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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. Buy it in his dad's name and will it to the son. That is very straight forward, as is opening an account in his name and giving the debit card + PIN, and internet log on details for the bank. Did I mention that it was straight forward, yes, I do believe I did, so what's your straight forward solution ?
  2. Actually: There are three common types of human trafficking: the sex trade, forced labor, and domestic servitude. The economic sectors that profit most from human trafficking are agriculture, restaurants, manufacturing, domestic work, entertainment, hospitality, and the commercial sex industry. In Thailand if you don't pay your monthly tea money to the bent cops, they will keep at you till they shut you down and or put you in jail for either any of the above, or plant an underaged girls from one of their own Karaoke bars up country, or plant some drugs in your establishment. The farang should cough up or close down, because when in Thailand, you do as Thai do when it comes to the cops.
  3. Governments can freeze bank accounts at a whim, I know that, that said, I have my money in accounts that are guaranteed by the government at $250,000 per account, now if we can't trust government guarantees, we can't trust anyone and might as well stash it under our mattresses as they used to do in the old days.
  4. Unless he has the right visa, it is virtually impossible, i.e. unless you know someone in the banking system willing to risk getting caught. Apparently this is all about money laundering, a good excuse which will push us all towards digital currencies which will be the end as they will have total control over our money IMO. Still doesn't solve your problem, I know.
  5. Open another account in another bank, in your name, problem solved, give him the debit card + PIN and access code for internet banking and let him do the rest.
  6. I believe you mean 14m X 20m due to your frontage being 18.3m and of course on your plan. Gable roofs as depicted in the photos are great for moving air around in your roofline. Depending on where the sun sets, is where I would place the pool, e.g. sun deflecting off of the pool, so if the sun sets at the front of the house where you propose to put the pool, I would put it at the rear of the house so as not to get blinded by the sun bouncing off of the pool. The set back from the road can then be readjusted to say 10 metres which is more than enough. We have a 300m2 single level house with 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, loungeroom (4 x 9), kitchen-dining room (4 x 8 metres) a full gym (4 x 8) and family room (6 x 8), typically the bedrooms are (4 x 4), except for one that has an en-suite bathroom so that's about (6 x 4.5). If the front is where the sun sets, you will want to get some louver doors that close in from left and right to block out the sun hitting the front door/s and or any glass as they will heat up really quickly, we have two front doors opening outwards, left and right and full tinted glass panels next to the doors, the front porch is (4 x 4). Important to build all bedrooms on the side that doesn't see the sun so to stay cool. The most important part and I can't stress it enough is sisalation under the roof tiles, thermal reflective sisalation if you can get it, as it keeps the heat out longer then normal, e.g. our place doesn't start to heat up till about 2pm on days of 37-40 degrees, we also have insulation batts, whirly birds, and those saloon like looking doors which ventilate the air in just under the gable roof, just look at any Thai house and you will see what I mean, can't remember what they're called. Also make your eaves a minimum 600mm wide with those fibro sheets with the holes in them to allow the hot air to exit. If you do the above, you will save on air conditioning costs as you won't need to run air cons as much as others do, e.g. with weather as hot as today, I put on the A/C in the loungeroom at around 2pm and turn it off an hour and a half later, then turn the wall fan on low and the room stays cool till the evening, say 7pm-8pm. As I don't really like having air conditioning on at night, I will put it on for 30 minutes, then turn it off and then turn on the wall fan on low and sleep comfortably all night. Sisalation and Insulation batts will set you back about 100k baht, whirly birds, depending on size from 1,500 to 2,500 baht, insulation on the above shouldn't be that much. Last but not least, and you didn't ask for it, but I always tell guys looking to build, look at it as a bad investment, i.e. you are sinking your money into a place that is not going to increase in value and won't be in your name, sure you can get an Usufruct and go to court if your marriage breaks down, but at the end of the day, it costs money and time to get perhaps 50% of your investment back, did I mention time, yes I did, so only invest as much as your prepared to lose, which should only be 20% of your worth, anything over that and your a bigger man than I am, suffice to say I have seen guys go all in and walk away with nothing, hence my advice, nothing is forever, I have been very happily married 16 years, living here 7.5 years and if it ever went south, I would just walk away, plan B is my 80% off shore. Hope some of my tips helps.
  7. I don't know if it was the gecko's, found a dead mouse/rat, call it what you want, not to far away, that said, there are lots of gecko's on the wall, small and large, hmmm, might just go out there now and give them a blast of some spray.....LOL
  8. Hmmm, define a sex tourist. That said, where I live, bars a far and few between, so you take what you can when you can, and having a few girls locally, say within a 20 minutes drive away on tap to meet you at the usual hotel when you want to do your deed and go back to lovey. Does that make me a sex tourist, I don't think so, just your typical male who enjoys a little side order every now and again which I believe is healthy for a marriage. My ex bar girl (AKA village slut as I refer to her now), is ok with me having a side order every now and again, married 16 years, make of that what you will, said it before, you only live once so you might as well enjoy whatever makes you happy, and apart from food, and drinking, sex on the side order makes me very happy, and if that makes me a tart, well boo hoo.
  9. Update: For those following this post, the air con guy who we called over a week ago drove past our place today and the wife rang him again asking him if he got lost.....lol, he said he was heading to a job in our and asked what was going on. The wife explained that she called him a week ago, oh sorry, I get so many calls and I don't ring them back he said ???? Anyways, se said air conditioner is not working, fan does spin, so he came over an hour or so later after the job in the village and pulled the cover off and found the coloured wires had been chewed on by a mouse/rat, call them what you want, you could see the bronze wires and he cut them off and reconnected them and tapped them up then asked me to turn on the A/C which I did and the fan started spinning. An hours work for 400 baht, not bad....lol, some would say expensive, that said, I would have to pay at least 4,600 baht back in the old country and that doesn't include the call out fee which would be close to 2,000 baht, besides, it all depends on how much your prepared to part with to be cool and 400 baht, regardless of the time it took, is well worth it in my opinion, he can have taken the right arm too, hang on a minute, he just did ???? So if your fan stops working on the outside unit, it could be the wires if you live in the village as opposed to what I thought might be the fan capacitor
  10. Love it, only wish more would be so prudent in stamping out corrupt officials, so long sucker, next !!!
  11. This maybe true, however there are those of us who control mostly everything when it comes to paperwork and finances, except for cooking, cleaning etc....LOL I simply print off the things that are required for my annual marriage extension which are saved on my laptop. copies and all. I have my wife take the photos of the house required and I print them off (this is accepted at our immigration office), sometimes we will LINE them to the photo place and pick them up when I go to the bank, I provide the bank staff with a copy of last years letter and say same, same, i.e. the bank statement, while I send the wife to the Amphur to get the "we are still married letter" 20 baht. There is nothing hard about the marriage extension, except returning to get the stamp in your passport on the due date and it not being there, this happened twice in a row, last year and this year. This year I went in a day late to give them more time...., no have, net week....LOL, note to self, next year, ring before going in to make sure. Apart from that, if you have extra stuff with you, just in case the want to pull a rabbit out of a hat, you should be fine. I also give them the exact money, suffice to say I won't allow them to keep 100 baht from the 2,000 baht that others give them, they have a job and should do it, if they can't provide the change, then give them the exact money. @renaissanc The only difference with the Retirement extension (AKA Visa) is you will be required to have 800,000 baht in the bank 3 months before your application, 1st application (swapping from Marriage extension), you will be required to have photos of house and neighbour present, after that, you won't require the last two, but then again, each immigration have their own rules as I have found on this forum, i.e. that the rules vary. You are correct about not requiring the letter from the Amphur, suffice to say, best stick to what your used to, as I do, besides, it makes them work as they have to send the docs off to be checked and approved as opposed to shoved in their draws and approved the same day.
  12. Agree 110%. It's all too hard for the Thai's, e.g. if there's no money in it, why bother, and why enforce anything, cops here are utterly useless, an example, mates wife, can't drive for sheet went for her driving test the other day, passed with flying colours, cost 1,000 baht, did she get in the car, yep, sat in it for about 5 minutes with the guy, then walked back into the registry, didn't even start it, money went into his hand and it was smiles all around. Now she is another one on the road here driving with zero experience, Buddha help those who don't know how to avoid most of them on the road. Not Thai bashing, just pointing out the obvious, suffice to say, farangs are welcome to hit the tarmac here, hospitals will take care, jut bring your money with you, if not have, go to GoFundMe, Kar????
  13. Agree, however I know my mother-in-law has on a few occasions walked into the bank and ask them to do a transfer for her to another outside account, staff always willing to assisting Meh
  14. Please tell me you didn't listen to their advice. Get the place insulated, and while your at it, put sisalation under the roof, then throw on a few whirly birds and hopefully eaves at least 600mm wide and vented, as well as some panels to allow air to enter and exit the roof while the whirly birds suck the air out, this is the only way your going to keep your place cool in summer. If you are going to use an air conditioner, the above will help keep the cool air in, as opposed to rising out through your ceilings as the insulation batts will stop the cool air from leaving and the hot air from entering through the ceilings. I have a 300 square metre single level house and it cost me 120,000 baht to do the lot and to me, it is like living in an air conditioned house, without the air conditioner being on, so well worth the investment. air conditioner only goes on at night for 30 minutes to cool the room down, then off it goes and on goes the fan on low to circulate the "trapped" cool air that the air conditioner circulated into the room earlier.
  15. I know in this day and age, one can transfer such an amount to the hospitals account with ease, no need to make a withdrawal of that amount of money, why just yesterday, this old timer tried to withdraw money at the ATM at Makro and the machine rejected my card as it was cracked. I went into Makro and explained to the wife what just happened and she said you can make card less withdrawals using your phone app, I looked at her dumfounded and she said, come with me old man, pull out you mobile, open your bank app, and she showed me how to make card less withdrawals to the sum of 50,000 baht. Yes, some of us are slow, but technology is there for us to use, suffice to say, I don't buy this guys story, that, or he is thicker than me.
  16. I suppose you could give it a go and if you are refused entry, then try to get your money back from the site, and good luck with that. Me personally, for what it's worth, anything extra because I am a farang is totally boycotted and the sooner others do the same, nothing will change, just saying
  17. Another day, another victim. We can't depend on Thailand to stop allowing foreigners to come here and rent bikes, some without licenses and or wearing helmets, and most without insurance, or even reading the fine print of their insurance policies, especially when Thailand can't even control their own with a fair few driving unregistered motorbikes, no helmets, cars unregistered and also being unlicensed and uninsured. To the think the police force would be out in force to stop people, maybe for their own tea money, but that's the reality of it. GoFundMe, no, not me thanks.
  18. The same deflecting story, every single year, we know where the smokes coming from, are they that stupid that they think we will buy their continued annual BS while they continue to get fat.
  19. I will give that a go and see if that frees it up, although I do recall about a week ago taking the grill off and spinning the fan blade and it turned without a problem, but you never know, 2nd attempt then turn it back on and see if I win the lottery.
  20. Ok, so if I am reading this correctly, the cooling fan should not start spinning at start up, only when the compressor is hot ? So by turning on, blowing in some cool air and then not turning off in about 5 minutes, maybe 10 means there could be a problem anyways, as It doesn't start up again. As mentioned earlier, could it be the capacitors ?
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