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Everything posted by bamnutsak

  1. Acording to the article, nothing. Although I think The Trump Organization may be under investigation for wider tax fraud. I think Eric runs the Trump Org.? I guess it may mean that Donald Trump doesn't "hire the best people"? Which hardly comes a surprise.
  2. 1 gram per watt is considered the holy grail. 0.5 gram per watt is more the norm. These are dryed/cured weights. You'll need, 1,000 watts, at a minimum for 4 flowers at 250 gr each. Probably more like 2,000 watts. Another prolific poster here mentioned that they grow 50 ounces (1,400 grams) per year, which seems preposterous. Electricity, assuming you're a direct PEA/MEA customer is 4 baht/unit. It was set to rise to 5 baht per unit but that may have been shelved for a while? I think people underestimate the challenges and costs of growing quality cannabis indoors here. And they overestimate the potential yields. An eighth in my home state in the U.S. is 2,550 baht (right now). For me here, now, I look for eighths at 2,000 baht max. I don't smoke a lot, but prefer specific strains and a higher quality. Right now I'm only buying from three sources, two are small time growers. I did buy a 90% THC stick, which while expensive, is so simple to use, and is cost-effective for me. I think this shop in Phuket, based on the location from Google Maps, is not at all representative of the wider market here. It is clearly focused on foreign visitors, who are less price sensitive than most Thais and resident aliens. Tourists may not want to spend their limited time looking for the best prices, or ordering on-line?
  3. Limited run, 1.1 million bottles. Thitiporn Thammaphimukkul, Chief Marketing Officer - Brand of Boon Rawd Trading Co., Ltd., revealed that this summer, Leo beer adds a new color to the market. Under the concept "LEO THE EXPLORER" launches 3 new flavors from 3 varieties of hops, namely COLUMBUS, YELLOW SUB and GALAXY, in a beautiful design aluminum bottle, size 385 CC. Limited quantity. Only 1.1 million bottles For "Leo the Explorer" consists of Leo Columbus (LEO COLUMBUS) brings hops species from America as an important element. And is considered as the hops used to produce craft beer, YELLOW SUB (YELLOW SUB) hops from Europe. which is regarded as the origin of hops It is also famous for being one of the world's most famous brews, and one of Australia's most famous varieties of galaxies (GALXY) hops. The highlight of beer Leo. The Explorer is pulling hops Which is the heart of the beer brewing comes in a bottle in a different form than before. Especially the process of adding hops at the end of the fermentation (Dry Hops) to make the beer clearly smell and taste from the hops that are inserted. https://brandinside.asia/leo-the-explorer/
  4. https://www.economist.com/big-mac-index Big Mac meal in U.S. is $5.99 Here it is 199 THB, or ~ $5.65
  5. Yes, but it's so hard to light and smoke. Or is this Acapulco Gold?
  6. Without understanding the provenance of this cannabis, examining it in person and understanding the target market/local competition, it's difficult to understand their pricing strategy? The Reddit topic lists some 212 dispensaries on Phuket. That is, those prices seem ~ 30% greater than prices for similar product here in Bangkok. Based on the photos, and strain names, my guess is those are grown here indoors. The trim looks nice. But with that variety there must be multiple growers. Importing that many strains would be challenging. The market(s) (tourists, Thais, aliens residents) and supplies remains in flux, and it may take 12 - 18 months for prices to come to rest on some sort of supply/demand curve, allowing for four or five (or more) gradations. Sellers are free to charge any price, and consumers are free to purchase, or not, at those prices. I think there has been some hoarding, which impacted locally-rown supplies pretty quickly, because of pent-up demand and a fear that it would be made illegal again.
  7. Maybe switch to the https://www.bangkokbank.com/en/Personal/Cards/Be1st-Smart-Card/Be1st-Digital I think there are both virtual and physical versions of this card. It is Mastercard endorsed. I think you can apply using the mobile app. Bualuang mobile app. Assume you have internet banking, and also use the mobile app? Make sure you extend the validity of your SIM card, and register for internaitonal roaming and WiFi calling if available. For those with SCB check out the Planet Card, could be handy for international travelers.
  8. Yes, released already. There was even talk of returning some 16 tonnes of cannabis siezed by the police. Do you have any other questions, while we're here standing on your lawn? I think you are a bit behind in current events. Cannabis flowers are legal to produce, sell and consume, with no THC limits. Extracts are illegal, as is importing cannabis. Smoking in public is discouraged, and can be illegal if you're annoying people. Sales/use are prohibited for under 20 YO, and for lactating women. If you have further concerns maybe touch base with the police. They should be able to address your issues. I'm sure they'd love to hear from you.
  9. As president, Trump approved a law increasing penalties for mishandling classified info. It could come back to bite him. A bill that Donald Trump signed into law in 2018 could be used to punish the former president if he's found to have mishandled classified information after leaving office. Bradley P. Moss, a national security attorney, told Insider that Trump could face five years in prison if he's found guilty under a national security bill that he signed as president. It upgraded the seriousness of wrongly moving classified material, turning it from a misdemeanor into a felony — and increasing the maximum sentence to five years, up from one. https://www.businessinsider.com/law-trump-signed-2018-may-punish-him-classified-info-2022-8 https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/senate-bill/139 (Sec. 202) The penalty for the unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or material is increased from one to five years.
  10. Motorola Edge 30 But I don't think there's a phone which satisfies all of the OPs requirements? Which service provider? Does your current phone support WiFi calling? Note that while most phones do support WiFi calling, the service provider may have a list they support, and performan IMEI check on. Maybe look at some custom ROMs for the security/tracking/permissions issues, although they introduce a whole new set of issues.
  11. ^ Article is two months old. New shops in Bangkok I can recommend: Find on FB, LINE RoLOFT Arijuana Space Time Bang Na Many resources, a few: https://www.thailandweedmaps.com/ https://www.thaiweedmaps.com/
  12. OK, I'm confused, how can Trump be so sure that he declassified the evidence that the FBI planted?
  13. This one. “The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”
  14. Sixth: "No big deal", just papers. The "Eric/Jesse Watters" defense. (Check) Seventh: "Obama did worse". (Check) Eighth: "Deep State persecution." (Check) The sheer number of excuses offered by the right indicates an increasing level of fear and desperation. That Brian Kilmeade used a photoshopped photo on Fox, with the warrant-issuing magistrate's head pasted onto Jeffrey Epstien's body shows just how desperate they are.
  15. For some, Sandy Berger, David Patraeus and Reality Winner, it's a bit more serious than an overdue library book. But it is amusing that you associate a library book with Trump, who famoulsy said his favorite book was the bible, like he's ever been inside a library, or read a book. And props on playing the "victim" card, awesome look for the strong and powerful former President. For example, a recent case... Hawaii Woman Gets 90 Days in Jail in Embassy Documents Case HONOLULU (AP) — A Honolulu woman who pleaded guilty to taking classified documents while working at the U.S. Embassy in Manila was sentenced Thursday to 90 days in jail. Asia Janay Lavarello pleaded guilty last year to one count of knowingly removing classified information, according to the U.S. Department of Justice. https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/hawaii/articles/2022-02-10/hawaii-woman-gets-90-days-in-jail-in-embassy-documents-case#:~:text=HONOLULU (AP) — A Honolulu,the U.S. Department of Justice.
  16. She didn't really think things through before posting this "open letter". Her antagonists are Thais, not Americans or Canadians. It is illegal to export cannabis from California. It is illegal to import cannabis into Thailand. It is Thais, for the most part, who are buying cannabis in CA and air-freighting it to Thailand. These are obviously "influential" people. And it is Thai shops, from the most part, selling illegally imported cannabis. And they market it as such. I understand her issue, and try to support Thai growers. But her beef is with Thais, Customs, RTP.
  17. What system exactly are you looking for? Can you provide a photo? Small turn-key system? Larger, production system? DWC? Ebb-flow? Closed system? Indoor? Outdoor? There are quite a few shops selling hydro set-ups. A quick look on FB will reveal them. I think there's a lot of detail on this forum, although not cannabis-specific as that only recently became legal to grow. https://aseannow.com/topic/964848-hydroaquaponic-gardening/
  18. Just when they thought they had written a robust Constitution (Meechai's fourth, the country's 30th-ish) they get pulled back in. Time to restart the jalopy, again.
  19. So will Trump file motion to block this unsealing, as is his option I think? Given all his, and other Republican's, baying about "transparency" it might be a bad look if he objects. Then again, the contents may be less than flattering. I guess we'll know by 3:00 PM Friday (U.S. time). Justice Department moves to unseal search warrant used to seize documents from Trump's home "The press and the public enjoy a qualified right of access to criminal and judicial proceedings and the judicial records filed therein," wrote U.S. Attorney Juan Antonio Gonzalez and Jay Bratt, head of the Justice Department's counterintelligence and export control section. They added that the "public's clear and powerful interest in understanding what occurred under these circumstances weighs heavily in favor of unsealing." The judge quickly ordered federal prosecutors to confer with Trump's attorneys and determine whether they oppose the motion to unseal the warrant and related documents, setting a deadline of 3 p.m. Friday for the Trump team's response. https://www.cbsnews.com/live-updates/merrick-garland-trump-search-warrant-attorney-general-justice-department/
  20. He's just here to pick up the loot he stashed. Yes, he'll be paying a hefty "handling fee" to the Thai authorities.
  21. 440 times! People are saying that he's the BEST fifth-amemendment taker ever. Trump took the Fifth Amendment at least 440 times in deposition with NYS attorney general Letitia James: report That’s a whole lot of self-incrimination. Former President Donald Trump pleaded the Fifth Amendment at least 440 times on Wednesday to avoid answering questions in his four-hour deposition with New York Attorney General Letitia James’s office in lower Manhattan about business dealings at his real estate company, according to NBC News. https://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/us-elections-government/ny-trump-fifth-amendment-440-times-nys-attorney-general-james-20220811-x4gbkskjfrhkrfmndvolqi434m-story.html
  22. ^ Facebook, Messenger, Instagram, Twitter, LINE
  23. The main issue is that there is no replacement strategy. Anutin is not reliable for the PtB/dinosaurs. Prayut wants to saunter off to the Privy Council, like Prem before him, sooner rather than later, but what's the transition plan?
  24. Cheaper to just pay the generals, and hangers-on, their slice of the graft directly. Then you're not stuck with something too embarassing like an aircraft carrier.
  25. There is an upside, he didn't shoot anyone on Fifth Avenue during his visit to Manhattan for this deposition. Trump also appears to have lost his tax release battle with the IRS/Congress. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-08-09/trump-s-tax-returns-can-be-released-to-congress-court-rules So a tough week, legally, for the ex-president.
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