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Everything posted by digbeth

  1. MOI order dated 14 march 2560. in case of both (foreign) parent that resided in Thailand for at least 15 years (also mention having 13 digit thai ID number, does pink/alien card counts?) previously was pre 1972 (2515) Jus Soli right given to anyone born in Thailand
  2. my diesel truck pass the annual inspection despite not having a catalytic converter, due to it being clogged up one time, and to replace it with new ones from the dealer costs just too much new cars standards are stricter than what's required to pass at the annal test centers, so unless they up the standard test for older diesels, most of the trucks will still pass
  3. at some government hospital there's a machine that you insert the national ID card and it spits out slip of paper confirming your status, some make you do this before every visit or the staff print out manually and attaches this to your accompanying papers that you take to see various department from doctors, lab tests and pharmacy and cashier
  4. no, this is full unlimited, came with some calling minutes too, I have short code written on the sim card sleeve it came in,
  5. AIS don't have advertised unlimited data on prepaid, but the girls in AIS shop can get me one, cost about the same 1200+ baht by topping up and using a short code +# something dialed out on the phone, there's inconvenience in having to take the sim out of the router to dial this code every month
  6. chinese taking over half the condos can vote through thing like not enforcing daily rentals and airbnb out the room or even to tour groups is a real possibility but they seem to mull the option that foreign ownership over the 49percent original quota might not have voting rights, or make it 99 years lease... like most proposals are in Thailand... clear as mud
  7. where are you, there's garbage mountain in Samut Prakarn and depends on the wind it could be smelled far away
  8. if they found this unconstitutional, if anyone would bother making the case, various aspect of immigration law like being married to a Thai male vs female benefits in becoming citizens might count too
  9. Thailand's alcohol law means they can't advertise the fact that it's on a 'sale' or 'reduced from previously...' a sale would come in the form of temporary price change, then back up again Talked to the girls and they say it's not a 'sale'
  10. so the current law is that if a husband cheats with a woman - the wife can sue for damages and divorce but if he cheats with a ladyboy or a man - scot free
  11. not in Myanmar, the driver swerved to avoid crashing into burmese on motorcycle
  12. depends on the models, most a/c in Thailand has no heater core plumbed in, even in supposedly climate control models with temperature readout, whereas proper climate control models will have mix in heat from the heater to lower temperature while keeping the a/c running, useful to remove moisture and fog from the windscreens on rainy days while not needing to set the temperature to too cold
  13. plain milk are price controlled everywhere in Thailand, so unless you got the organic, extra fat special cow milk, they cost the same acoss the country
  14. actual report before it went through layers of chinese whispers was that the plane was due to refuel at Utapao anyway, and there was no emergency, only that the pilot reported the front gear was reluctant to turn at the end of the runway, hence the plane was sitting on the runway for a while and tow vehicle was requested but the issue was corrected, no emergency was ever declared
  15. Would you rather have her by hysterical? there are various ways your card numbers could have been compromised, skimmed from the many physical shops you used, or being copied by shop staff and sold, or if you've ever used it online, compromised at the site disputing charge with credit card is normal procedure and no need to get worked up over it, unless the bank refuses to reimburse you
  16. the ones who are here aren't as nasty as the ones that made it to the 'west' got a business, thai restaurant maybe, halfie kids that can't really speak Thai, the good ones exist but the bad ones over there are worse
  17. Look at all the HiSo's current models that has equivalent EV 'trim' from China with 0% tariff, BMW iX3s, Volvos XC40, the importers seem to keep the margin to themselves either to protect the ICE market. Same with locally assembled BMWs and Mercedes, price never come down
  18. so are you going to refuse what they ask and make your life difficult? Asking why or if what they demand has legal basis isn't going to help your situation
  19. If they're working, they'll be on social security where they can select their own hospitals, most that'll accept new registration for social security in Bangkok are private, which will either have a 'social security/30 baht scheme' wing with longer wait for service For pregnancy, if you're registered at a government hospital, there's also a way to secure extra 'special' service of a doctor, where you pay the doctor and you either see him at his private clinic, but delivered at the government hospital where he has privilege, you'll get preferential treatment and the same doctor at every visit at the government hospital, whereas if you didn't pay for 'special' you get whatever doctor is on duty that day, plus you can arrange private rooms and cesarian in advance Some view the special clinic as a bribe to the doctor as the hospital aren't billed for this
  20. As a farang, you'd rarely come into contact with the wrong side of right wing thai policies? most of the things moaned about here are: - no alcohol days? - restrictive immigration policy, yet you're here in droves what makes you put up with the 90day run around - couldn't afford to live elsewhere? - not being able to own land for those that can afford to come here they'd have enough money that these minor inconvenience shouldn't be a problem
  21. Words from the sales girls are that the banks are more restrictive to give out loans now, could also explain the shortfall in registration numbers vs bookings numbers claimed at the motorshow
  22. Only Canada and US, Most of the countries got rid of 'Jus Soli' right to citizenship from just being born on the land in the 70s and 80s most of Europe and Australia requires residency from one of the parents, or that the child born stay in the country until certain age to be allowed citizenship Thailand put similar restrictions on due to the amount of Myanmar 'anchor babies' but to be fair a lot of migrant workers from Myanmar has made a life of their own here, family, but their jobs would never pay enough for them to be on permanent residency or citizenship
  23. Nirun Grand in Pattaya? Plenty of other working class condos / apartments in Bangkok too
  24. For the universal 30 baht scheme It's not gonna be easy to change your 'primary care' hospital according to tabien ban (blue book) would mean needing to find a destination near the ideal hospital to move to, and a willing housemaster ie. landlord that will let you 'move in' to the tabien ban, which ideally they have to but in practice not always or find a friend that's willing to have you be on their housebook Another complication is that the big provincial hospitals won't even let you use the 30 baht rights unless you got a referral from the Amphur hospitals or the 'Health Center' which will be the closest to your registered address first
  25. I've seem to read somewhere that it's new TIS standard, mandatory on newer tubes now, but in actual use they're hard to pull once installed, so just pull them up before inserting and we're back to square one the twist type tube holder are safer than the spring loaded one in this regard but aren't there types where one side is L and other side is N, and other case where both L and N are on one side and the switch bridges the other side for use in the other case, I've seem to burned out a light due to being the wrong type
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