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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. I believe a month's notice is required, although have heard a weeks notice in other cases. Someone will be along shortly to answer your question, as my answer is only from what I have read elsewhere.
  2. Would he try and break up a dog fight, why bother !!!
  3. I read the 1st line and said to myself, lets see if there is anything ELSE worthy of reading. What a sick world this is starting to become, besides, why do they need to advertise their genders, just get on with it FFS.
  4. It's all a big mistake and will only be for Thai Citizens, like in other countries. Watch this space.
  5. So the meaning is, if I understand it correctly, is that if you reside in Thailand for more than 180 days in a year, you are deemed a tax resident. In my home country I am deemed a non resident because I reside in Thailand for more than 183 days in a year. So as I live here full time, I will be deemed a tax resident for tax purposes in Thailand, therefore required to pay tax on any funds entering the country, even though those funds, which maybe dividends that have already been taxed in my home country which has a DTA with Thailand. I thought retiring in Thailand was easy, this is just going to get messy and personally don't believe it will get off of the ground. What a mess........
  6. You must live a boring life.
  7. Someone advised on this post that they have Grandfathered the plan that I am on, so it might be that others have to pay for roaming, like $5 a day ? I did see that it went up to $40, not sure if it has roaming though, best to check it out.
  8. I'd say you right as I just looked up the prepaid plan on the website and it is $40, as you say, they've grandfathered it as I have been using it since 2015 when I moved here, still even at $40 it's still worth it IMO.
  9. I recharge from my laptop using their site, i.e. Login to My Vodafone. Once I put in my number, they then ask me if I would like the link on my mobile via a text or email, I nominate email and click the link. I just did it and my plan is still $20 for 365 days so I don't know why your paying $40 ? I don't use vouchers, although I did see that there is a box you can click on to use a voucher.
  10. I went through this issue years ago, each blaming each other. How did I solve the problem, next time I went back to Oz, I purchased an Oz sim card through Vodafone, its a prepaid $20 sim 365 days, I advised CBA of the new number, turned on roaming as that prepaid plan doesn't charge you for roaming, but I guarantee you, you won't ring or text anyone from it as your $20 will be over very soon. Been receiving CBA codes and other organisations like MyGov since. I recharge every year online as I made an account with Vodafone and it stores my previous information. Doing it this way will help you in the future, if you aren't going back to Oz, get a friend to buy you the sim and send it over, just make sure 110% it's the right one. The you have to let the bank know of your new number because they won't send codes to international numbers I am told.
  11. You've got a weird imagination, no its my boner that ensures 😜
  12. The school uniform with the super short skirt and rock solid boner that ensures.
  13. There have been occasions where I have walked into a takeaway and seen a few rowdy customers late in the night, early morning, intoxicated, that is when I all of a sudden realised that I should about face as I take a call on my mobile (no call) and proceed to the next takeaway, or go for a short walk to return when they are gone or sitting quietly eating their meals. No point in putting myself in a situation where I am going to have to get myself all dirty and bloodied on an empty stomach, is there.
  14. Sorry you feel that way, or it comes across that way, read your post again. No agro here m8.
  15. Why would that person need their head examined, if he buys it, his money is gone, he has no legal right to the land, he owns a lease on the house, (the fixture), not the land. If he pays the mortgage that she takes out against the property on a monthly basis, which will be in her name, not his, he can continue to do so while in the relationship, if the relationship fails, he has only lost a little money vs buying the property that he has no legal right to over the land. Who needs their head examined ? Last I checked here in Thailand rent is cheap, now how much is she going to borrow against the house, where is it located, Isaan ? banks will only loan a certain amount, maybe 60%, so he would have to weigh up would it be cheaper to rent or pay "her" mortgage. Either way, putting the question forward to her will soon enough tell him if she wants his money or the banks, and I would say, it won't be the latter.
  16. Let me put it to you this way, when I asked my wife of 17 years where would be a good place to invest my money in Thailand, she said, forget it, corruption at every level. Keep it in your home country as you have laws, good lawyers, rules, regulations, sever penalties and a great police force, not like here. She was on the money and didn't take the bait.
  17. RIP If there is a real Karma, let it loose on those present, and see who laughs last. Absolutely appalling behaviour, life has no value to these bozo's, now the mother has to live with this for the rest of her life.
  18. Spoiler alert, you answered the question for him, hopefully he gets it, i.e. she will bait him, to extract his $'s vs the ok Tiruk, I love you and will borrow the money from the bank and you make the payments because I love you long time. I would like to put a wager down she won't borrow money from the bank.
  19. I built a house for MY Wife in 2009, I like My mods and customizing, My garden with fruit trees etc. I spend the whole year here, I also travel with the family to hotels and condos as I get tired of just being in the house, i.e. everyone needs a break. The above said, I knew what I was getting into, i.e. whatever the house cost me to build on her land, it would never be mine, and that was fine with me, that said, I never invest more than 10% of my worth because that is all I am prepared to lose. Why didn't I take a lease on the house, because who would want to live in the house in a village when you split up, cheap enough to rent a place for a single bloke anywhere in Thailand. As Will B Good and others including self, you need to step back, at least bait your girlfriend and say, I been thinking, maybe buying the house isn't a good idea because I can't own the land, maybe you should get a loan against the house and I make the monthly payments on it, lets see how she responds to that, keep an eye on those beautiful eyes of hers, because I am sure she won't like that suggestion, which will tell you what she's up to. What difference would it make if she borrowed the money from the bank and you made the payments then you buying the house, think about that for a minute, and then you will have your answer.
  20. Trust is one thing, finances are another thing. Keep your finances separate, you don't need to buy the house. Why do you want to buy the house and what is the purchase price that your prepared to lose ? You don't sound like a bright spark, i.e. if you have money, invest it into anything else than something you cannot legally own e.g. clear title, you mention you have 3 properties or purchased 3 properties before and not in Thailand. Wake up, invest your money into something else, trust me when I say that, ok, I get it she's your girlfriend and you want to help her out, fact of the matter is she can go to the bank and get a loan against the property, if you want to live there, tell her you will make the repayments to the bank, to which I am sure will be about the same as what you could rent a house for, if in Isaan, 5,000 baht a month, and if your relationship fails, you can walk away without losing. But as they say in Thailand, "up to you" it's your money and there is a SUCKER born every minute. How long have you been with your girlfriend ? Alternative advice provided free of charge, but is your EGO bigger than what others have to failed to adhere to ?
  21. I have a question after reading the link you provided, what do you make of this, in particular the word "tax resident", to me generally speaking, the meaning of the word "tax resident" ordinarily means someone who is working or paying tax in the country, in this instance (Thailand), e.g. a school teacher, or a farang working in and office earning a salary and paying tax in Thailand that is also earning an income from abroad and remitting it into Thailand. Be interesting to hear anyone's thoughts on this, if I think it refers to as mentioned above, I believe those of us that do not pay tax here in Thailand, because we do not work in Thailand, cannot be deemed "tax residents" for tax purposes in Thailand, because as I said, we are not deriving an income from Thailand. The new interpretation stipulates that a tax resident of Thailand who is deriving income from assets located abroad and subsequently brings that income into Thailand in any tax year, has a duty to include that income in calculating income tax under Section 48 of the Revenue Code in the tax year in which the assessable income is brought into Thailand. They might have us on the below as the word changes to residents and 180 days in any tax calendar year. But what happens when we have already paid tax on the money we are bring into Thailand, they can't have two bites of the cherry, or can they ? Residents are defined as persons residing in Thailand at one or more times for an aggregate period of 180 days or more in any tax (calendar) year.
  22. We've all been there, done that, and to be honest it's expected, b-stards couldn't get me the last two years, paperwork in order, and anything extra they asked for on the spot, I had in my bag of more paperwork....LOL Went to pick up the stamp on 1 March 2022 as advised, I/O, no have, we call you when come, oh, thanks for the 3 hour round trip that I just wasted, not to mention my petrol. following year told to come 1 March 2023, so I went 2nd March, no have we call you when we have, no call, a week later, I call, yes we have been waiting for you to collect. Mind you, I lodge the extension prior to Xmas as advised by them, i.e. it gets very busy apparently, so this time I will do it a week before it's due to expire, i.e. end January, and will ALWAYS call them before I go to collect it because they just waste my time and petrol and if they say that I should come in December before Xmas in future, I will just smile.
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