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Everything posted by frank83628

  1. i blame the main stream media!, they have lied to you nonstop about trump, be it with edited clips or out of context quotes, the sad thing is you never question it, and if someone does you then label then all as right wing magas, conspiracy theorists, or anti vaxxers
  2. so when biden lied you turned a blind eye, or any other politicians when the msm have lied, you also ignore it...we just fact check Trump only/
  3. so, you accept all politicians lie, but it only bothers you if its Trump?
  4. where,? can you give me a quote or link to where he has said those words?
  5. where is Biden?, everyone seems to have forgotten him even though he is still the POTUS? it all seems a bit bizarre because apparently he was the most popular POTUS ever, yet, nobody seems to care, he's irrelevant, certainly to the guys here. 81 million voters and not a peep!!
  6. i can't help but think had this been happening in Russia you'd somehow blame Putin and call him a dictator for suppressing his peoples right to free speech
  7. Trump isn't in anyones pocket like most politicians, so he'd have no bones calling them out on things they might not want mentioned, like he did Clinton in 20126 debate regarding the tax laws that she could have changed if she'd wanted.
  8. no no no, she was never the border czar, that was made up by magas!, shes never been to the border...or Europe!!😂
  9. and do you think Biden ever got a proper tough interview in hie 3.5 years?
  10. blah blah, it's getting quite boring. you're sounding like Chomper in that you'd argue black was blue
  11. you can see the number of people 'tuned in' rather than relying on some anti trump outlet to lie to you. i have already posted them a couple of times, if you cant or wont accept then thats up to you, but it doesn't make them untrue.
  12. it says 27.1m tuned in. it wasn't an interview, it was a conversation, there is a difference.
  13. haha, so you believe a line from an MSM outlet rather then X itself ? i imagine as people tuned in at one stage it was at 1.3, it then continued to grow. it was 20mill 3/4ish of the way through as both Trump and Elon commented on it and Trump joked 'good numbers, am i getting paid' its now at 84+ million views in 24 hours!
  14. its says nothing about Harris, at 11 minute + its about the ddos attack. listen to the whole interview.
  15. it was 700-900 in another article , so i guess it depends which anti trump outlet you read.
  16. there was a poll here recently on how AN members would vote, Trump or Harris, anyone know what thread is was on, or got the result?
  17. so, if Elon invite Harris whats wrong with that....? if she doesn't go will you call her a chicken like you would Trump?
  18. it was 27million listening, not 1.2, so lies from the MSM from the very beginning, gee, who'd have thought!! it's now up to 84 million, just like the Tucker-Putin one, at 271+ million, like it or not, people want to hear what these guys have to say, they cannot normally because MSM edits and distort anything they say to fit their narrative and brainwashed masses!
  19. worst President says 1 side. Trump got 11million more votes the second time beating both obamas by 5 & 9 million, so hardly 'the worst President ever" and Bidens 81...yeah right, of course, and out of that 81 million who showed up to his inauguration day!! practically ZERO
  20. there is literally nobody at Bidens, pretty odd for the most 'popular president of all time' he beat Obama, but nobody showed, hummm! and a quote from Vox on Trumps inauguration....they were expecting between 7-900k. still a good turn out for Trump, compared to Obama 1 mill. i would question the times each photo was taken.
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