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Everything posted by candide

  1. Agree. The condition for the interview was that it would make Putin look good
  2. Ukraine was knowingly excluded as it is not part of the EU. I thought anyone would have understood my point, which is that countries which have left Soviet and Russia's orbit are doing much better than Russia. This is an obvious proof of Putin's failure (on top of it, the majority of Russia's GDP is natural resources and oil). In particular, it explains why Putin is enraged at Baltic States.
  3. We agree that the objective was to have Putin look good! Edit There's nothing in what Putin said that hasn't been studied already by historians. There are plenty of true historians, you know the kind of historians who follow a vigorous methodology and who publish in peer-reviewed academic journals.
  4. What are the independent Russian journalists saying (they had to leave Russia to avoid being jailed)?
  5. One only needs to have a look at a few countries' GDP per capita to understand what Putin's real problem is. https://www.imf.org/external/datamapper/NGDPDPC@WEO/RUS/LVA/LTU/POL/CZE/EST/SVK
  6. It's impressive how you can accumulate several inaccuracies in the same list. - it's Bush and Cheney who pressured the intelligence services to provide "evidence". There were disagreement between the different services about it, which have been ignored by the administration, - this point can be discussed, I.e. disinformation about Covid is not protected free-speech - no intelligence service told America that the laptop was Russian disinformation.
  7. That was not an official promise, and the interlocutor at that time, the Soviet Union, collapsed since Russia declared its independence. About the so-called peace plan, same quote: "You can’t negotiate with a bear while it’s eating your leg,"
  8. A quote from Boris (one of the few occasions I agree with him). "You can’t negotiate with a bear while it’s eating your leg" The rest of your post is State-controlled Russian propaganda.
  9. I am not sure that capitulate is the right expression as Russia was not attacked. The best way to fight a decline is not necessarily a war. But that would have required another leader for Russia. Imagine there had been a competent leader after Boris. The Russian economy would have been flourishing, there would be a trade deal with the EU. Thanks to its natural and human resources Russia could be like California, and Ukraine would possibly be quite happy to be closely associated with Russia....
  10. I don't disagree with that. My point is that, in the past, there were plenty of capable people who did not have access to education for different reasons, often financial. Because of their talent and hard work, they were able to succeed despite their lack of education. Nowadays the equivalent people nearly all have access to education if they have enough intellectual capabilities (and even sometimes if they don't). So there aren't much capable self-made men left. The context has also changed as business has become more technological and sophisticated, in particular in the fast growing markets.
  11. As usual, you are using ridiculous conspiracy theories and imaginary situations....😃
  12. There's a difference between induced to, or led to, and forced to. There may be a series of events which induced Putin to invade Ukraine, along other reasons such as his failure to develop his country. It doesn't mean Russia was "forced" to do it. NATO countries did not cause the decline of Russia and it's lack of attractivity for neighbouring countries. I do not agree with your claim about the war in Iraq. Only the U.S. and UK government supported the narrative. Most other European countries (and people) which are supporting Ukraine now were also against the war in Iraq (in particular France). And I would not be surprised if our senior MAGA members used to fully support the invasion of Iraq.(I know you are part of them.
  13. I did not show any ignorance. All what I posted was factual.So we agree on that point: no expansion of NATO nukes presence at Russia's doorstep. So how are missiles without nukes a fundamental threat to Russia? In particular as the ones put "at the doorstep" after the collapse of the Soviet Union (caused by Russia leaving it, BTW) were antimissile missiles? And Romania is not at the doorstep. Are you ignorant about those facts? On top of it, how could NATO be considered as an increased threat as the US had reduced its military presence in Europe, and European members had reduced the % of GDP allocated to their army?
  14. Statistically, most smart people have a degree. Of course, it doesn't mean only people with a degree are smart. But statistically, it works. It should also be noted that the current situation is different as more people are educated. Someone who would have been a self made man in the 60s would likely be a graduate nowadays. https://www.statista.com/statistics/184260/educational-attainment-in-the-us/
  15. Sure. However, the two first names in your list have studied in Harvard and the only reason they did not get a degree is that they already started their business and were to busy to go on studying.
  16. He was merciless attacked because he was talking B.S. all the time. Do you mean the MSM should have praised Trump for promising Mexico would fund his border wall? Trump could not stand media systematically debunking his lies. He already started to claim elections were rigged before the 2016 elections as he initially expected to lose! 😀 Trump is the main culprit for his bad réputation.
  17. Not relevant for you but absolutely relevant for economists. The US inflation level has always been correlated to other developed countries' inflation level.
  18. Much higher gdp growth than G7 countries compared to pre-pandemic level higher growth than othercdevelopped countries ( you posted the li k yourself). Inflation now lower than the average of advanced economies.
  19. They never said there had been massive fraud and that Hillary actually won the election like the sore loser did. Actually, it's Trump who claimed the 2016 elections have been rigged because he could not stand Hillary getting more voices than him! 😉 Those false equivalences are getting boring.
  20. B.S. Both had no right to keep classified documents after the end of their mandate. However Biden gave them back without being asked to give them back. Trump refused, lied, and conspired to obstruct the recovery of the documents.
  21. Trump was not denied presidency. Just like people claiming that Biden is incompetent are not denying his presidency. Critics are part of the democratic debate. The MSM, were perfectly in their democratic role by keeping in check all the lies and B.S. told by Trump. Trump did what he did and said what he said.
  22. So invading Ukraine and slaughtering civilians would be justified by the war in Iraq. It's completely incoherent! 😀 Ukraine is not responsible for the war in Iraq just like Iraq was not responsible for the 11 September attack.
  23. Nobody was demonised, they were just excluded from certain activities, such as travelling. A pale consequence compared to being dead! 😀
  24. No. I'm not referring to Russian propaganda.
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