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Everything posted by candide

  1. So continuously claiming legitimate elections have been rigged, and getting his supporters excited about it, is not dividing the nation? Slogans such as "Fight like hell" and the continuous flow of insults and smear from Trump is not dividing the nation?
  2. For the time being, it's Trump crying! I won the election! I did nothing wrong!
  3. I acknowledge it's a problem. Down to 27% Democrats are now as few as Republicans!
  4. Neither registered Republicans nor Democrats will decide who is the winner. It's the Independent voters who will de facto decide.
  5. What was not expected in these results? Everybody knows Trump will win the primaries by large. It's been anticipated in all polls. Everybody also knows (apart from MAGA fans) that the only way Biden can win the election, is if Trump is the other candidate. Haley is the most dangerous candidate for the Dems and she's only third. It's rather a good news for them.
  6. You forget about the Christian indulgence! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ. Edit Well, Evangelists just forget about the "repent" aspect! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
  7. Who should feel uncomfortable apart from DeSantis supporters? These people already voted Trump in 2020 elections.
  8. Are Red states cheaper for property and consumption tax too?
  9. I like one comment about the Trump picture on reddit: He looks like two children in a trench coat with a creepy mask. ๐Ÿ˜‚
  10. Different people may react differently, but mixing weed and (a significant amount of) alcohol tends to make sick. The other aspect is that when one is high from weed, there is no particular need to drink in order to feel happy.
  11. 1. People who smoke weed tend to drink less alcohol, so there are obvious side benefits. 2. There is a real and more dangerous issue in Thailand with synthetic drugs (most of all Yaba, but also others such as Fentanyl, Ketamin, etc...). It's inefficient for authorities to lose time on weed. Attention must be focused on synthetic drugs, not only to fight against traffic, but also to provide rehab solutions to drug addicts (instead of just putting them in jail).
  12. Now even Comer de facto admits it was just a smear campaign against Biden... Comer insists his job was โ€˜never to impeachโ€™ as GOP doubts grow about Biden impeachment vote https://www.yahoo.com/news/comer-insists-job-never-impeach-160025134.html
  13. The % of Democrats is not as low as the % of Republicans.....
  14. Did you also enjoy the pathetic sore loser getting mad after the 2020 elections, and ridiculously claiming that he actually won? ๐Ÿ˜†
  15. Unlike you, I do not build opinions on what politicians claim. The economic numbers are there and don't lie. It's true that these numbers are currently not perceived was such by public opinion. Then it's rather simple. Either public opinion becomes more aware of economic performance indicators, and the Dems will likely win, or it doesn't and they will likely lose elections.
  16. I don't know if they will react like that, but at least they will not whine about massive fraud and stolen elections B.S. and will not storm the Capitol! ๐Ÿ˜†
  17. Failed policies? ๐Ÿ˜ƒ The U.S has the best economic performance among G7 countries!
  18. Remember why MFP became kryptonite to all other parties. The only thing Thaksin has to do (and has done so far) is to make sure a particular institution is not challenged.
  19. On top of it, Dominion machines which were not connected. And the pizzeria cited in the conspiracy theory has no basement! ๐Ÿ˜… Dumber than dumb!
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