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Everything posted by Henryford

  1. Come in Feb/March/April. The pollution will put you off ever wanting to live in Chiang Mai.
  2. You don't need to "buy" this document, the bank will provide it free to prove that you transferred the foreign currency into Thailand to purchase a property.
  3. Richi will shower billions on his gimme grants but wouldn't give a penny to Britons.
  4. Should be easy to find, the only thai motorcyclist wearing a helmet.
  5. Lucid loses $340,000 on EVERY car they sell. EVs have a great future ha ha.
  6. It will go onto the National Debt and like all these schemes in the West it will never be repaid. Countries like the USA and UK can barely afford to pay the interest servicing their debt.
  7. No they are waiting for a time to cause the maximum disruption to drivers. Probably mid afternoon.
  8. I wonder how they got such precise weights for each country? Did they weigh them all? Or is it just extrapolated from a survey of 100 women.
  9. I think City Hall are determined to make Thepprasit Road into a pedestrian area. Yesterday afternoon they turned on the traffic lights half way down, opposite the Honda dealership. It totally brought the traffic to a halt coming from Sukumvit Road. Took me over 30 minutes at a crawl. Plus you have cars queueing up to u-turn at the few very small gaps in the central reservation. Cars double parked because the drivers can't be arsed to walk 5 yards. I am surprised any traffic actually moves !
  10. We have our fair share in the UK. They used to keep them in nice country hospitals but they kicked them all out on the street under the policy of "Community Care".
  11. Can they give some transparency on how the Waterfront Development got the go ahead from the Mayor's office?
  12. Who are the "management" you had to fight? Surely the co-owners (via the Committe) decide what needs to be done. If the management company don't comply then fire them.
  13. Is basketball exciting? One team runs down the court and puts the ball in the net. The second team then runs down the court and puts the ball in the net. The the first team............
  14. This is a joke right, when they allow unrestricted burning across most of the country for 5 months of the year.
  15. Yes i agree, thai drivers/riders are indeed terrible but some farangs are just as bad, and they should know better. They must think that because there are no rules of the road here they can just drive/ride as they want.
  16. I bought mine 17 years ago and i think i broke even about 7 years ago. So not only am i living rent free for ever i have a valuable asset i own. Renting is a mugs game.
  17. Makes you wonder when these 30/40/50 story condos get older and their lifts don't work. How will the people living at the top manage?
  18. That Soi that goes from Thappraya Road down to Pattaya Park seems to be full of Russian restaurants and signs in Russian. I think the night market there also caters to mainly Russians. A place to avoid.
  19. What is old? VT6 can only be what 15 years old. I suspect the problem with the lift is that they are not maintained properly. They need inspecting regularly and the electronics replaced regularly, with original manufacturer parts, even though they are expensive.
  20. Didn't do Steve Jobs much good.
  21. What impressed me about Pattaya when i first came was the number of guys who were able to get around in wheelchairs and enter bars/a gogos and still have a good time. Back in the UK you would be a social pariah in that position.
  22. It seems so easy now. I have had 3 fraudulent uses of my UK credit card so far this year. My UK bank was good so i have not lost any money but it meant cancelling the card each time. I am very careful with the card, i only use it to book flights/hotels on line so heaven knows how these people get the details and seem able to so easily use it.
  23. I can't believe people are paying those prices. My condo is nice, in a good location and goes for 40k a sqm. Are they paying for a fancy foyer which looks great as you walk in and out? You would have to pay me to live at the Base.
  24. Smallish commission ! it's 500% what i would pay in the UK and there the realters prepare glossy printed property details to hand out. BTW i think it's OK to include balcony sizes in the overall condo size, i think a big balcony is vital here.
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