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Everything posted by frank83628

  1. Well not listening to, or trying to shut the other side down hasnt gone well for you all so far has it. King Putin never wanted all of Ukraine., he got the 20% with most of the mineral deposits though, just a coincidence it was where his ethic Russia were being attacked. So bonus really, save his people and keep the minerals. But at least Trump had brought the minerals into the open and is bringing about the war, as he stated he would. Shame all those people died for Bidens corrupted admin and donors.
  2. We disagree on Putin, but He has what he set out to have, it was just prolonged but us & uk, this was pushed by Bidens admin and noto and has gone nowhere but just ended up with many dead. If some here listened to what Putin said, rather than shutting the Russian side of the conversation off, it might not come as such a shock to them now.
  3. Putin never wanted allof Ukriane either.
  4. You really need to forget Putin wanting to take over Europe, its total nonsense and to be honest, makes you look stupid
  5. I think its about time some of you started watching RT and see what Putin and Lavrov have to say on the matter, you were fed BS for 3 years, so maybe now you shoold hear what the other side says and compare it with your favourite fake news outlets
  6. Its not leadership, he knows he will lose when elections are held because his popularity ratng is pure usiad funded propaganda. His own neo Nazis or CIA will take him out soon, now he is of no use
  7. Why to go, guys here pushing the war on helping to screw the county totally.... time to pill those heads out of the sand.
  8. Blackrock and co isn't it?
  9. Believe all women.... unless they're accusing Biden, then not so much!!
  10. Hopefully he will get some prison justice
  11. The whole thing was stupid, however, The press act totally different to how they did with Biden. No respect shown, then bitch like a victim when I blows up in their face
  12. They can give it but not take it. Create their own echo chambers
  13. The meaning of woke has changed from what it was.
  14. If using a mobile press&hold on the link, there is an open opinion.
  15. That's a great move, escalate the situation with talk of Nukes to the country with the most, way to go froggy
  16. They do, but they hold Trump to a different standard to everyone else. That way they can post crap like the OP has here
  17. Ah, ok, was just imaginary, no war happened at all. The main Yeah, he is making changes, just likenhe saidnhe would, don't like it then blame your own side for not getting out and voting more. You will be moaning daily for the next 4 years, I I were you I'd log off, gon and spend time enjoying your twilight years
  18. you gotta stop projecting your thoughts and feelings as though its how his voters think, trump has been In office 1 month, those that voted for him are getting exactly what they voted for, its you, the woke left, Democrats and anti trumpets that don't like it, you do not speak for trump supporters, whether voters or non voters. Change the record.
  19. NATO had no purpose since 92, then the us used article 5 to drag everyone into their illegal war with Iraq after 9/11.
  20. It never was, just dragged your relatively neutral country future wars with china with you weak politicians getting on their kneewls to the previous administrations isince 9/11
  21. What, then invaded Iraq illegally? Are you for real Iraq had nothing to do with 911
  22. Yes, sensible words rather than the WW3 wanting pensioners, sitting safely in their Thai condos
  23. Pretty sure Nick was being sarcastic
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