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Everything posted by Scouse123

  1. But this is why they come. The Iranians, Kuwaitis, Iraqis, drink, drugs, women, and discos as well as loud motorbikes. They are doing everything they are not allowed to do in their home countries. It's like dogs let off their leashes.
  2. It's looking like the poster is not normal.
  3. Are you a Hypochondriac? Seriously? You seem to be displaying symptoms of one, when the doctors have constantly told you, everything is normal, and totally had enough of you badgering them. If dissatisfied, go to another practice and seek a second opinion, it's that easy.
  4. I don't bother with the stuff. I find after quitting alcohol, which I do every year for 3 or 4 months, (sometimes longer) that after a week, I sleep very well, without any need for stimulants.
  5. Superstition rules in the eyes of these people, who'll believe anything if they think there's a pot of gold.
  6. He didn't get his own way, so the doll is out of the pram.
  7. Then they trash the car through their own stupidity and lousy driving and give you the ' deer in the highlights stare ' as if to say, what have I done to deserve this?
  8. If the doctors are not concerned, then nor should you be, however, you can always seek a second opinion.
  9. Don't go to this forum or to Google to ask advice about possible pancreatic cancer. Go to a hospital and consult professionals in that field. You will turn yourself into a lunatic, following gossip forums and Google.
  10. They don't get molested, it's gossip and heresy from people who know nothing about the Thai prison system. There are far too many willing takers in the jails, who will do sex for soap, toothpaste, washing powder. It used to be cigarettes.
  11. You just litter posts with inaccurate and unfounded assumptions, trying to be witty.
  12. A few reasons. Thai prisons are not as bad as they make out in the books, these books are written for sensationalism and profit. Some just do not want to return to the UK, where they have nothing anyway. In Thailand, from early morning until late afternoon, prisoners are outside in the sunshine and fresh air. In the UK, where if a life sentence prisoner seeks repatriation to the UK, his prison will be a Category B prison at least. He also won't be spending time outside, Those Cat B prisoners are subject to harsh conditions in the UK. You are not outside in the sunshine in the UK, unless on gardening duty in a low security prison, which these guys would not be. If they await a King's pardon, and get it, it doesn't go on their UK criminal record. If they transfer, it goes on their record that they have spent time in a UK prison. Lastly, @JeffersLos a life sentence prisoner must serve at least eight years in the Thai prison before being eligible to transfer. Then, under UK law, and the treaty with Thailand, he must serve half of the balance left to serve in a UK prison. So, if on transfer, he has 20 years left, he must serve 10, before being released on licence. However, he is still fully entitled to Amnesties given by the Thai government, even though he is in the UK.
  13. No, in some cases they give 300 plus years, these are like malfeasance in office etc and are symbolic sentences, but Thai people, given life sentences, do not serve longer than 25 years maximum.
  14. He pleaded guilty as the evidence was overwhelming. After a guilty plea like this, there can be no appeal.
  15. Well, that's the stupidity of young idealistic, uninformed youth of the UK.
  16. Too many!! And we already have too many places of worship in the UK for Muslims. An intolerant, bigoted, self-serving, violent, full of misyogism, evil religion. There is a covenant stating it cannot be used as a place of worship unless it's Christianity. ....... Period.
  17. I just completed this quiz. My Score 60/100 My Time 120 seconds  
  18. I just completed this quiz. My Score 40/100 My Time 119 seconds  
  19. I don't believe they allow Life sentence prisoners to remain on the island, as the prison category isn't high enough for life sentence prisoners. The prisons that can accommodate Life sentences are Bang Kwang, Klong Prem, etc He will be moved. The Embassies like it when they are moved to Bangkok as less travelling for the Consuls etc, with most Embassy headquarters based in Bangkok.
  20. Ah OK, Sorry about that then.
  21. They are not pardons, they are Amnesties that are given and prisoners get reductions based on the crimes they have committed. They do give amnesties for murders and the smallest amnesties and viewed worse than murder, are drugs cases.
  22. The conditions in Thai prisons are nowhere near as bad as they were in the 2000s, 24 years ago. The guy won't die in prison, he'll be transferred out after eight years back to Spain. His family is very wealthy, which means he will have ample funds to eat and sleep well, he will also have funds to employ somebody to do his laundry, be his cleaner, etc. The guy will be able to buy a decent bed space in his cell. Sometimes, depending on where he is put, you can buy a cell that has only four or five people in it. There are many options open to him, as he has money, or his family has.
  23. Actually, I think that has to be agreed between the parties before a judge, and he must be satisfied regards compensation, before initial sentencing.
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