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Everything posted by Henryford

  1. Can we expect a rise in savings rates ha ha
  2. If wet roads caused crashes the whole of Thailand would be littered with crashed cars.
  3. My Ford has been perfect from new after 7.5 years with great after sales service.
  4. So alcohol tests are optional. He was obviously over the limit. Refusing a test should be treated as being over the limit.
  5. Take her to the -5 C bar in Walking Street. Would she like to live there?
  6. The Baht is not strong the others are weak. Does Thailand have a National Debt of 2.5 trillion GBP, 110% of GDP, a massive fiscal deficit and 10% inflation? I am surprised the Pound is not worthless.
  7. I gave up waiting for the ADV 160 so bought a Honda Click 160 ABS. Same engine and brakes. Nice bike for around town but can not go off road like the ADV !! 72,000 baht which is still 2000 above Honda's list price. Ever bike now seems to have a premium price. They quoted me 110,000 for a PCX, heaven knows what the ADV will be.
  8. I don't know how wheelchair users manage in Pattaya. I was walking on the pavement ! up Pattaya Klang the other day and i could barely walk over the holes, loose paving stones, rebars etc.
  9. It's like painting the zebra crossings red, all a waste of time and money.
  10. It was necessary for their bottom line.
  11. If it was Thais being tortured and murdered would they be so welcoming, probably yes.
  12. What was the fool doing paragliding at 78
  13. Why do people assume everyone uses Facebook. I don't and never will.
  14. If you go to the transport office together i think it's about 750 baht. If an agent does it maybe 2 or 3 times that.
  15. You paid her without a green book? Bye bye money.
  16. Did the Mayor explain how she had 10 million in cash lying around on an annual salary of (i'm guessing) 100k.
  17. I agree. I was in a very average bar at the back of Treetown the other night and bought an average looking girl a drink, 185 baht ! more than WS a gogo prices.
  18. I always thought this was odd. I presume they wanted to see that you had funds in Thailand to support yourself, medical expenses etc so you weren't a burden on the state. BUT, for most of the year you can't touch it or spend it !!
  19. Liz is printing another 200 billion of monopoly money. She is just starting, expect it to drop below 40.
  20. Killed herself and destroyed 3 lives to save 20 seconds. No doubt <deleted> as a newt.
  21. Just warns Thai drivers that they have to speed up
  22. Pattaya Park, near Pratamnack. 100 baht to get in. Massive pool, and slides
  23. Thai projects are never finished more than 80-90%. No doubt the rest of the allocated funds have gone on a new Merc.
  24. The Yamaha website still shows the price as 80,900. Is the 87k just a local ripoff or has there been a national increase?
  25. For a decent girl one is too much. For bar girls, go for it.
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