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Everything posted by Scouse123

  1. I can see it now. ' I might as well have a beer while I am waiting the result of the breathlyser '
  2. You are being way too logical and sensible and forgetting this is Thailand.
  3. You know I was going to make that same comment as you have already posted. Isn't it ridiculous? It just shows how little they really do in the form of work.
  4. So they are leaving it up to the person who has been drinking to decide when they are fit to drive? What could go wrong? A drunk neither knows nor accepts that they are drunk,.............. message to the DP of Thailand............... It's the same when you are stupid!
  5. The three people who contacted me privately, I have sent you all the phone numbers and email of the lady lawyer based in Korat. You should be good to go. I have also emailed the lawyer letting her know some potential clients may be in touch.
  6. Well, it must be if Vietnam has just won first place in the World's Best Rice Contest 2023 in Cebu, Philippines.
  7. Of course, I used to fall soft and clear it, but not anymore, I deduct it from her monthly allowance.
  8. To the idiots on here who keep posting confused emojis, what is not clear in the above statement? It is bloody annoying when some are posting confused emojis for no apparent reason or is it beyond the comprehension of some posters, that I said that Nana Plaza is not the best choice for females to go on a night out? It is an adult male entertainment zone. What is confusing about that? Or are we just sheep on here and hit the confused button because somebody else did?
  9. I've got a usufruct over the land and houses. For the car, I make sure there is plenty of finance or enough that she cannot borrow against it. The motorbike has been borrowed against as we speak. It's been ongoing for years, without the gambling, a perfect partner. Not lazy, cleans, washes, cooks, pleasant to get along with, etc.
  10. Nothing to read here, move along, just a different snout at the trough. Looks like he's eaten plenty already.
  11. I have one. Fluent English-speaking lady lawyer based in Korat. She has a law firm and is the owner of an English school/translation service. Her prices are fair and reasonable. You can PM me and I will give you her email and phone, and then your lady friend can converse with her directly to find a solution. I use this lady for my affairs and have done for a long time.
  12. I agree with you, it's one of my pet peeves. You compose a post which is clear and concise with a full explanation and clowns on here hit the confused button. Then other clowns see they have hit the confused button and follow suit like sheep.
  13. It is just blind stupidity Yep, Including my other half. Addicted to phone online casino/ bandit machines. Blind stupidity. She has a new Toyota Legender, three houses, 4 rai, the latest TV and a fridge and freezer full, but still feels the need to spend her monthly allowance on online gambling, then comes begging, swearing that's the end and she quits, she can't. She openly admits if I wasn't so strong that the lot would have gone years ago. It's the only problem we have together. She is not into fancy clothes, the latest phones, drinking etc but gambling is a different story. I stopped buying gold years ago, for the above reasons as I knew where it would end up
  14. I think you are being too nosy in matters that are not your business. What she does with her businesses in Bangkok is not your concern. How they choose to run their businesses is also not your concern. You don't know the ins and outs of their finances or the structure of their businesses. You seem to have a bee in your bonnet, with a tenant who is paying you expensive rent by your admission, and want to now go back to them with terms that may not suit them because you are overthinking about deaths and fires. Just simplify things and request that the building be insured for matters such as fire. If you have to insure the property as the owners, tell them and come to an amicable arrangement with them. Ridiculous, it sounds like you sit at home fretting and then jump in your car or on your scooter to go mooching around in the dark
  15. Well, it's not the best place for single women and female tourists to go for a night out, that is for sure. It is primarily geared toward males and male adult entertainment.
  16. A neutral buffer state such as Ukraine would be sensible. What many forget is that Volodymyr Zelenskyy is every bit the autocrat that Putin is and has tried to beg, threaten and bully the West in a constant quest for more funds and armaments.
  17. I think if he tried to order the above, there would be mass mutinies, defections and surrenders.
  18. You know what they say, If you have nothing sensible to say, keep schtum.
  19. All the above is good to know and good information. Some stuff in there I wasn't aware of.
  20. Millionaire by his family selling land not through work or being an entrepreneur Easy come, easy go especially with the type of friends flashing wealth attracts.
  21. I do, Too many mishaps from higher floors. Also, it negates the need for a 3-foot balcony rail.
  22. Agreed, But solo males are more likely to suffer violent assaults and robberies as opposed to sexual violence and rapes.
  23. How about a cruise ship worker that books a tour through an ' alleged ' legitimate tour guide to be taken to idyllic spots in broad daylight, only for the man in a position of trust, to attack and rape her? Agreed, you would get a damn sight longer than that in the UK these days. I don't think she needs your advice, I think she will never trust a male again, unfortunately.
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