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Everything posted by candide

  1. Same methodology as previous survey waves which showed a less positive attitude. BTW, you can check everything about the methodology and data, as It's all open data on their website. https://www.europeansocialsurvey.org/ For example for UK, here is their sampling methodology. Sampling procedure Probability: Multistage Sampling Frame: Postcode Address File (small users), which is a list of addresses to which the Royal Mail delivers mail, excluding “large users”, which are generally businesses. Sampling Design: A 4-stage design. At the first stage, 391 postcode sectors are selected as PSUs, with probability proportional to number of addresses, within strata formed by 12 regions and using systematic random sampling after sorting within regions by a combination of the Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD), percentage of households privately renting and percentage of pensioners. At the second stage, 15 addresses are selected by systematic random sampling within each PSU. The third stage applies only at addresses that contain more than one dwelling and consists of a random selection of up to three dwellings. Finally, one person is selected at each dwelling using a Kish grid procedure. Geographical Unit: North East (England), North West (England), Yorkshire and the Humber, East Midlands (England), West Midlands (England), East of England, London, South East (England), South West (England), Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland
  2. Well, some people are getting old, others are still young and believe the world has been created in seven days (and also that the 2020 elections have been rigged).
  3. In April, there is Songkran. It would be the ideal time, in order to make sure this money would be wasted to buy booze.
  4. And for which purpose have you been paying taxes? To compensate the slave owners! 😃 From your link: "In the early 1830s, the Government borrowed £20 million (more than £2.4 billion in today's money) to fund the Slavery Abolition Act 1833 and compensate Britons for the loss of their "property" – their possession of women, men and children in the Caribbean."
  5. For people who don't like to watch videos: "It was my decision," Trump told NBC's "Meet the Press" program, that the election was "rigged" against him, adding that he relied heavily upon his own "instincts" in coming to that conclusion. 🤣 https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-says-it-was-his-decision-persist-with-2020-election-challenges-2023-09-17/
  6. I hope they will also implement programs to help users to stop. Until now, the main cure offered to drug addicts who wanted to stop was to be arrested and be kept in a prison cell without treatment.
  7. I am not trying to make a bad joke, but aid to Israel is now the hostage of U.S. politics. It's surely not in Israel's interest.
  8. And this support is now fully exacerbated. With significant negative consequences: a rise of antisemitism, and also a growing opportunity for various extremist organisations to recruit more potential terrorists. Also some political impact, for example the Abraham Accords seem to have gone to the trap.
  9. They are winning the PR war among their key target populations, mainly Arabs and Muslims. The worst aspect being the rise of antisemitism nearly everywhere. As the war is likely to be long, the daily sight of dead Palestinian civilians can only help them in this PR war.
  10. I guess you mean pre-Covid, as the economy has been poorly managed by Trump during Covid years. It's been already achieved a few quarters ago! 😃 https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn02784/
  11. It is a bit paradoxal. One the one hand, they are worried by, and unsatisfied with their economic situation, but on the other hand (as noticed by someone from the Fed) they don't behave like people fearing the economic situation: consumption is steadily growing and businesses go on recruiting employees.
  12. Trump said: “So with all those losers out there that say – ‘Trump never got the –’ you remember, I used to say, ‘Mexico will pay for the piece of the wall.’” 😃 Fact check: Trump falsely claims he’d promised Mexico would pay for ‘a piece’ of the border wall https://edition.cnn.com/2023/10/30/politics/fact-check-trump-mexico-piece-border-wall/index.html
  13. It will be interesting to see wether they are able to impose it to the army or not. A good indicator of the current power balance.
  14. Why has Trump involved her in his misdeeds? A decent father would not do that.
  15. He certainly knows it. It has been notified to him a dozen of times already. However, he only ackowledges the parts of the testimony he likes, and ignores the parts he doesn't like.
  16. Easy reply. They could find nothing because it was well concealed. Well, at least you acknowledged there is no evidence of a crime committed by Joe Biden. As to Hunter Biden (or anyone else), if he gets punished for tax fraud. Impeach Hunter Biden!
  17. So no crime found, despite years of investigations, and every time they claimed they had a smoking gun, it failed miserably.
  18. You never show this picture when you comment the GOP committee investigation about Biden. Why that? Oh! I understand! After years of investigation, they Haven't found any crime! 😄
  19. Strange coincidence! Most people were better off pre-Covid in other countries too. Hmmm.... what could be the reason?
  20. B.S! Now you represent Isaan voters? They couldn't care less about it, in particular in Isaan. They also don't care about what people like you may think about it. It's their country.
  21. I remember a small cheap bar years ago, managed by a couple. They also had access to a vacant first floor condo, and customers could go to toilets there. However, the lady was convinced there was a ghost there, so every time she needed to go to toilet, she used to go to another place and pay the usual 5 pence fee! 😁
  22. More than just tolerant, It's part of their way of life and their culture (and even their religion) What have your imaginary foreign brigades to do with this issue? The proposed laws are just legalizing something which has been part of the Thai society for ages. I cannot think of any Thai people I know who could be against these laws. Actually, it seems It's the foreign square bigots brigade (not sure there's even enough for a brigade) complaining. Why not let the Thai decide their laws based on a large consensus in society, without placating your biased politico-religious farang view on it?
  23. Are you sure you know Thailand? Haven't you noticed that one of its charming tradition has been the harmonious integration of gay and trans people in Thai society and culture, in particular in Issan?
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