, but instead to file her complaint directly with the court.
  18. I thought and felt exactly the same about the BBC as soon as I saw the headline of the thread.
  19. I think they have now overtaken the Chinese.
  20. Until you suggest they take a family or an asylum seeker in themselves, then they run a mile or come out with a string of excuses.
  21. I was referring to Cambodia and answering a question from another poster about rapid immigration after paying for online visa.
  22. I couldn't agree more, do-gooders out there, pretending they are on some noble cause, without caring about the burden it puts on resources, infrastructure, and the influx of diseases and crime to the unfortunate receiving country. Boatloads of illegals who don't share common ground and culture invading ready-made, law-abiding, developed countries.
  23. It helps to have a massive body of water between them and neighboring countries, unlike the UK with the Channel, a hop, skip and a dinghy.
  24. It was all a misunderstanding.
  25. I think it's twofold. 1. There are not enough clients interested in Ladyboys for the oversupply. 2. They are criminals and enjoy the violence, drama and tantrums, as well as the easy money from stealing.
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