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Everything posted by Henryford

  1. Quality tourists, like the Kuwatis. Thailand will do anything for money.
  2. Yes, i find some farangs are the worst riders, when they should know better. They think because there are no road rules they can ride like morons.
  3. I bought something from Amazon yesterday and i received a call from my UK bank to verify the credit card purchase. It came in on a +697 number.
  4. So where have you seen that remittances for the purchase of vehicles are not assessable income and not taxable?
  5. But there is tax on remittances which you would need to buy the vehicle
  6. Why i would never buy a pick up truck. They are very unstable. High centre of gravity and poor weight distribution. Whenever they get out of a straight line at speed they just flip over.
  7. Don't prospective Fortuners drivers have to pass a special test to prove they are inconsiderate bas****s.
  8. Wasn't that illegal from the start, setting up a company solely for the purpose of buying a house.
  9. How is it suicide? What can the people do? Vote for another Party, like Forward? I don't think the people were ever going to get the 10,000. Just another election promise.
  10. How does he stay in Thailand. Doesn't sound like he has 800k in the bank.
  11. I think he means if he remits the money to Thailand to buy the car he maybe will have to pay tax on the remittance (25% -35%).
  12. I can't believe expats will have to pay tax on cars/houses 25-35%. It would destroy the condo market and put a big dent in the auto industry.
  13. I wouldn't be surprised if that is why they got rid of srettha. They couldn't afford the 500 billion and there is too much money to be made from ganja.
  14. Ever heard of the term no taxation without representation. I am just a glorified tourist, do they pay taxes? I would be happy to pay tax for bridges and schools if i was accepted as a legal resident.
  15. Is it fair to keep an animal locked up in a condo 99% of the time. I love animals but i don't think so. Only needs a neighbour with a grudge to grass on you.
  16. It's a cheek to tax us here in Thailand. We have absolutely no rights, can not vote, can not buy land, i am on in effect an extended tourist visa which they can terminate at any time. I have to report like a criminal every 90 days. No chance of ever being a citizen. Yet they expect us to pay tax !!
  17. Hard to believe even Chinese crap can be produced and transported at a profit for 5 baht each. But that is their business model undercut every other business in the world with their crap and drive them out of business.
  18. Exactly why my condo has banned EV charging in the car garage.
  19. Oh the irony that he was sacked because one of his appointments offered a bribe, when nearly every Thai official is as bent as a nine bob note.
  20. Don't they sell those small disposable ones like they use in the west, by the thousand.
  21. Does anyone use a bank to exchange money? they all offer terrible rates.
  22. Where money is involved i doubt the Government care about any impact on the Thai population.
  23. Anyone riding a motorbike at 1 am is taking a big risk. I bet 50% of the drivers are pi**ed.
  24. The Revenue would never accept that otherwise everyone with a partner would do it and there would be no tax due.
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