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Everything posted by TheAppletons

  1. Doubtful. US Fed rate cut was already factored into the prevailing exchange rate.
  2. "Knit picking", LMAO. Now native English speakers and "even the lowest of Thais" are looking down on you, lol.
  3. ".....even the lowest of thais still looks down on us as they say 'falang' with a smirk...."
  4. Or - and this is pure speculation - this could be the new thresholds promised when the DTV was introduced. IIRC, one of the other initiatives announced at the same time was revision of the non-O visa categories and requirements.
  5. Resurrecting an old post to say that The BrewHouse, two doors down from Viva, is also quite good. Nice pour of Guinness (290 thb/pint during Happy Hour) plus Kilkenny, Paulaner, and about 30 other beers on tap. Recommended.
  6. From Hollywood to Bollywood to Follywood.
  7. "There is speculation....." from whom, exactly? Anyone with Thai government credentials?
  8. I didn't click the link because I believe you probably did a copypasta accurately. Remembering that we're working on an English translation from an original Thai language document, it's possible there is little or no difference in the definitions you described. "A body of persons who participate in a fund that is established and operated by an investment management company" - that's certainly what a USA mutual fund is. "For a project under the law governing the control of trading activities that affect public safety and welfare" could very well mean that the fund itself has legal oversight by a regulatory body that protects the interests of the investors (i.e., the US Securities and Exchange Commission.)
  9. Article in today's online edition of the Bangkok Post stating that TRD is drafting a law to amend the tax code to tax worldwide income of Thai tax residents, regardless of whether it's remitted to Thailand or not. There had been discussion on here previously regarding this possibility and now it appears that TRD will attempt to go forward with doing so. It further describes that the law would pertain to personal income tax only (and not corporate income tax) but would exclude income from mutual fund investing abroad (except for private funds.) Whether it passes into law or not is the question.
  10. I doubt the gas cylinder 'Ignited', I would suspect the fire started elsewhere from a leaking hose, lose valve connection or other means, then the heat of the fire made the cylinder explode. Cylinders do not just blow back, otherwise cigarette lighters would explode when you lit them. Basic LPG knowledge. I'm certain that your smug, pompous statements will make the injured parties feel much better. I am so relieved that we've cleared that up. Or, and this is just a random thought, perhaps the original author isn't a native English speaker and the method used to translate the original words describing the event suggested the English word "ignite". (Incidentally, for someone with such a keen grasp of "basic knowledge", perhaps you should learn how to spell the word "loose", not randomly capitalize words like ignited in the middle of sentences, or construct run-on sentences.)
  11. Shorter life expectancy is another downside of living alone vs. being married. (Or maybe it just seems that your life is longer, lol.) "Between 65 and 85 years, married men and women had a longer TLE and ALE than unmarried men and women. For example, at 65 years, TLE for married men was 18.6 years, 2.2 years longer than unmarried men, and ALE for married men was 12.3 years, 2.4 years longer than unmarried men. Similarly, at 65 years, TLE for married women was 21.1 years, 1.5 years longer than unmarried women, and ALE for married women was 13.0 years, 2.0 years longer than unmarried women. Such marriage protection effects decreased with age." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7452000/
  12. A derogatory reference to Thaksin Shinawatra who, while in exile in Dubai, assumed the social media nom de guerre of "Tony Woodsome". "Thaksin regularly took to the Clubhouse social media platform under the moniker “Tony Woodsome” to address supporters in Thailand while he was in exile." https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/8/22/profile-billionaire-and-former-thai-pm-thaksin-shinawatra
  13. I wouldn't go that far but - quite honestly - these past few months have been a stunning reversal in Thailand politics. Had someone written a movie script 18 months ago about Thaksin triumphantly returning to Thailand, incarceration free, and once again regaining the leadership of Thailand? Mental.
  14. Buddha forbid that one likes a cigar in this country. Easily 2,000 thb per stick for a nice one.
  15. Hey, maybe this will help JT "Individuals who do not enroll in Part B or premium Part A when first eligible because they were incarcerated may enroll using this SEP. If a person is eligible because they are not enrolled in Medicare due to being incarcerated, they can sign up anytime within the first 12 months after their release from incarceration. This SEP begins the day an individual is released from the custody of penal authorities and ends the last day of the 12th month after that release."
  16. Oh, you definitely won't see it in your lifetime. The OP stated construction wouldn't begin until 2028.
  17. It was likely import duty and VAT. To make it worse, they charge VAT after they add the import duty so you're paying tax on a tax.
  18. You can obtain either a single or multiple entry re-entry permit at CNX provided you hold a same day boarding pass. The desk is located to the right of the regular "departure" immigration lanes, after the security check. Do NOT go through immigration first - go through the security lanes, obtain the re-entry permit, then go to the departure immigration lanes.
  19. Or "PitSuks" as his close friends call him.
  20. Wow, this just gets better and better. Just blatantly thumbing their noses at the Thai populatiion.
  21. Banana Boat is what I use. Seems to be available in many pharmacies.
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