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Everything posted by Scouse123

  1. It was a very weak defence, the Spaniard had been in relations with the South American doctor for a while. He arrived at the island before the doctor and set about his plan to commit pre mediated murder. If he was concerned about sexual advances, he could have just not gone to Koh Samui and stayed in Spain, I don't believe a word regarding his poor defence of murder.
  2. I wish you guys who don't know what you are talking about regards Thai prisons would stop the innuendo about male rape, it doesn't happen, there are too many in there happy to sell themselves. Another silly answer, there are no lights out, the lights are on 24/7.
  3. I believe it is, I think 25 years is the maximum you can spend in jail in Thailand, After eight years, he can apply to finish his sentence, and be transferred to a Spanish jail, and whatever repatriation agreement it has with Thailand. In Thailand, he will also receive time off for good behaviour, plus substantial reductions on auspicious occasions, such as the King's birthday etc.
  4. Again, the British people voted to leave and that's it.
  5. It was a vote by the British people, now you are asking politicians to override democracy.
  6. Congratulations on obtaining your DTV, Hope it works well for you. I was toying with the idea, but with the way Thailand constantly changes its mind on visas etc, I thought I would just stick with the 800K method for now.
  7. I fail to see the point of going on and on about Brexit, it's done, it is time to move on and make the best of it instead of the constant bleating by remoaners, about ifs, buts and why for.
  8. No, you are right, they are separate issues but out of EU and out of ECHR if we are taking back our borders. UK law should trump ECHR. Brexit does not prevent cases from being taken to the ECHR, but the repeal of the Human Rights Act might render ECHR decisions less effective and the UK will not be bound by changes to EU law. Anyway, the way Starmer is sucking up to France and Germany, things will definitely get worse for the UK.
  9. No point talking about it now, we have the worst deal possible. Half in and half out, whereby we are still bound by countless rules and regulations plus the ECHR, but none of the so-called benefits it was supposed to bring. I wouldn't want to rejoin where the French and Germans would attempt to give us an even worse deal than we previously had, in an attempt to penalise us.
  10. That's exactly what I did, and they fitted it, at least I have reliable Toyota recommended and guaranteed cameras. You get what you pay for.
  11. I've got to agree with that. I think the UK was never wanted by the EU, never! They wanted the revenue, they wanted the nuclear deterrent, they wanted us to buy their exports, holiday in their countries, and the unbalanced revenue streams it brought to benefit France, Germany, and Spain. They wanted the GBP, but they NEVER WANTED US. Furthermore, they have tried every trick in the book to wreck the UK economy, especially the financial side of things. The French tried their hardest to move things away from London, as the financial capital in Europe, they wanted us out in the cold with nowhere to go. The UK simply exercised its democratic right to leave an organisation which has drifted far from what it was set up and supposed to be. We wanted a friendly trading bloc, they want a United States of Europe, with Brussels as its capital. You cannot take away the identities of independent nation states, with their own cultures, traditions, and history and role them into a faceless entity, with Brussels as its leader. Since we left, we really have seen how nasty and unfair and petty that they can be in Brussels. We want our control back and our borders back and our culture back. Do we want vindictive parters like that?..................... I think not.
  12. As long as they can get to Wetherspoon's for the 9.30am morning beers
  13. The Chinese have been creating dams and controlling water resources upstream for years, it was reported often what they were doing. Then, they were offering the Laotians minor compensation, ( calling it humanitarian assistance) to the guys who made a living fishing on the Mekong River. They told them, the dams they were creating were for efficient water management and that it was for the benefit of everyone. China never does anything for anyone for the benefit of anybody except China.
  14. You arrive at some pretty weird conclusions based on nothing except the thoughts in your head. Have you sought counselling?
  15. Yes, they have weird logic, that's for sure.
  16. How can it cause him distress when he took her away for an abortion? Where do you get false accusation, when the guy is not denying it, so much so, he sought out sneakily, an abortion clinic and paid 8,000 baht to sweep it under the table? Did you read the story? Perhaps he did not rape her or have sex with her at all, You say??, .........................then why would she report this to her mother and her aunt? Your response and justification, as well as victim blaming, is just bizarre.
  17. Yes, Spoilt little rich kids who value nothing except their self entitlement. The offender's parents, I see, are not interested in fairness and justice for the victim, too busy stating their precious child is a ' minor ' so shouldn't be held accountable for his actions. Fine!! Make the parents be held accountable in his place for being lousy role models.
  18. No, the worst they can do is not to bring them up but to spoil them, giving them no values. This is a case of knowing the price of everything, and the value of nothing. The offender has probably been brought up in a bubble of self entitlement.
  19. If ever a country that wealthy dictate and the disparity between rich and poor is so obvious, it's PDR Lao.
  20. And somebody will always come up with a different chart showing the opposite. Lies, damn lies and statistics was the saying, wasn't it?????
  21. Just awaiting an order coming in with some gifts and free shipping, I'll report back when the goods arrive. I've ordered mixed items including leather belts, wallets etc It's the quality I am interested in.
  22. I care as much about Trump and the US election as I do about Oasis reforming and doing a world tour next year......ZERO!
  23. A lot of Republicans seem to forget, he used to be a hard and fast Democrat until it no longer suited him.
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