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Everything posted by Henryford

  1. Shame he is not as sorry for the Ukrainian children murdered by his country men.
  2. The key word is children, and they don't know what they are doing.
  3. They wouldn't be grieving if they had not allowed a child to ride in heavy traffic with no training.
  4. Don't bother England will be knocked out in the first round.
  5. They should refuse him entry into Thailand.
  6. The same reason Islamists were allowed to rape hundreds of girls in Northern England for decades with no action.
  7. She is holding out for 100,000. Justice means nothing in Thailand if the bribe is big enough.
  8. Depends if you then have an accident with no licence, and hence no insurance.
  9. So which bars in LK with a live band, and air con and good looking girls have beer for 50-55?
  10. "buried in paperwork"? It takes me all of 1 hour a year to get my retirement visa. Leave 800k in the bank and that's it. What could be easier as you ger older. This new tax thing is a non event if you live on a pension which is already taxed in your home country.
  11. Had mine 2 years and it has been faultless. The gas consumption is amazing, just over 50 kpl, even around town. My tgf has a Click 150i and my 160 feels much faster, smoother and more balanced on the road. Better brakes as well. My only issue is the front suspension which bottoms out going over any bigish potholes. Unless you need to go outside town, or are a lardarse, why buy anything else. I had to pay a 2.5k premium for mine in 2022 now they are back to the list 69,900 baht. The Aerox, and definitely PCX, are much more.
  12. I've had 2 horror stories marrying "so called" decent women in the UK. After that thai bar girls are like angels.
  13. I am not sure if there is a set quota but usually 9-12 co-owners. The best run Committees have a majority of farangs running it. If it gets taken over by thais (especially friends of the developer) then you have problems.
  14. It seems bizarre that 98% are refused entry to the USA yet Biden lets in millions of migrants from the Mexican border (many Chinese!) with no checks whatsever. Same in the UK, we have "strict" entry requirements for honest people but criminals can just get in a dingy and sail across from France, no problem !
  15. Just buy a new fan, sorted. They last 5 years + for 800 baht.
  16. Soon you won't be able to give the milk floats away.
  17. Whose worse the stepfather or the mother for allowing it?
  18. The Committee is voted on by the co-owners at every AGM. Their details, photos etc should be available at the Condo office. If not you have a major problem !!!
  19. So what are these silly games Bob? Every country has their good and bad points.
  20. Surely most retired expats live here on pensions which they get from the old countries. These will have been taxed and therefore, under tax treaties, will not be subject to further thai tax. What's all the fuss about?
  21. What about the Condo Committee. In my condo the Committe, which i am on, looks at all of these sort of problems. If they feel a repair is required they instruct the "management" to do it. It is not up to the office to refuse. And in answer to the post by Etaoin the Juristic entity don't own the property. The co-owners do, represented by the Committee. If the JP refused instructions from the Committee we would terminate or not renew their management contract.
  22. Of course Thailand wants to join BRICS. Military dictatorships stick together.
  23. If it wasn't wasn't for the nightlife no one would come here. The wonderful beach road walk amonst the roadworks. The congested traffic dodging the roadworks. The lack of pavements to walk on. 5 star Pattaya !
  24. Hard to be sympathetic. Riding late at night in a rain storm, no helmet? drunk? on a 20 year old bike, arguing with a Thai? What could possibly go wrong?
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