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Everything posted by Henryford

  1. Just saw the Honda ADV 160 launch in Indonesia, looks very nice. Prices are low there 85-95,000 baht. Guess it will be more here. Any one know when it might come to Thailand. I will definitely order one. Now has a rear disc brake, better instrument panel and a little more power. A lower seat as well which is great for us vertically challenged riders.
  2. It seems almost every week there is any crypto scam revealed, Luna, Celsius, Three Arrows etc, involving hundreds of millions of $$. I don't know how any one can seriously trust "investing" in this wild west show.
  3. Another i like is Dom, Soi 5 Pratamnack great food and reasonable prices.
  4. So she didn't scream help from the balcony or bang on the door or throw things out of the window. Hard to believe this was possible.
  5. Sure it will increase tourism from the back packing potheads but any decent tourists will avoid Thailand like the plague.
  6. All lotteries are a con to keep the poor poor, and quiet. Apart from a few lucky ones most will barely get back what they pay in. I won 2000 once but must have spent at least 4000 on tickets over the years.
  7. Not much of a secret. Every week there is news of another scam or bankruptcy in the hundreds of millions $$.
  8. Well the Thais can keep wearing their masks, no one is stopping them.
  9. Will really help attract quality tourists, make Thailand the pothead capital of the world.
  10. Had a problem a while back, several 50 GBP charges to my UK credit card from a games company. Odd as i have never bought anything from them. My UK bank cancelled the card and refunded me the charges. I never use a credit card to buy anything in Thailand (except air fares and hotels) and would never have my credit card details recorded on their files.
  11. Quality tourists, isn't that what Thailand wanted, or a bunch of potheads?
  12. So how do foreign tourists manage in the UK with no cards?
  13. I would be really interested to know what work these 1 billion digital nomads do. I can understand maybe if you are a writer or software developer but what sort of other work can be done thousands of miles away from your office/co-workers/customers.
  14. Do the pills sell for only 3.5 baht? Maybe so low because everyone is stoned on pot now.
  15. How many trillions does the US have to print before it affects the dollar?
  16. Mixing with the dirty farangs must have done it.
  17. Did anyone ask the children if they didn't want a mother?
  18. I don't mind small price differences but i think it's OK to complain about things like wine with a 300% surcharge.
  19. That's the most annoying part. Airlines are so fussy about baggage weight and charge you loads if you are over but an extra 100 lbs in body weight, hey no problem.
  20. Will there ever be a second hand market for EVs? I can see anyone buying a used EV with out of date tech and a clapped out battery. With out a used market how can they ever be popular. Not every one has 1-2 million for a new one.
  21. Reminds me of a funny time my tgf and i were at an airport on a trip. We saw this really fat guy in the departure area and were laughing thinking pity the poor person sat next to him. When we finally boarded the plane and went to our seats he was already sat there next to my tgf's seat. Should have seen the look on her face.
  22. Second that, she is Dr Abalon, on the first floor (or second for Americans).
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