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Everything posted by candide

  1. Right it's 2024. 😀 https://www.racetothewh.com/president/polls#google_vignette
  2. Maybe it's just that some people don't define their nationalism by parading with flags in a pick-up truck?
  3. I can predict very precisely the outcome of this trial: - if he's exonerated, MAGA fans and assimilated will evoke a conspiracy theory; - if he's convicted, they will evoke a conspiracy theory! 😆
  4. He said that in 2016, I doubt he would tell the same now, as his policy is clearly not left-wing. Rather center or slightly right of center.
  5. So they did not approve the invasion, as Trump did. That's What I thought About the points you evoke. 1. Following the victory of the Maidan movement 2. I agree that Obama made a bad assessment of the Russian threat. 3. The aid was only freezed after Russia announced it would draw down troops stationed near Ukraine and before the summit with Putin. No war-mongering Biden, it seems! 4. I agree it was a mistake.
  6. So Trump will indict his own DOJ at that time, because these events alleged by the so-called IRS whistleblowers occured when Trump was President! 😃 As usual, and as Trump, you have nothing!
  7. On the other hand, Trump..... 😅 "Within weeks, Trump praised Putin for how he handled the takeover of Crimea and predicted that “the rest of Ukraine will fall … fairly quickly.” Echoing Kremlin propaganda, Trump said in a TV interview that the Crimean people “would rather be with Russia,” a position he also pushed in private. One of his 2016 campaign aides falsely claimed that “Russia did not seize Crimea.” https://edition.cnn.com/2022/03/26/politics/trump-putin-ukraine/index.html
  8. Making things up again? 😃 Show a source backing your claim,
  9. You've been repeating it like a broken record. Where is your evidence the FBI helped the Biden campaign?
  10. Right! Good news for Putin! That was his objective...
  11. The funny thing being that Trump probably helped her making more money by extending her fame. 😁
  12. There have been numerous recounts and audits in those States, including GOP partisan audits. You have nothing.
  13. What is at stake is the survival of the yellow-green network of people who used to control all agencies, as well as the judiciary, by appointing each other. All these positions are based on reciprocal appointments or approval by the judiciary, the agencies and the Senate. As this network has lost most of its electoral base, in particular in Bangkok which has largely switched to MFP, this is clearly a survival issue. Concerning the Senate: "4. Providing advice or approving an appointment of a person to hold a position The Constitution provides duties and powers of the Senate in giving approval to a person for holding positions in organs under the Constitution, namely Judge of the Constitutional Court, Election Commissioner, Ombudsman, Member of the National Anti-Corruption Commission, Member of the State Audit Commission, Auditor-General and Member of the National Human Rights Commission who are elected or selected by the Selection Committee." https://www.senate.go.th/assets/portals/1/fileups/419/files/senate Eng.pdf
  14. The usual baseless conspiracy theory. Trump did what he did.
  15. Interesting article. No evidence of crimes. It confirms the GOP committee had nothing! 😃
  16. The issue is not what I can prove. It is what could have been proven in a trial, if she had been indicted.
  17. Of course, I am not talking about Hunter's nothing burger trial, which deals with plain alleged crimes by a private citizen. The GOP committee investigation has been a ridiculous failure (in case you have followed the news about it).
  18. To be honest, from the right-wing posts this forum, I did not find a significant intensification. It was witch hunt and weaponized Biden's DOJ before the trial, and it's still witch hunt and weaponized Biden's DOJ after the trial! 😀 Not much changed!
  19. You mean the imaginary crimes touted by GOP commissioners? FD-1023 anyone? 😀
  20. I did not find the wfaa interview but I found this article about an interview he made. In this interview, Isaac claims that files, which were not among the ones he found, have been added to the laptop content. It's a copy of a wapo article. https://www.congress.gov/118/meeting/house/115286/documents/HHRG-118-GO00-20230208-SD012.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiw-qCX8MuGAxX_VqQEHfNDBvIQFnoECA4QAQ&usg=AOvVaw0pig0YA9J4wqDeO_nFHrE_ https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/04/12/now-warning-about-hunter-biden-laptop-disinfo-guy-who-leaked-it/
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