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Everything posted by frank83628

  1. they were mocking the left for calling Trumpo Diaper Don, its all in the article...the one you selectively screenshotted! https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-diapers-over-dems/
  2. 'opinion' says it all! where are the clips of Trump falling off stages, bikes, tripping up steps, forgetting what he was saying mid sentence, reading the teleprompter a little too much, walkig t wrong doors, relaying conversations to people that were already dead. lets see video proof.... not opinions!
  3. so where do you store stuff you buy or is it day by day? if going by the bed situation you're all on the floor without any space, os is that being slightly exaggerated?
  4. 'you know, you know the thing' Joe Biden, there are 1000's more, heres is one just for 2021!.... https://duckduckgo.com/?q=joe+biden+famous+gaffes&t=brave&iar=videos&iax=videos&ia=videos&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D3bWM1zsnTJc
  5. perhaps without his pupils being so dilated as last time, or maybe that was photoshop! 😎
  6. is that correct?i don't have any experience of thai prisons, i do of UK ones
  7. has he ridden a bike since? trump doesn't to prove he is fit and able, unlike Biden & his handles, thats why they have him wearing aviators, running across the WH lawn and riding a bike.... or falling...tripping up plane stairs x3, walking off stage in the wrong direction or talking to dead people!...i could carry on
  8. notice the distinct lack of coverage about that, now, imagine for 1 second that had been under Trump, you'd all still be going on about it now!
  9. haha, you really are delusional, lets get the 'gaff-o-metre' out and see who is ahead.
  10. have you ever heard how he bought mar-a-largo, quite a clever man. how many billions do you have?
  11. i see there are some rumblings today regarding Ashley Biden diary..wonder if there wil be a thread on that!!
  12. the updated info certainly makes a few commenters look stupid!
  13. thats Thailand, the punishment is a punishment! if in the UK (example), she'd have got 3 meals a day and a roast on sundays... pool tables and a tuck shop!
  14. plenty of people have written books after drug convictions, it's not as if she went on a mass murder rampage. it is a bit different
  15. it's a punishment, not supposed to be a walk in the park like the UK prisons.
  16. i guess that might depend omn coiuntry and news media
  17. not sure i remember hearing it quite like that. safe and effective. was what were were told, adverse effects never mentioned on msm whatsoever, anyone that did suggest that was shot down, attacked and banned from social media, dont remember any politicians warning of adverse effects either
  18. as a fit and healthy male no, i didn't get any covid vax. i didn't panic or <deleted> my pants like many did, lapping up everything they're told while hiding behind the sofa!, i am not anti vax either, If you were worried, elderly or i ill health then go for it, get your vaccine shot and leave the rest to do their thing, the vaccine protects you right. so i don't need it
  19. and your answer is in that sentence...it's because you are so out of touch with why people like him.
  20. no, it just means i have little to zero respect for someone, i reply in kind! l ook back through previous comments and you will see
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