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Everything posted by Henryford

  1. Oh joy they will dig up every road in Pattaya. Don't expect to drive anywhere for the next 5 years,
  2. Well that includes all the credit card companies. Bye bye Visa and Mastercard.
  3. Boom boom the wife more. Tell her better exercise than walking.
  4. I am lucky if i get 2 years, the day after the warranty expires !
  5. I installed Linux on a laptop to try it and found it was a real pain to use. Soon went back to Windows.
  6. The whole of the Middle East is one giant cesspit, especially poor countries like Egypt. Why would anyone retire there? Omar was Egyptian, so to him i guess it's home.
  7. Don't they look at what's happening in the USA and Europe. No one wants EVs. Why throw away the solid ICE industry they have now.
  8. It was obvious from the start that turning Thailand's youth into a bunch of stoners was not a good idea. You don't need to be an "expert" to work that one out.
  9. So you think it's OK for China to take over the whole South China sea, and democratic countries like Taiwan and Tibet, against all international law. If countries standing up to this aggression is poking then they need poking.
  10. That Waterfront building is enough to depress anyone. Please knock it down.
  11. Cut off time 2 hours! isn't that a world record.
  12. Their first album was one of the greatest ever but after that they never seemed to do so well. I still listen to CTA after 54 years. The Who of course so many great songs and albums.
  13. As soon as you said Facebook i knew SCAM
  14. Exactly, if he loved Thailand he would be happy to have his ashes stay here. Spending big money to move a body back to Wales is pointless.
  15. These people are a real nuisance. It takes them ages to pay via their stupid phones. Just pay in cash ffs.
  16. Thanks for that. So you don't need an appointment for this first visit, to present all your documents. After that you get an appointment to come back, for the licences?
  17. So Pattaya will have to put up with that monstrocity for ever, and no one is held accountable?
  18. Is that the case for Pattaya Bang Lamung. You don't need an appointment for licence renewal, just turn up?
  19. Renewing my car/bike licences soon. What's the latest on getting an appointment. I tried the DLT Smart Queue but Bang Lamung doesn't seem to be available. Is the only option to go there in person to get the appointment. Do you have to go early like 8-9 am or can you do it any time during the day.
  20. Who would have guessed, smoking drugs all your life destroys your brain.
  21. It was disgusting. Ashamed to be a Brit when this represents us.
  22. Yes Thailand is quite bad for litter but nothing compared to th Middle East where i worked for a while. The whole country was like one rubbish tip. BTW i don't thing a lack of bins is an excuse for littering. It is quite easy to keep your litter until you find a suitable spot to dispose of it. It's just laziness.
  23. I thought turning left at a red light was legal, provided the road is clear and there is no sign saying wait.
  24. Somebody probably squirted him in the head with one of those blue water pipes during Songkhran.
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