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Everything posted by frank83628

  1. iif it was 'all but dead and buried' then why was everyone running round like headless chickens when trump said he wanted to Pull out? the US interference in the region and the threat of nato missiles on Putins border has created this war, a war which could have ended in April 22, but the US & UK put a stop to it. Hillary Killton being interviewed a while back said basically, the war should be drawn out to cripple Russias economy! imaning how the US would react it Putin suddenly was Putting missiles into Venezuela?.. wait, didnt something similar happen back in 1962?! Hypocrisy . com
  2. and the USA is far from trustworthy either, they're on a downward spiral, i'm looking forward to BRICS strengthening, bye bye us of arse!
  3. cut ties with thailand..and, what do they trade ecaxtly? china makes everything, russia has all the oil and gas, tourist don't give too s**ts, they just want cheap booze and sun.
  4. a firends friend did, fractured his skull, was in hospital here for a while, i forget how long, pretty sure it was his honeymoon too.
  5. why should everyone follow the US? what is wrong with Thailand having close ties to Russia, China Iran, or anyone else for that matter...just because the Usa doesn't like them? Many would call Israel Terrorists, but the US and many on here love them.
  6. remember how that was not allowed to be talked about back then either, you were a covid denier! also 'excess deaths' were used as proof of the severity of covid, however, now, the excess deaths have risen since 22 (example UK) but its not discussed by any of the media, instead they changed the way excess deaths are counted! were so many young dying of heart issue before ir is that purely coincidental ?
  7. so what about Brits going to work everyday, is that not the same? they have to pay, every car using that zone has to pay, why not embassy staff?
  8. what a load of western BS propaganda, the war was cause by nato expansion to Russian borders, the us backed coup in 20124 and cis backed intereference since, the head of nato even admitted the nato encroachment recently.
  9. Biden is doing that off his own back.... but you brushed past the point..(on purpose), so it's Abbotts fault for shipping them to Dem areas and wasting tax payers money, but not Bidens fault for not securing the border and blocking their entry in the first place?
  10. so how many children in cages did trump inherit from oBumma? there were not all cleared out when trump took office
  11. oh, so joe can slip up and you excuse him, ok then, do you see how what you're saying there?
  12. i notice not one of his supporters here said a word on that....actually, did Joe say any actual incoherent words in that clip?
  13. whats Biden got to hide? take the test, and Trumpo. job done! lets have left & right media covering it so that nothing can be edited in either way.... i cannot see a problem with that. if biden is tip top and on form, he will prove himself, right?
  14. so its Abbotts fault for moving them, not Biden for them being there in the first place?
  15. yes, that's why the illegally crossed are being bused and flown all over the country. how are those kids in cages these days, don't hear a peep from the media since biden won (aka cheated)
  16. not sure if they were hypochondriacs or just full blown complaint sheep that believe everything they're told without question!
  17. for the vast majority of the population it's nothing more than a cold.
  18. humm, and whats the efficacy of your boosters compared to natural immunity?
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