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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. You find an even greater deal of psychological issues among the Socialists Trump MAGAlomanics! Mainly because they cannot separate internal US party Politics from blindly following the idiot TRUMP and the damage he is doing outside of the USA!
  2. Another person looking in the mirror and describing themselves!
  3. TRUMP impacts on the whole world with his out of control actions! Can't you blinkered TRUMP MAGAlomanics see that?
  4. That is so funny coming from you! Do you have any better/more original insults that are actually worthwhile posting? If so I suggest you try using them!
  5. Talking to yourself are you?
  6. If you could post something that made sense then I could, if I felt like it, make a meaningful response.
  7. Another of your ambiguous posts! Which President are you posting about needing Presidential Immunity and what for?
  8. It says something really sad about TRUMP and his so called policies that you feel the need to even ask that question!!
  9. Being a Trump hater does not mean that people hate the USA. The hint is in the word TRUMP!
  10. Both names are shown when searching from outside the USA on Google maps! Nautical and Aero maps will not, if ever, be changed until full international agreements have been reached and new charts published!
  11. Why are those opposed to Trump (but not opposed to the Republican Party) classified by MAGAlomaniacs as left wing and socialists?
  12. Isn't that stretching Trump's imagination somewhat to say that he "thinks"?
  13. You obviously had not noticed that I was joining in the satire! I suggest you look at my post again and look at the laughing emoji!
  14. Sorry but I think you have that back to front! 😆
  15. How many "new rivieras" do you want? Trump has already promised to do that to Gaza!
  16. If they were intelligent and they did vote for the orange idiot I bet they are deeply regretting it now!
  17. Then why imply that he did not? Typical of your one-sided misleading posts!
  18. Typical Trump! Order, counter order, disorder! Again and again!
  19. I hope you are referring to the stray dogs!
  20. Are you saying that he NEVER collected any data re shopping habits etc?
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