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Everything posted by Henryford

  1. First rule anywhere. There was story in the UK press recently about a couple being charged $500 for 6 oysters and a couple of drinks. They didn't ask the price !!
  2. I have bought before at Digital2Home. They have a full range of cameras and good prices. You can buy via mail or they have a store at Sri Ratcha
  3. If we didn't eat animals they wouldn't have a life in the first place.
  4. I think it's silly to have too many rules. The main one is DON'T SMOKE. Other than that try to exercise a bit, keep your weight down and limit sugar. For the rest i do what i like and take my chances. Still breathing at 69.
  5. The prices are in my first post. You can only buy in Indonesia at the moment. Maybe in Thailand early 2023.
  6. 13 dead and the only punishment is a transfer !!
  7. Meanwhile the Government legalises drugs duh !
  8. Thailand only has one city Bangkok, it's bigger than all the rest put together. Most of them look and feel exactly the same. Pattaya is best by far with so many western facilities. You can live there just as cheaply if you want.
  9. help "each other" financially yeah right
  10. She will have to take a special test before she is allowed to buy/drive a Fortuner to prove she is an inconsiderate bas****.
  11. Easier, and maybe cheaper, just to eat out and take your washing to the laundry.
  12. I always told my tgf to leave as soon as she got paid without notice. If she gave notice there would be big reductions in her salary up to the leaving date. I am sure you wouldn't do that though.
  13. What do you agree to pay her before you went. You think she went with you for free?
  14. BA doesn't want a load of potheads on their flights. Can't say i blame them.
  15. If the Insurance companies are charging $36,000 then they know the average person will only cost them say $30,000. Unless you are unlucky it's a safe bet.
  16. Typical thai approach. Issue some ambiguous law then they can either get big money for a "licence" or the Police can scam you for even more money for breaking the law.
  17. Sure a risk, but if you are in good shape, not fat, a non smoker it's a good bet. 1.3 million buys a lot of health care. Would the insurance company even pay up? By the time you really need it 75 plus they will dump you.
  18. Self insure. I have for 18 years. If you are paying $2000 a year that's $36,000 (1.3 million baht) to go towards any treatment.
  19. My wife said the Police were going to take him away without a breath test (and no doubt receive some incentive not to take one). It was only the pressure from the thais there that forced the Police to take a breath test.
  20. Bribing a Government official to break Thai law. You have to ask if it's illegal?
  21. You know you are on skid row if you move to Nirun. Who works all their life to end up there?
  22. But VISA doesn't break your legs if you don't pay.
  23. It took them 4 years to build a tunnel under the Sukhumvit Road in Pattaya. I won't hold my breath looking towards a 400 mile rail system.
  24. Was that the 2021 model BBR2 Dark Knight? I remember it looked pretty good, black and gold, is it still available, price?
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