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Everything posted by candide

  1. Sure! 😀 Crime is down, though Fox News viewers might not be aware https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/12/18/crime-fbi-fox-news/ Crime in America is down, rudely interfering with GOP narrative that it's out of control https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/columnist/2023/12/20/crime-murder-violence-down-biden-fox-news/71974355007/ Fox News Hosts Struggle to Process Falling Crime Rates https://uk.news.yahoo.com/fox-news-hosts-struggle-process-024700356.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAADPNtOH13ZrfGw5jMWsS7u1LeVEZe_vpdieE0JjUsH2Fbe504KCXN5Ip_J9knqluAkzwjiZN8sR2FZUN4Aq3ptjqsfLPDU-LjvNfoS8XBALuXIqcLcF6T5xHY-zxhLQEClQTDiuvvYqXu9J1ua483vjRGafEWrTDsKgqHpEjvYyr
  2. There are statistics about crimes, no need to watch Fox News or CNN.
  3. Lol! Why did you choose 2021, the post-pandemic peak? 😀 Violent crime rate has been declining in 2022 and 2023
  4. Oh, you're right, he met the Royals. When I first saw the pictures, I wondered why the Queen was photographed with a part-time butler wearing a rented suit! 😀 https://www.vogue.com/article/donald-trump-uk-state-visit-queen-elizabeth-trolling-shade
  5. Do you have the same reincarnation power as Bignok? 😀
  6. I see. Sorry, I thought there may have been some coherence between your reply and the post you quoted.
  7. Of course, Trumpers won't provide any reliable source. And if you insist, they will tell you to look for a source by yourself on the Internet! 😀
  8. Hunter already stated that Joe was the big guy. But why did you mention it, as a reply to a post asking for a source about alleged Joe's relation with Ukraine? It seems to be incoherent. Hence my question.
  9. Did Trump also claim again that he won the 2020 election? 😆
  10. The best post-Covid recovery among G7 countries, by large! https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn02784/
  11. Russia is much cheaper than the U.S. https://www.aljazeera.com/economy/2019/11/22/us-ranks-1-in-the-world-for-sky-high-cost-of-vital-medicines
  12. Hungary's Orban, a world leader! 🤣 If he's lucky, he may also be able to meet Malta' s and Lichtentein's world leaders! 😆
  13. Many posts, but it seems no one is able to prove that Trump offered Pelosi National Guard, and also that she turned it down.😀 (of course, quoting Trump doesn't count)
  14. Sorry, but your finger is not an evidence that "Trump offered Pelosi National Guard...she turned it down." 😀 BTW, nobody forced you to reply to a post which was not for you.
  15. In summary, you have nothing. That's what I thought. 😃
  16. Stop truncating my posts. My post was: On average around 2%. It nothing like "totally crushed". Even Nikki, who luckily is going drop out (what a relief), was more likely to win the election than Trump! 😀 https://www.racetothewh.com/president/polls
  17. On top of it, the source cited by Impulse doesn't support his claim! 😀
  18. You replied to my post as if it was addressed to you. It wasn't. Hence the confusion. Now, if you are interested in this discussion I had with other posters, come back when you have a proof that: "Trump offered Pelosi National Guard...she turned it down." 😀
  19. Nice try, but what I posted was not about the people who voted Nikki during the primaries. On top of it, a tweet by amuse is not an authorised source 😀 BTW, stop truncating my posts to change their meaning I wrote: Good news for the Dems, as she was more likely to win the election than Trump! 😀 https://www.racetothewh.com/president/polls
  20. The only person who claimed there had been massive fraud during the 2016 election was....Trump! 😀 He was pissed off that Hillary won the popular vote, so he claimed there had been massive fraud. He even created an investigation commission which, as the other misc. GOP committees, went nowhere! 😀 Report: Trump commission did not find widespread voter fraud https://apnews.com/article/f5f6a73b2af546ee97816bb35e82c18d
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