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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. He needs to get out of the office, make appearances, change watches daily so people can see that he's not just sitting on his rear.
  2. If the other 2 recommendations fail, will try this one, thx.
  3. Have sent the wife out to see what they have, we did try bleaching the nests as well, but looks like that just made them breed ????
  4. Your thinking of the bigger ones usually in the trees, these are the ground ones, and when they bite, they are worse than the larger ones and leave you itching for days on as the bite area swells like a pimple.
  5. Because he knows what he is actually talking about. I agree with him 110%. If you are not the masculine male, the women will soon become bored of you, women want men to lead them, to be the decision makers, to be able to stand up and take control. Anyone who knows women, knows what I am talking about, it's not about putting women down or in their place, it's just the way the roles of the male and female are and have been for generations. You wonder why so many guys can't hold a relationship together, because they have no idea what their role is anymore, those who do, survive. Change only suites those that are willing to change, it's like political correctness, personally I don't change, won't change, what suites me, suites my wife, and I have had scores of women in the past agree with my views, i.e. that they want a man who is masculine, otherwise they will become bored, they need a leader, someone who can provide and also put them in their place when needed, respectfully, I don't expect everyone to get it, but those that know what I'm talking about, get it and are survivors. Best I look out for the feminine brigade now, just can address as Macho ????
  6. I am a firm believer of live and let live, been bitten a few times by these outside critters, however it's come to the stage that they have built huge nests all up one side of the house making it impossible to walk along there without being bitten savagely. Would like them gone, the usual spray can does it for a little, but they are way underground, tried running the hose for a while as well, but they just reappear later. Anyone successfully eradicated these guys, short of using a flame thrower.
  7. Your not so bright are you, scroll up and you will know everything, fools get caught out that way.
  8. Story is true, I never lie, photo, well that's a given, wife has my name as her tattoo.... Some may say that's 4MyEgo ????
  9. I didn't say it bothered me, i.e. unless you can quote me. Each to their own, I just found it quite stupid to be honest.
  10. No one is suggesting Covid has gone away, only stupid farangs would think that, e.g. it's here to stay and take it's place like the commin cold/flu, so why bother masking up. why continue with the masks, are we so fragile, back in Aus, it's over, no masks, back to normality, albeit they do ask if you have it to isolate. I ponder around without a mask as does my wife and kids, we are all vaccinated and have had Covid, we have moved on, masks are only to be put on when required, e.g. to enter a store, a plane, they are not required at concerts where thousands of people go, we have been, haven't had an issue, and we hear 30,000 plus people get infected per day, so what, like I said, it has become so weak it's like a common cold/flu and that is what we experienced months back. If people want to live in fear and live in a cocoon and wear a mask under a full face helmet or while they are alone in a car, up to them, obviously some people don't see the irony in it.
  11. When I met my wife she had none, I was in the process of putting two on my chest, nothing big, and I said to her, I want you to put one on your lower back, she said ok, "up to you" and I gave the tattoo guy a piece of paper with what I wanted on her lower back. She is now "branded" and would have to get it removed if we ever split up because it would turn any intending guy off.
  12. I thought I'd seen it all, but this morning when I was taking the kids to school, I stopped at the stop sign, looked in my rear vision mirror to make sure I wasn't going to get rear ended as I was slowing and there it was. A motorbike rider with pillion passenger, the rider had on a full face helmet with tinted shield down and wait for it, a face mask.....???? Is this total paranoia or what, I though it was funny watching people driving vehicles alone with face masks on, but this topped it. So let's have a laugh, share your funniest experience regarding face masks in Thailand, I reckon this is a hard one to top, but you never know.
  13. Reminds me of a time when I used one many years ago in Phuket, asked how much from the bottom of Bangla Road to Safari outdoor disco, this was about 11pm, Safari disco was up the mountain and the fare quoted was 200 baht, all good, got in. When we finished at 3-4 in the morning, asked the tuk tuk driver outside how much to Bangla Road, 300 baht I was quoted, and I said but I paid 200 baht to get here, yes, but now, not many tuk tuk, oh, I see, thanks but no thanks, I will take a morning walk back thanks, ok, ok, 200 baht he said, I said no thanks and walk off, down the hill got the girl on a motorbike taxi and one for me to our destination 20 baht each. Never took a tuk tuk again, same as taxi's, don't want to put on metre, then you can be vacant for all I care, I find it cheaper these days to hire a car when in Phuket, saves me the 800 baht from the airport to and from, and it's worth it for me as I don't have to pay for tuk tuk's or taxi's. They are their own worst enemies the lot of them IMO. The above said, I have to be fair, caught a cab outside my hotel one night to Bangla Road and the guy didn't have the change for the agreed 200 baht, he said tomorrow same time you see me, ok I said, and I went to him outside the hotel at the same time and paid him his 200 baht, he didn't know me from a bar of soap, or my room number.
  14. The problem here is these accidents keep happening, it's like putting salt in a deep open wound that will never heal unless they stitch the deep open wound up. This and all previous governments, law enforcement agencies (if you can call them that), you know the ones you only see during school hours policing the traffic so kids can get from one side of the road to the other, and that policing at best is questionable, along with parents should take responsibility for the ongoing causation of these deaths and stop underaged, unlicensed kids riding, especially when not wearing helmets. While where at it, it would also help to have some kind of public transport system in place so kids don't need to get on these death traps to get from A to B. Sick to the core when I read news of such young unnecessary losses in life. They say from September 1 fines will go up, does that mean deaths will be reduced, I doubt it, because without enforcement, you have Jack $hit. RIP
  15. Interesting video, thanks for sharing. My take is that not everyone is the same, sure at 45 he looks lean, and I would put that down to his carb and protein intake, very little fats, unless I missed something. He has a good level of carbs 150-200 and his protein is probably equal to that judging on the meat and organs he eats. The above said, as he mentioned he surfs, so he will be burning up carbs, and when depleted, his body will take from his muscle so he will need to work out so that you don't see the muscle loss, hence the reason he is lean. If it works for him, good for him, personally, I stay in the range of 150 carbs, 150 protein protein and 40 fats, that said, I do also tweak things once a month to up to 198 carbs, 150 protein and 20 fats. It all depends on what you want to do, maintain your weight, build muscle or become lean, that said, without resistance training and some cardio, eating above those macros your going to put on weight, if you maintain those macros you will maintain your weight but will lose muscle, age also has a lot to do with it as do genetics. I still eat what I want, you know the "bad carbs" the processed ones, but everything in moderation as it's made at home, my wife controls what goes into it, as for eating take away, not into that because we don't know what it's made of, cooked with etc. I would take a guess his body fat is around 10% kudos to him, I'm 20% at 183cm tall so I do look skinny-ish so to speak, albeit it age (60's) does show your fat in certain areas, e.g. love handles, slight belly, chest, it all depends if you want to push yourself hard to have a certain look, for me, I prefer the natural/healthy look without the aches and pains, lets not kid ones self, not getting any younger and maintaining ones health is more important to me than looking lean and suffering, i.e. reducing my intake on food anymore than I have to 1,760 calories per day, especially when you I won't sacrifice more to look like that, for what, health is optimal and less damage to ones comfortable lifestyle in retirement age, besides I enjoy my foods, which is not much at those macro's.
  16. That's interesting, only thing I can think of is that perhaps the devices are getting old and running out of space, i.e. if your downloading a lot, that said, not technical on these matters but I had a similar issue a while ago, and had to do what you had to do i.e. clear cache, browsing history and history as annoying as it was. Sorry I can't assist, but if your devices are getting on, might be time to change them with bigger memories, I just did reluctantly after 7 years, but appreciate the quicker downloads and the rest, sometimes I'm my own worst nightmare. Hopefully someone comes along and provides a better answer for you which will sort it. Also you could try these out if you haven't already in the link below. https://www.businessinsider.in/tech/how-to/6-ways-to-troubleshoot-when-youtube-is-not-working/articleshow/87321434.cms Good luck.
  17. Well, get out there then man, no point in lecturing all of us "who are living in fear", as you have stated. I'll be keeping an eye out in the media for you.
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