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Everything posted by Rimmer

  1. Off topic post and reply linking to a 2021 story has been removed
  2. Multiple bickering posts leading to flames have been removed, can we stay on topic without all the acrimony please: Joe Biden Is Now Beating Donald Trump With Republican Pollsters As Well
  3. I get a couple of monocled black cobras a month inside the garden area, we have the tools to capture them and put them back outside where they belong. In my experience every snake that a Thai sees is a cobra 😄 Difference is a King Cobra can raise up and move a black spitting cobra can not, it can only raise up and spit when stationary not raise up and move at the same time.
  4. Off topic conspiracy troll posts and replies have been removed
  5. Off topic bickering, baiting and flaming posts have been removed
  6. An off topic post and two replies have been removed
  7. Had not grey the car stopped in the fast lane to let the scooter go through? The White car must have seen that but still overtook it on the inside at high speed, It does not look like the grey car was slowing to turn as the front wheels are straight.
  8. Or maybe if you can find a 1080 version as they usually come with subs whereas 720 often do not
  9. Yep spot on, I am a big fan of Taylor Sheriden and Jeremy Renner but the last series of this show was uninteresting and boring with a very lame plot, (if indeed there was one) I did not even bother to archive it, went straight in the bin.
  10. A further post flaming a member and commenting on moderation has been removed, despite what you might think this is a discussion forum for adults not a free for all to attack other posters
  11. Multiple off topic bickering posts have been removed
  12. Discussion of an illegal activity //CLOSED//
  13. Personal attacks and replies have been removed, keep that up and there will be consequences
  14. I wonder how many proper toilets they could have built for B30m
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