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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. If he was acting as caretaker PM when he ousted the then government, he wouldn't officially be PM, e.g. sworn in as PM, so he would be in the position as acting/care taker PM, which is not really his position, suffice to say, I believe he will get a few more months out of it, i.e. when he was officially sworn in as PM and received the salary of such a position. Roll your dices people, could go either way, but my money is on him returning for the short term to finish his 8 year term as the officially sworn in PM.
  2. When the policy I was on climbed to ridiculous, I started self insuring, if your in a position to put 10k of your currency away per annum as I do, it will eventually build up, depending on age and financial position, that said, I am in a good position having funds aside for a major event, although would like to avoid it if possible. Insuring what you can of yourself is good, just want to make sure they honour the claims and not try to blame it on causation, i.e. your pre-existing condition contributed to it, therefore we decline your claim. Being insured only means your insured if they honour your claims, that's a 50/50 at best, however it makes one comfortable to know they are covered, so to speak.
  3. Now that you have been labelled as having a pre-existing condition, you can bet on it that no one will touch you, regardless, however is you do find someone to cover you, they will make sure, that part will be excluded or your policy will cost the earth. My advice from someone who has a pre-existing condition from 15 years ago with no problems since, time to self insure, if you can, otherwise, just hope for the best.
  4. Probably didn't even know or check to see that the photo was blurred, take and print. RIP
  5. When one starts to lose power, others start to think, and then........
  6. As far as I know, all lenders will require home loan insurance annually when giving a loan, that said, the only way you will find out if you are required to take out insurance through the lenders choice is to read the home loan policy. Banks keeping insurance in house tends to make them feel more comfortable with this as they can tell if the property they are lending against is insured, meaning if it burns down to the ground, they can get their money back easier if they had to sell up. The insurance amount doesn't sound excessive, I have 2 mil insurance and pay something like 6,500 baht per annum.
  7. I hope to see them back in the streets after 1 October when they lift the decree, i.e. if they do lift it. Governments around the world are changing because the people have had enough, here is a little different, when someone or some people are sick of the government, no names mentioned, they send in the military and then you have what you have since 2014, a caretaker government, come government, lock stock and barrel.
  8. We can all see your a real contributor Somchai, have another half empty glass why don't you.
  9. I hope they give him the automatic one hit 10 year sentence for his troubles, at the very least, regardless if he didn't mean to kill him with his punch, what did he expect his punch would do to his skull on his way down to the pavement below him, or didn't he thing about that when his anger got the best of him. 10 years should give him plenty of time to think again before he throws a punch, and if he's married, not visitation rights for his wife and kids, simply because the deceased wife and kids can't see him anymore. Judge and jury right here.
  10. I just insured with AXA, depending on the cover you want, I went for the gold standard, 2 million cover plus other coverage, so for the family of 4 it cost me about 4,424 baht which is reasonable for a couple of weeks cover. Confirmed from my door when I leave to when I get back to my door upon my return. Pretty easy process as well.
  11. Entitled to your opinion, that said, I have had my Ford for 7 years, clocked over 210,000 kilometres so far, not a single issue. I change my oil every 15,000 kilometres, haven't even changed the brakes yet, only to sets of tyres, one battery and a drive pulley and belt. Still drives like new, so there is one good story about Ford, oh and the service guys when the car was under warranty were great, after warranty I took it elsewhere for the oil changes as it's far cheaper for me to buy the oil on line and have them change it with a filter for about 400 baht. Would I buy another Ford here, in a heart beat. Sounds to me like he had some dirty fuel, that said, I make sure I put petrol in at the same place all the time, that way I can trace it back to them if the problem ever occurred.
  12. Be interested to know the outcome by either a PM or an updated reply here as we are travelling overseas soon and have AXA in mind, but their insurance is limited, e.g. 2 million baht and I would think one would need more than that when overseas if requiring hospital care. We too have AA Insurance brokers for our house, car and family private cover, but hadn't considered contacting them for travel insurance.
  13. I are say, he doesn't have the numbers, and if he does become the next PM, God help us farangs, as you say.
  14. It has always ticked, and will tick till it stops, from natural causes, or other, that's life, tick tock, tick tock.
  15. Am I allowed to say here on AN, less air to you Anutin, the sooner this racist is gone the more fresh air we will have to breath.
  16. Each to their own when it comes to making a decision, that said, I would think if Delta was still around the tune your singing would be very different. If your happy you didn't get vaccinated, good for you, many of us are happy we did get vaccinated, based on our own research, not because governments were pushing for it. I'm still here and so are all the many, many, many others that got vaxed that I know, one that I know who didn't get vaxed, her choice, my mum, passed, but hey, she was ready to go anyways, her own words, another who is 60, healthy, never smoked, a moderate drinker, swore that is he had the choice to go back, he would have gotten vaxed because going through it was hell, thinking he was going to die in hospital. To sum up, I believe that the number (millions) that died since Covid came along, would have been higher, suffice the decision I made based on my own research warranted me receiving the vaccine, oh, I was very very hesitant in the beginning, now vaccinated, as is the family, all having Covid and very grateful to the USA for their Pfizer, make of that what you will, as I said before, each to their own, no wrongs, no rights, it's about staying safe and also helping us reach the level of "herd immunity" without massive losses. Was it all a con, I don't know, all I know is we are all still here breathing, that's what's important to me.
  17. I have reached the stage that I don't want to drive anymore, that said, I take the kids to school and pick them up, it's a 20km country drive, and I have told the wife, she is on notice, I cannot handle driving here anymore, she said why do you think I get you to drive to the kids and pick them up, I'm your Princes remember....LOL The above said, what are our options, to put them in a minivan or a bus, not going to happen so guess I keep my day job ????
  18. Add to that; when at a T-section turning left into a road that has 3 carriage ways which are heading in the same direction you will be going when you turn left, don't only look right for when it safe to turn left, look left as well as right because there will be those motorbikes who are on the wrong side of the road (your side) wanting to turn into the street your coming out of, and sometimes passing right in front of your front end when your about to turn left. I have come close a few times.
  19. That's a given, doesn't matter what country your in, same applies at Pedestrian or Zebra crossings, your life is in your own hands, trust no one who drives a car/truck or rides a bike as they are all lethal weapons on the move so to speak. RIP
  20. Amazing Thailand, don't these clowns ever learn, guess they enjoy their free board and meals in a crowed cell with 30 others.
  21. I never hold more than a million baht in my account in Thailand, that is usually enough for my annual budget and I draw down accordingly. The timing of the transferred amount also satisfies the annual extension (marriage). If I ever got into dire straits, I could transfer from my overseas account to my Wise account and have the money here in my Thai bank, usually within a day or 2 the most. I have 3 accounts overseas, each one protects me to the sum of 6,250,000 baht, that said, as the protection here with the Thai banks is limited, I would be crazy to shift my money here.
  22. Covid will be around just like the cold and flu, and will also have many variants which will be tracked, same as the flu. People, older people and immunocompromised people would be wise to get their annual jabs, like the flu. I can't see a variant kicking up like it was before, as they usually start off lethal and then wane, but on the rare chance, can become deadly again, that said, while the sun is shining, we should make hay of it.
  23. Umm, in case you haven't heard, the pandemic is over and Thailand is joining the ranks of other countries, so I wouldn't call it greed, it is timing more than anything. Lets all move along now, nothing to see here.
  24. Yeh but can she cook ? My mum told me that before I marry a woman, she must cook like a chef, be a handy person to do all the repairs around the house and a whore in bed, not to mention be at least 20 years my junior. Mum was spot on, but I didn't tell her I found mine at a bar ????
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